
Chapter 1032 Communication

Chapter 1032 Communication
The exchange meeting held by Murong Feixue this time was held on a small island in the middle of the Drunken Immortal Pond.Some people had arrived early and wanted to get close to the senior sister, but unfortunately, no one was seen after waiting for a long time.

These people's foreign skills are not bad, and there is no sign of anxiety on their faces. Instead, they sat down and chatted with the rest of their colleagues.

When Yi Tian rushed to the meeting place, it was almost about to start, and after showing the invitation card, he was arranged to a seat beside him.Seeing that it was actually at the last seat, Yi Tian could only shake his head with a wry smile. He probably made her unhappy by treating the elder sister's soul pet so badly just now.

Looking back, the white cat is now lying in Tian Zhuangshi's arms, squinting and snoozing.

However, some of the monks present seemed to recognize the origin of the white cat, and then a puzzled look appeared on their faces.

But more of it is the color of jealousy, this white cat has been with Murong Feixue for a long time, but now it is in the arms of a branch disciple, which naturally arouses suspicion.

Moreover, seeing that the white cat's limbs were faintly bloodstained, and there was a whip mark on the buttocks, I don't know what happened.

Yi Tian knew that this little guy's background was not simple, but he didn't expect that he would become the target of public criticism as soon as he arrived at the venue. If he had known earlier, it would be better to keep him in the formation.

Just as he was thinking about it, there was some abnormal movement outside the crowd not far away, and when he searched with his divine sense, he discovered that Murong Feixue had arrived.The corner of his mouth twitched slightly and he thought in his heart: "See how you end up, if you don't give yourself an explanation for this matter, don't blame me for getting mad."

Unexpectedly, after Murong Feixue came in, she walked directly towards the seat she was sitting on.After a while, he walked to the table, glanced at the white cat in Tian Zhuangshi's arms, and said in a dumbfounded voice: "So Bai Ling came here, no wonder I haven't found it all this time. Thanks to the help of Junior Brother Yi, I was able to find it this time. "

Yi Tian was taken aback, he didn't expect Murong Feixue to get close to him in this way.But the truth is well known to everyone, and it is not easy for me to tell my secrets under the watchful eyes of everyone.

In my heart, I couldn't help but think highly of the other party. It's really not easy to take everyone's face into consideration and get back the spiritual pet smoothly.

It is said that women are born actors, after what Murong Feixue said, Yi Tian hurriedly stood up and cupped his hands and replied: "It turned out to be my senior sister's spiritual pet. When I was passing by just now, I saw it being entangled by vines. I pulled it up. Unfortunately, my limbs had some skin trauma, but fortunately my subordinate Tian Zhuangshi is proficient in the treatment of spiritual pets, so I can apply medicine to stop the bleeding. Now I can finally return to Zhao."

After hearing this, Murong Feixue didn't expect Yi Tian to be able to pretend so much, her eyes flickered a few times and she replied: "That's really thanks to my junior brother, the lack of strict family education made everyone laugh. Thank you junior brother for your help, please go to the table. "After speaking, he stretched out his hand and pointed to the seat on the right-hand side.

As soon as this remark came out, all the monks who came to participate in the event all turned around at the same time, looked at Yi Tian for a while, and their faces were full of envy and jealousy.Yi Tian didn't know what they were thinking, but looking at Morong Feixue's appearance, there must be deep meaning.

After thinking about it, he nodded and said: "Everything can be arranged by senior sister."

Then he turned around and ordered Tian Zhuangshi to exchange the lark, and the other party was naturally Chuntao who came up to hand over, and when he saw the marks on the limbs and buttocks of lark, he seemed to have something to say on the spot.But looking at the young lady's face, she had no choice but to hold it back alive.

Yi Tian looked refreshed on his face, but he didn't dare to show anything on his face.When he walked to the right seat and sat down, Tian Zhuangshi stood behind him and served him, closing his eyes and resting his mind without saying much.

Obviously, all the people invited today have entered the arena early, only the person on the left side of Murong Feixue has not yet arrived.It seems that the identity of this person must not be underestimated, and the monks present are not dissatisfied with this. Everyone waited patiently. After several thoughts flashed through their minds, they couldn't help guessing the identity of this person.

After a while, Murong Feixue stood up and said: "Come on, wait for me to meet you all later." The figure flashed and moved directly from the chairman's seat.

It didn't take a while to hear two women's conversation coming from the side alley, and Yi Tian was stunned for a moment, isn't this just Qing Lianyun, the senior sister of Taiqing Pavilion Transformation Stage.Although it was a hasty farewell back then, I still have the ability to remember as a cultivator of transforming spirits.

Turning her head to see that it was really her, at this moment, she saw Murong Feixue and Qing Lianyun walking into the venue together, followed by the girl Cui Fuling.

All the fellow disciples present stood up and bowed their hands to salute. Naturally, Yi Tian stood up with everyone and said: "Elder Sister."

Qing Lianyun was still the same as before, and nodded to everyone in a blink of an eye.When he saw Yi Tian, ​​a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he returned to normal, and slowly entered the seat under Murong Feixue's arrangement.Cui Fuling turned around and stood behind her, but after turning her eyes around, there was a look of disdain on her face.

After everyone sat down, Murong Feixue slowly opened her mouth and said: "Today is a festive season, and we are so lucky to be here to share our cultivation experience." After speaking, the topic started slowly from her.

Of the people present, Murong Feixue and Qing Lianyun were naturally the highest in cultivation, and this exchange of cultivation experience naturally became a stage for them.Basically, it is in the form of a question and an answer, and there are few fellow monks around who can get in the way.

However, in Yi Tian's view, this is a rare opportunity. Knowing other people's experience will definitely be of great benefit to his future cultivation.Unknowingly, more than an hour has passed after some exchanges, and Murong Feixue took the opportunity to change the topic to exchange after seeing that it was almost done.

I only heard her say slowly: "You brothers and sisters must have brought a lot of rare and exotic goods to the grand meeting today, so let me start first." Two jade plaques appeared on the silk cloth.

She said again: "Two bottles of Ningxiang Yulu Pills are exchanged for one high-grade Ganoderma Lucidum. If you are interested, please bring the treasure and exchange it."

As soon as this remark was made, many monks present scanned with their spiritual thoughts, and then began to search for any spiritual plants that they could exchange.

But Yi Tian intentionally or unintentionally noticed that Murong Feixue's gaze was deliberately gliding towards him after she finished speaking, as if she was observing her own reaction.

Although I don't know the level of efficacy of this 'Ningxiang Yulu Pill', but I practice Lihuo Palace's skills, which emphasizes bravery and diligence, and I can use as little pills as possible to assist as little as possible on weekdays.Moreover, there is still a purpose in coming here today, and it is inevitable that he will have to bargain with Murong Feixue.

It doesn't matter if you don't take the small profits in front of you, and then you just go to the flagon on the table to drink for yourself without showing any emotion.Unexpectedly, this kind of behavior not only attracted Murong Feixue's attention, but even Qing Lianyun who was sitting on the side looked sideways at him.

(End of this chapter)

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