
Chapter 1036

Chapter 1036
In the main hall of the Disciplinary Department, Yi Tian was searching the list on the task wall when suddenly there was a loud noise in his ears.

Following the sound, he found that there seemed to be a few cultivators who were arguing about something, and his divine sense quietly reached out to see that there was Xiang Dongchen among these people.

I had a bad relationship with him last time, and when I learned the reason, I hated him even more.Seeing that he was arguing with others, he was optimistic, so he stopped and took a closer look.

These four people are obviously three-on-one, and at least two of Xiang Dongchen's group wear alchemist badges, and their strength is in the mid-stage of transformation.

The person confronting them is also a personal level alchemist, not weak in the later stages of cultivation, but he seems to be alone and weak and is still a one-on-three.

They seemed to be arguing endlessly over a task, and while arguing, suddenly the alchemist swept his eyes outside the door and shouted with joy, "Xiang Yulin is here."

Yi Tian glanced and found that it was a coincidence that Hua Yulin walked in from the gate at this time, and then turned around in a hurry to avoid being seen by him.I've heard that he often causes trouble in the inner sect, and I don't want to cause trouble for myself.

I saw Hua Yulin walking up to form a second team of three, and the five of them were arguing endlessly about a task.Shaoqing heard Xiang Dongchen yelling in a strange way: "If you can find all the people here in a short time, this task will be yours, if not, just give up obediently."

"It's a deal," Hua Yulin agreed without thinking.As for the original alchemist, he had an anxious look on his face at this time, obviously he didn't find anyone he knew here, but Hua Yulin was so determined that he really didn't know what to do.

Sure enough, he walked up to him not far away in desperation and said: "Brother Yi Xian, good brother-in-law, you are really a savior in time, I think you have learned a lot from the sidelines, and I want to trouble you again." gone."

Shaking his head helplessly, Yi Tian glanced at him and said, "Brother-in-law, what else can I do after you have said that, but let me read the mission first."

After speaking, there was a smile on his face, and Hua Yulin walked forward slowly, and glanced at the jade slip in the alchemist's hand, only to see that it said 'Clear the Beast Guard'.It seemed that this was the task they were arguing about, and then their divine sense moved across the spirit crystal wall and found that this task could be regarded as one of the tasks of Qingfeng Revival.

Fortunately, it is at the bottom of the list, so it is not too difficult compared to it, and it is mentioned in the task that a team of three is required and at least one alchemist is accompanying.

From this point of view, it seems that this group of people is also picking up the soft persimmons, and they will stare at such a situation. I think even these alchemists will be moved by the temptation of this mission reward.

After three breaths, he had a plan in his mind. Since the condition for exchanging the Thunder Crystal Core is at least the person who has completed Qingfeng Revival, then there is a chance right now.

At the same time, he glanced at the task that Qing Lianyun mentioned, 'Purifying the Temple of Book Collection', which was actually ranked third at the top of the acceptable range for the cultivators who transformed themselves into gods.

In contrast, the tasks in front of me are basically free gifts. If I don't know how to choose, then I have lived for thousands of years in vain.

Then he said to the alchemist: "I am Yi Tian, ​​who is currently serving as the guard of Xishan Lingzhi Garden. Brother Yulin's affairs are my affairs, and I will definitely advance and retreat with him."

As soon as the words came out, Hua Yulin and the alchemist were overjoyed, and at the same time looked at Xiang Dongchen and his group with provocative eyes.The latter's complexion suddenly sank, turned around and glanced at Yi Tian and said angrily: "Why is it you again, this is the second time you have spoiled my uncle."

"Xiang Dongchen, what are you talking about? Didn't you just agree that you will stop as long as Hu Weichuan has all the staff? Why do you want to play tricks? There are dozens of people in the hall here who have heard what you just said," Hua Yulin said. It is unreasonable to chase after Xiang Dongchen and beat him fiercely.

It was only then that Yi Tian knew that the alchemist was called Hu Weichuan, and it seemed that it was Hua Yulin's friend who would not hesitate to offend Xiang Dongchen and stand up for him.

After a while, Xiang Dongchen showed an angry look on his face and couldn't find a place to vent it, then he stared at himself fiercely and said: "Stinky boy, you keep doing good things to me one after another, so you have to be careful in the sect from now on. Maybe someone asked you to compete at Fenglei Terrace that day," he said with a wave of his hand and led the other two away.

"Fenglei Terrace Competing." It was the first time I heard that there was such a place in the sect, and immediately asked Hua Yulin through voice transmission: "What kind of place is this? Why did he mention that this place is not weak?"

Hua Yulin replied softly via voice transmission: "That is the place where the sect specially lets inner disciples settle personal grievances, but you can rest assured that Xiang Dongchen himself is incapable and at most he will ask his brother to do it. But he won't know that brother-in-law You are able to climb the ladder, and your strength is definitely not weak, even if you are against Xiang Donghui, I will buy you to win."

After hearing this, Yi Tian suddenly realized, and then said with a faint smile: "You are betting that you have no choice," and then looked at the alchemist and gestured to Hua Yulin.

Then, regardless of the opinions of the surrounding crowd, the three of them took the mission jade slips and ran directly to the side hall of the mission hall of the Disciplinary Department to find a private room.

After being seated, Hua Yulin first introduced the Hu Weichuan in front of him as a disciple of the alchemist's room.His cultivation base is still higher than the two, but he is not in the ranks of combat cultivation, so his fighting strength is slightly worse, and it is also much worse than Hua Yulin.

The next mission this time was considered a lucky start that hadn't been seen in many years. This beast palace had several missions before but it was never completely eradicated. It had to be cleaned up every hundred years to maintain it.Fortunately, this task is not difficult, and it belongs to the end of a series of Qingfeng Fuxing tasks. After completing it, the rewards are the same as other tasks, which is why monks in the stage of transforming gods have come to fight for it.

After Hu Weichuan heard Hua Yulin's introduction, he also had a general understanding of Yi Tian's strength, and he and Hua Yulin were both close friends, and after a conversation between Yi Tian and Hua Yulin, they quickly became acquainted.

After talking, the three of them agreed that this task is imperative, and that they will prepare for it later.Hu Weichuan is an alchemist, and he prepares all the pills needed for the logistics of the task.Hua Yulin is proficient in the art of controlling beasts and is responsible for selecting spiritual pets for backup.

As for myself, I will provide Hu Weichuan with some of the spiritual plants needed to refine the elixir. Anyway, these things are picked directly from the Lingzhi Garden, which can be regarded as a no-cost business.

But I also have other ideas in my heart. Although I don't know how they plan to purify the magic marks, I still have to make a plan on hand.Since I entered the spirit world, I found that there are quite a few demon cultivators lurking here. Fortunately, I have practiced Buddhist sect skills, which are the nemesis of these demon cultivators.This time, I must also make some thorough preparations. Calculated that the time will be dispatched in about two years, this free time will allow me to refine a few exclusive spiritual weapons to deal with these magic marks.

(End of this chapter)

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