
Chapter 1030 Test

Chapter 1030 Test
This Drunken Immortal Pond was originally Murong Feixue's blessed place, and this pier area was used to receive visitors.However, as long as any monks of the Zongmen receive an invitation, they can go to the island with the invitation.

The ringing of the gong this time attracted the host to greet him in person, which naturally made many monks around see it.At the same time, the eyes of these people looking at Yi Tian became very jealous, and there was no trace of disdain in their eyes.

The most proud thing is that Tian Zhuangshi followed behind him with his head held high and his chest held high, and his whole body was full of energy, as if he knew who he was.But other people's eyes just stayed on him for a while and then moved away.

As for Chuntao who was leading the way ahead, she walked with her head down all the way, not daring to make a sound.

After walking for a while, I heard Murong Feixue say: "How did Junior Brother Yi know the correct way to use the Seven-tone Shocking Heaven Gong?"

"This doesn't seem to be the real Qiyin Tiantian Gong, at best it's a fake with a high degree of imitation," Yi Tian said disdainfully.

"Oh, Junior Brother Yi's sharp eyes can tell the truth at a glance, I'm just curious why you are so categorically sure that it must be a fake?" Murong Feixue asked curiously.

"The real thing is at least as good as the prefecture level, and Sun Kai didn't pay attention when imitating the refining. The timbre of the gong was released without blending. If it was replaced by that kid Pei Yuexiao, it might be possible to strengthen it one more level. " Yi Tian said casually.

It’s just that these words are different in the ears of the three people. Tian Zhuangshi’s face is full of admiration at this time. He didn’t expect that his lord can not only tell the origin of this spiritual weapon, but also tell the story of the master refiner. title.

As for Chuntao's face was full of horror at this time, because what Yi Tian said was not bad at all.Moreover, he also revealed the secret reason. In addition, when addressing the two masters, they seem to be discussing the Tao as peers. Naturally, their identities are not as simple as imagined.

On the contrary, Murong Feixue said with a calm and reasonable expression: "Junior Brother Yi is worthy of being a master of the formation, presumably Master Sun told you these things himself."

"That's not true. I mentioned it when I was chatting with Pei Yuexiao on the way to Qingfeng City. It was just a joke at the time." Yi Tian didn't hide anything and directly mentioned the incident between himself and Pei Yuexiao on the sky patrol ship. Down.

Half a quarter later, the four of them came to a fork in the road and Murong Feixue said softly, "Junior Brother Yi, go ahead and wait at the venue, I have a distinguished guest to greet."

"It's okay, Senior Sister, do what you want," Yi Tian said, then strode towards the path Murong Feixue pointed out.Tian Zhuangshi, who was behind him, hurriedly followed, and he did not forget to say hello to Chuntao before leaving, but it was a pity that he was ignored by others.

After the figures of the two disappeared into the depths of the path, Chuntao asked directly: "Miss, you just let him enter the Five Elements Illusory Formation with a burden, what if you really can't get out?"

"I just want to see how strong his formation skills are. It's not uncommon for him to be able to break out of the formation alone. The key is to see how he can protect his servants so that they can get out of trouble safely," Murong Feixue said lightly. He said: "If it can be done, then it will be worthwhile for me to greet him personally. Presumably, if he can break through the formation, he will definitely make some harsh demands. You have to be prepared yourself."

Chuntao's face was frightened and she hurriedly asked: "Could it be that he will accept me as a concubine?"

"As a soaring cultivator who is pure-minded and ascetic, he won't, but he didn't know about it when he spoke for that subordinate. Let's go, we'll see if it works in a while," Murong Feixue raised her hand and passed Yi Tian just now The road directly disappeared.Today there is only one small trail leading to the place where today's fair is held.

Tian Zhuangshi talked and laughed all the way along the path, and talked about his views on Morong Feixue from time to time.On the contrary, Yi Tian's face sank after he walked a short circuit, and then he stopped Tian Zhuangshi's nonsense.

Then a glint of blue light flashed in his eyes, and he directly used his Qingling Dharma Eyes to explore the road in front of him. After ten breaths, his face sank and he said, "It's really bad luck. I came to the exchange meeting and was tricked for no reason."

"Why did your lord say that?" Tian Zhuangshi asked hastily, he was not a fool and naturally saw that something was wrong.

After the surrounding environment changed, the two of them seemed to be in Murong Feixue's garden at this moment, but they seemed to be in the flowers in front of them, but as long as they paid a little attention, they could find that there was no spiritual energy emanating from the surrounding spiritual flowers and grasses. .

I have been in Lingzhi Garden for more than 50 years, and I have heard and seen the growth habits and cultivation process of Lingzhi, so the simple truth is naturally clear in my heart.

Tian Zhuangshi, who was behind him, also noticed something was wrong, and said, "The Lingzhi here is so fake, it doesn't look real at all," he bent down and stretched out his hand to touch a scarlet orchid.

"Wait, that's an illusion, don't touch the formation restriction," Yi Tian shouted hastily after seeing it.

It's a pity that Tian Zhuangshi's hand was too fast, as soon as his hand touched it, it seemed that the spirit around him surged violently.Suddenly, a ray of light flashed under his feet, and his figure disappeared out of thin air.

Seeing this, Yi Tian curled his lips and said inwardly: "Sure enough, there is something strange. After the restriction of this formation is touched, people will be teleported away out of thin air. From this, it seems that the five-element formation should be set up here, but I don't know where the formation eyes are. I hope Tian Just be strong and stop acting rashly."

This time Murong Feixue made it clear that she wanted to test her abilities, if she was disappointed, that would be her greatest regret.After thinking about it, he put his hands together in front of his eyes and pointed towards his eyes. Suddenly, under the flickering of two cyan lights, he directly used the eyes of true seeing.

Wherever the gaze went, the illusion in front of him was broken, and then he moved his feet and rushed directly towards a flowered wall in front of him.

Little did they know that Murong Feixue and Chuntao were observing the situation in the formation through a bronze mirror at another place on the island.When she saw Yi Tian rushing directly towards the flower wall, Chuntao showed contempt on her face and said, "Isn't this Yi Tian so special, he didn't even find a way out."

Murong Feixue's expression didn't change and she said: "No, he didn't intend to go alone at all, he was looking for that follower."

While talking, I saw Yi Tian went straight through several fantasy barriers without stopping, and found Tian Zhuangshi not long after.Fortunately, the latter is also a Nascent Soul cultivator, who stays put and waits for help.

However, this made the two observers a little bit less interested, and it seemed that something was missing from such a boring battle.Murong Feixue lightly tapped the formation disk in front of her, and after a spiritual force was injected into it, the formation disk started to work again.

And Yi Tian, ​​who was in the formation, suddenly felt a sense of uneasiness floating in his heart after receiving Tian Zhuangshi.In the big formation, the surrounding spiritual power surged rapidly, and then there was a tremor from the ground, and two golden rays of light suddenly appeared among the flowers, staring at their position.

At this time, Tian Zhuangshi grew up and shouted: "This formation is so interesting that even wild animals can be transformed."

"Fool, that's true." Yi Tian pouted.

(End of this chapter)

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