
Chapter 1033

Chapter 1033
In the exchange meeting held by Murong Feixue, there is always an exchange of cultivation experience first, this kind of exchange is commonplace in the eyes of others, so it becomes dispensable.

But it is not a problem for Yi Tian to lack of communication with people who are more advanced than himself for a long time. This time it is good to find an opportunity, of course he will not let it go easily.

During the exchange of experience in the first half, Murong Feixue and Qing Lianyun's conversations were all heard in their ears and kept in their hearts without saying a word.At the same time, I also compared the content of their conversations with the situation I encountered during my cultivation in my mind.

After the exchange was over, Yi Tian felt that his trip today was worthwhile, and he could benefit a lot from this exchange alone.In fact, I still hope that they can continue to talk. Although everyone present may not understand, I have already confirmed each other in my mind.

It's a pity that after some conversation, Murong Feixue also noticed that some people present were getting impatient, and then changed the topic to continue the exchange program in the second half.

When Murong Feixue took out two bottles of Ningxue Yulu Pills, the points of the whole scene moved. Many visiting monks must have come here for this thing.But the asking price is also high. Without high-level Lingzhi, it must not be possible to exchange for this thing.

On the contrary, Yi Tian didn't intend to start to exchange after looking aside, which really made Murong Feixue a little speechless.

And Qing Lianyun, who was sitting on the left side on the other side, also seemed to turn his gaze around, and only looked away after a little scrutiny.

In the end, only one of Murong Feixue's two bottles of elixir was exchanged, and the remaining bottle was not put away, it was placed on her table, it seemed that it was reserved for future use.

Then, starting from Qing Lianyun in his left hand, he took out panacea or spiritual weapons in turn to start competing for them.But Yi Tian found that almost all the people present exchanged raw materials with finished products, and such operations are understandable.After all, everyone here is either an alchemist or a craftsman, and there is no shortage of pills in hand.

The ones that came out were all those unique recipes, so people bid with each other. As for these things, they were not very attractive to him, so Yi Tian just watched the whole process with a cold eye and didn't say a word.

After the last lap, it was his turn. Looking at the eyes of fellow students around him, Yi Tian smiled and stood up slowly.He reached out and took out three jade boxes and put them on the stage, saying: "I need the pill formula of secluded Leidan and the main ingredients in it. If you are interested, you can come and exchange it. Inside this jade box are immature red Essence ginseng, a specialty of Lingzhi Garden."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone below showed a look of surprise, the things in the Lingzhi Garden were all for the alchemist's room.Even if the ghost gets those things out and sells them, he will try his best to deal with them secretly. Who knows that the same guard in front of him is guarding himself and stealing.

As a result, everyone was silent, and even the monks who had the pill and the main medicine held back and dared not speak out, for fear of causing trouble to the upper body.

It was Murong Feixue who was sitting on the main seat and asked: "Junior Brother Yi, are the Chijing Ginseng in your hand the batch specially for alchemists' rooms?"

"No, no, what I just said is very clear, the immature Chijing ginseng here is definitely not the batch that has been worshiped for a hundred years," Yi Tian replied.

But with a glance, everyone saw doubtful expressions on their faces, as if they didn't approve of what they did.

So Yi Tian didn't talk too much, he went directly to a jade box and gently lifted the seal talisman on it, and then opened the lid.I saw a fresh Chi Jing ginseng placed in it, its shape looks similar to normal ones, but everyone always feels that there is something missing.

After closing the lid, Yi Tiancai said with a smile: "I'm also clear about what's in everyone's mind. To be honest, these three branches were planted in quasi-high-grade spiritual fields, and they haven't been fully ripened because the spiritual fields are not high enough."

"There are more quasi-top-grade spiritual fields in Xishan Lingzhi Garden," Murong Feixue asked, also expressing the doubts in everyone's minds.

Reaching out his hand to take out a map of jade slips and spreading it on the table, Yi Tian pointed to the places marked with Lingtian and said: "After Xia Bucai took charge of Lingzhi Garden, he re-surveyed the terrain of the Western Mountains and found that there is a place in the mouth of the river. The remaining veins of large spiritual veins pass through the nearby area. Therefore, a hundred acres of spiritual fields have been re-opened in these places."

After hearing this, everyone's eyes flashed brightly. In this way, the output of Lingzhi Garden is bound to increase exponentially, and the output of Chijing Ginseng will also increase a lot compared to previous years.

Many of you present here are alchemists, and this immature Chijing ginseng is not useless. Take it back and plant it in a place with plenty of spiritual power, and it will mature after a hundred years. At that time, whether it is used for alchemy or exchanged It can be regarded as a hot item.

Suddenly, Qing Lianyun, who was sitting on the upper left seat, asked: "Junior Brother Yi is really generous. As soon as he entered the Lingzhi Garden, he re-measured the Lingtian to reclaim the wasteland. But I am really curious, what are these immature Chijing ginseng you took out? How did you get out of it?"

Knowing that they would have such questions, Yi Tian had already thought of a countermeasure in his mind.Then he replied: "After reclaiming the wasteland, a total of [-] mu of new land has been obtained, of which [-] mu are distributed near the mouth of the river, and after being irrigated by the spiritual spring, it has become a middle-grade spiritual field. After being irrigated by spiritual spirits, [-] acres of the fields have been directly turned into commercial spiritual fields, and the remaining half can only be regarded as quasi-top-grade."

"In this way, the red ginseng in the three jade boxes on the counter comes from the remaining [-] acres of quasi-top-grade spiritual field, am I right," Qing Lianyun asked.

If this is the case, then there is nothing wrong with exchanging these three ginseng. Presumably, Ling Zhi Garden had left enough to hand over to the sect early in the morning, and everyone who had the extra would be justified in privately sharing the points.

After Qing Lianyun's questioning, everyone felt relieved, but the problem was that Yi Tian wanted to obtain the uncommon Lei Pill, which was an uncommon elixir, and ordinary alchemists would not deliberately learn to refine it.

At the same time, the identity of the cultivator who can use the secluded Leidan is self-evident. Many people looked at Yi Tianhou with a clear expression on his face. The newly promoted fellow in front of him turned out to be a ascended cultivator.

After a long time, no one came forward to exchange, Yi Tian's face darkened immediately, and secretly said: "Could it be that they still dare not exchange because of lingering fears."

Just thinking about it, Murong Feixue who was sitting in the middle stretched out her hand and took out a jade slip and gently sent it over from the air, saying: "This secluded Lei Dan is rarely refined, and most of the alchemists in the sect don't. I will deliberately try to refine it. I have studied it by chance, and I will exchange this Danfang Yujian with you for the three pieces of Chijing Ginseng on the table."

(End of this chapter)

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