
Chapter 1031 Bai Ling

Chapter 1031 Bai Ling
In this five-element formation, he felt the fluctuations of the surrounding spiritual power rapidly running for no reason, and at the same time, there seemed to be some movement in a bush in front of him.

Yi Tian said solemnly: "I didn't expect to think highly of us so much, even monsters in the transformation stage were brought into this big formation, it seems that we are in trouble this time."

After hearing this, Tian Zhuangshi's expression became extremely ugly. Since Yi Tian said that it is a monster in the transformation stage, he can't be wrong.Looking along the two gloomy lights, I found a shadow more than ten feet high lurking behind the flower wall in front.

Tian Zhuangshi's expression changed drastically after he used his divine sense to check it out. He pointed at the shadow and said, "It's a big bug with a cultivation base of at least 3000 years, judging from the fluctuations in its demonic energy."

"It's been a fool for at most 1000 years, and it's because of the spiritual power of this large formation that it has such coercion. You just wait and don't move just to protect yourself, and then I will show you the means of this seat," Yi said. Tian curled his lips and said.

To be honest, this big formation was obviously set up by Murong Feixue, she might be sitting somewhere watching every move in the formation right now.

Although I don't know her intentions, I still feel that it is extremely tricky now.The key is not to do our best under the prying eyes of others, but also to deal with possible crises in the formation, and at the same time to ensure Tian Zhuangshi's safety.

After thinking about it, he reached out and took out several ghost face flower seeds, held them in his hand and quickly activated them. After three breaths, his right hand popped out the seeds again and again and buried them directly in the surrounding soil.

As soon as the arrangement was completed, a white tiger about ten feet long slowly walked out from behind the flower wall, opened its bloody mouth and roared at the two of them, and then rushed towards them with a tiger pounce.

Yi Tian stretched out his hand and wove the flower vines into a protective net to block Tian Zhuangshi directly, while he dealt with the white tiger with actual combat evasion skills.

After being easily dodged several times, the white tiger seemed to become angry from embarrassment, then raised his head and roared, and his whole body attracted the spiritual power of the formation to give him another blessing.

In an instant, I saw that it grew three feet taller and became bigger in size. It turned its head and stared at Yi Tian and his eyes.

Tian Zhuangshi was stunned by the scene in front of him. This white tiger could absorb a large array of spiritual power to strengthen itself.Obviously, the current action is three points more violent than before. If they don't think of a way, maybe the two of them will have to explain here.

Now the strength of the white tiger is already at the level of the late stage of transformation, and a Nascent Soul cultivator like him can't take a few moves in front of him.On the other hand, Yi Tiandong hid in Xishan and refused to fight back, Tian Zhuangshi shouted anxiously: "Your Excellency, think of a way, at worst, just bow your head and admit defeat with Senior Murong."

"Fart, you fearless gangster flinched when you encountered some difficulties. You really thought you were a beast, but you dared to be so presumptuous because you temporarily gained some strength through the blessing of formations," although Yi Tian kept saying He used escapism to change his position, but he didn't show any signs of defeat.

At the same time, the frown that was originally frowned slowly relaxed, and he said softly: "Relying on the power of the spirit array to be fierce, don't watch me spank your ass for a while."

The white tiger seemed to understand Yi Tian's words, and immediately arched its back and its long hairs stood up one by one.The white tiger's heart was agitated after many times of tiger's claw attack failed, and suddenly saw the opportunity, the whole body absorbed the spiritual energy again, and the speed increased by three points, and it rushed towards Yi Tian.

But this time Yi Tian didn't mean to dodge at all, he just glanced at him and said: "It's just in time, let's see how I deal with you," and then said "Go" to the white tiger under his hands.

In an instant, vertical vines emerged from the ground and entangled around the white tiger's four claws. It was obvious that this was the guardian beast of the large formation, how could it be easily captured.

I saw it flew into the air as soon as it kicked its limbs, and then pressed down on Yi Tian with a tiger pounce.

With a sudden jump, vines as thick as the mouth of the bowl sprang out from the ground, and at the end was a pink flower bud about a foot in size. With a sound of 'bang', the bud opened and turned into a three-foot-sized round surface, and several flower stems deep inside rolled towards the white tiger again.

This will not disappoint Yi Tian, ​​and directly traps the flying white tiger with a single blow.Those thorny flower stems directly entangled the white tiger's limbs and then slowly pulled them back. The thorns wrapped around the feet pierced the skin and blood slowly seeped from them, immediately staining the four feet red.

However, Yi Tian didn't dare to do too much and directly took the life of the white tiger. Instead, the figure flashed behind it, took out a cane and whipped it hard on the ass.

A strange cry came from the white tiger's mouth, and the monster didn't dare to struggle anymore under the pain.Yi Tian then went up and cast a spell to bind it firmly, and then shouted at Tian Zhuangshi: "You take it with you, we will go out later."

"My lord, this monster is so big that I can't even move it, so you should do it," Tian Zhuangshi said timidly.

"Give you a chance, if you don't grasp it, I can't help you anymore. Listen to me and take it out for a while, and it will naturally benefit you," Yi Tian lured slowly.

After hearing this, Tian Zhuangshi knew that it was difficult to disobey his intention, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and put the heavily tied white tiger on his back, and followed Yi Tian and walked forward slowly.

Not long after, the two of them came to a place with extremely strong spiritual power. Yi Tian observed the surrounding environment and said with a smile: "Almost the node is here, you step back and wait for me to crack the formation."

Then he stretched out his hand and tapped it three times in the air, and at the same time, three green lights shot towards different directions, concentrating on three voids out of thin air.

As the ripples of spiritual power spread out, a one-foot-sized formation disk appeared in the air. Yi Tian reached out to touch the formation disk to lightly activate it, and then shot out a beam of light to illuminate one side of the space.After three breaths, a seven-foot-high and two-foot-wide light door appeared, and when Yi Tian saw it, he stepped forward unceremoniously and dodged into the large space.

Tian Zhuangshi followed closely behind and walked out carrying the white tiger, but he felt that the weight on his back was much lighter after just a few steps.I was wondering, and suddenly heard Yi Tian's words: "It's up to you next, the little guy's limbs are injured, please help him deal with it."

After putting down the white tiger on his back, Tian Zhuangshi checked it. What kind of white tiger was entangled in the thorns and vines? It was clearly a white cat.It's just that there are faint blood oozing from the limbs, and it can be seen at a glance that the skin has been worn out after being entangled with rattan.

After resting in place, the two continued to walk forward after Tian Zhuangshi took care of the white cat.There was no abnormality encountered on the next road, but Tian Zhuangshi looked aggrieved but did not dare to ask.

At this time, Murong Feixue, who was watching the movement in the depths of the island, sighed softly: "Wait for me to say hello to Junior Brother Yi, I hope he doesn't mind."

"Miss, why bother to go up and apologize in person, this matter can be left to the servants to do, and the two of them don't dare to do anything to Bai Ling," Chuntao said disdainfully.

(End of this chapter)

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