
Chapter 1034 Missing

Chapter 1034 Missing
At the exchange meeting, Yi Tian took out three parts of immature Chijing ginseng to exchange for the alchemy formula of Selei Pill, but what he didn't expect was that among the alchemists present, only Murong Feixue had studied it.In this way, there is no delivery comparison between the three companies, and this time the supply channel is only one, and I am afraid that I have no choice.

But Murong Feixue was about to wrap her mouth as soon as she opened her mouth, because she made up her mind that she had no choice.In this way, he suffered a big loss.

"Wait a minute," Yi Tian replied, and at the same time glanced at the people present, he found that it wasn't that they didn't want to exchange, but that they didn't have the pill formula in hand, and they didn't even want to study it at all. .

To be honest, in my heart, it is not inevitable that I will get the alchemy of the remote Lei Dan, this time it is just to deceive people's eyes and ears.

Moreover, he wounded Murong Feixue's spiritual pet within the trap before, presumably he took this opportunity to take revenge.

After gently putting the Danfang Yujian on the table, Yi Tian continued: "Senior Sister Murong's kindness is appreciated, but I feel a little unfair in exchange for three. If Senior Sister can add a portion of the main ingredient of Selei Pill, then I will It can be promised that in addition to the three other things, I can give another one."

As soon as this statement came out, the eyes of the other alchemists present showed naked jealousy. They knew the usefulness of Chijing Ginseng.Moreover, the alchemy room is only a mere catty every hundred years, and they don't even have one or two on their heads.

Now Murong Feixue has obtained four by himself, about two or three, which has far exceeded the psychological endurance of ordinary alchemists.Although it is immature, there are ways to ripen the spiritual ginseng.

Ignoring other people's gazes, Murong Feixue thought about it and said in private: "Junior Brother Yi, I can give you a complete set of materials for You Lei Dan, as long as you promise me one thing."

After hearing this, Yi Tian frowned slightly, and since he strayed into the trap just now, he had a bad premonition in his heart, but he didn't expect to be targeted by someone.

Dealing with what he asked for probably has something to do with his formation skills, so if he really refuses, I'm afraid it's going to be a mess.

After thinking about it for a while, he nodded slightly and replied: "Let's talk about it, if it's something beyond my ability, I can only apologize."

Immediately, Murong Feixue moved her lips slightly, the people present naturally knew about the private communication between the two.But he was curious about what made Murong Feixue also make concessions, and it was obvious that Yi Tian's proposal failed to meet his requirements.

After ten breaths, the two of them had reached an agreement, and then Murong Feixue took out a storage bag and filled it with several treasures, then took the things from the air and gently sent them over.Yi Tian also waved his hand and exchanged the three jade boxes on the table.After getting the things in his hands, he first opened the Danfang Yujian and quickly went through the contents, and then opened the storage bag to retrieve it.

Later, Yi Tian didn't show the slightest smile on his face, but his forehead was slightly wrinkled. The Jade Jane Pill Recipe was correct, but the material in the storage bag was missing a piece of Lei Jingguo.

This thing is the main ingredient of Xileidan. To put it bluntly, the value of the materials in this storage bag is not as high as that of the main medicine.Immediately, he felt as if he had been tricked. Yi Tian's face sank and he said directly: "Senior Sister Murong, the ingredients in this seem to be inconsistent with the Dan Fang, it seems that it is still missing."

Unexpectedly, Murong Feixue replied without hesitation: "Junior Brother Yi, do you know the value of the thunder crystal core, you still have to find the main medicine by yourself." As soon as the words came out, all the monks around the seat could be seen They all bowed their heads and whispered, obviously they knew the source of the thunder crystal nucleus.

Yi Tian took a glance and found that everyone also had strange looks on their faces, as if this thing didn't seem to be easy to find.

At this time, Qing Lianyun, who was sitting on the first seat on the left, opened her red lips lightly, as if she was communicating with Murong Feixue in private.Needless to say, Qing Lianyun would probably be involved if he wanted to get the Thunder Crystal Core.

It is estimated that it is not easy for the two top cultivators of Taiqing Pavilion to fight together.Yi Tian immediately calmed down, then put away his things and thought to himself: "It seems that Murong Feixue was not invited this time on a whim, she must have done an investigation on her past. And this time It must have been intentional by the other party to stray into the formation on the way here, but fortunately, I took Tian Zhuangshi out of it safely."

Turning his head to see that Murong Feixue and Qing Lianyun seemed to be still talking in secret, he was not in a hurry.Anyway, she will definitely come to her for help afterwards, and the master demon will definitely have a follow-up later.

The following exchange meeting seemed dull and boring. Under the auspices of Murong Feixue, the monks present took out the spare spiritual weapon Danyang again and made a second round of exchange.Yi Tian's mind is not on this at all, but just sits there and thinks for himself.

After knowing that the exchange meeting was over, he got up and saluted the host's house like other fellow students, thanked him, then turned around and took Tian Zhuangshi to prepare to leave.

Suddenly, a sound transmission sounded in my ear, and the person who spoke was actually Qing Lianyun.She said slowly: "Junior Brother Yi, can you stay for a while, please go to the Huxin Pavilion to talk about it later."

Yi Tian didn't answer, just nodded his head slightly to agree, and then led Tian Zhuangshi and two maids to leave towards a small path.

Half a moment later, when Yi Tian came to a fork in the road, he stopped and turned back to Tong Tian Zhuangshi and said, "You wait at the pier first, I still have something to do."

Naturally, Tian Zhuangshi didn't dare to disobey his orders and hastily replied, "Don't worry, my lord. I'll wait for you outside to fix the carriage." Then a maid led him towards the pier on the shore.

After the people left, Yi Tian turned around and said to another maid: "Lead the way to the Huxin Pavilion." The maid received Murong Feixue's instructions early in the morning and naturally knew what to do next, and then led Yi Tian to another road.

Half a quarter later, he climbed along the path until the end of the road, looked up and saw a gazebo about a hundred feet away, and in the pavilion were Qing Lianyun and Murong Feixue sitting and chatting.

But he didn't see Cui Fuling's figure, and it seemed that she couldn't even get involved in this matter.With a thought in Yi Tian's mind, he guessed that this matter is not simple, and his ability to participate is probably related to the formation.

After thinking about it, he walked up the stone path slowly without hesitation, and stopped outside the lake pavilion and said, "I don't know why Eldest Sister is looking for me through sound transmission?"

Only then did the two girls stop chatting, Qing Lianyun turned to look at Yi Tianhou and said, "Junior Brother Yi, please sit down and discuss in detail, let Sister Murong talk about the details."

So Yi Tian strode forward without hesitation and found a vacant seat by the stone platform of Huxin Pavilion.Then I only heard Murong Feixue say: "Do you know the task of purifying the magic marks in Qingfeng Old City?"

 Thanks for the monthly ticket of Shiliang Waterfall
(End of this chapter)

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