
Chapter 1037 Dispatched

Chapter 1037 Dispatched
Two years passed by, and Yi Tian was not idle during this time.From the spiritual fields of each of the five team leaders under his command, he took a small amount of medicinal herbs from spiritual plants and sent them directly to Hu Weichuan.

As an alchemist, he was responsible for preparing the elixirs needed for the mission. At the same time, Yi Tian also wanted to see how his skills were, so he increased the number of medicinal materials by about [-]%.He even secretly took out a mature Chijing ginseng and handed it to the other party, and the result was gratifying. Hu Weichuan did not disappoint him.

In addition to the spare elixir, he also took out the spare part and exchanged it with his fellow disciples. The spiritual stones he got were quite a lot, and in the end they were divided into three shares for everyone to share equally.

During this period, in order to make full preparations, Yi Tian also used all the spirit stones he got to buy Heiyao Jinjing and Liulishi.These two precious materials are not very rare in the spiritual world, but they are really effective when used to refine Buddhist instruments.

During this period, he privately refined a string of one hundred and eight glazed stone beads and a diamond awl to subdue demons, and integrated the practice of Prajna Kuzen and other Buddhist methods into it for later use.

When the agreed time was almost up, Yi Tian recruited five team leaders to distribute the work for the next period of time.

Later, he returned to his cave on the grounds of retreat, and later cast a concealment spell and sneaked out of the large formation of Lingzhi Garden.

After flying through the sect for a while, he arrived at the gate of the mountain, showed the identity jade card in his hand, and left the sect without any hindrance.

Not long after, a burst of flying came to the agreed place at the foot of the mountain. At this time, Hua Yulin and Hu Weichuan were already waiting.Yi Tian hurriedly descended from the cloud head and greeted loudly: "It's late, you two must have been waiting for a long time, sorry."

Hu Weichuan had benefited from himself before and naturally greeted people with a smile: "It's nothing, nothing, Junior Brother Yi is busy with business and must be arranged before he can come out. There is no rush for this matter."

Hua Yulin stepped forward carelessly and said, "Bring your jade badge."

"What's the matter?" Yi Tian asked puzzledly, there must be something strange about asking for his own identity jade badge for this meeting.

Hua Yulin just smiled lightly and said: "It's a good thing, I will make you suffer every time I do things." He reached out and took out a jade slip and left a seal at the end of the jade slip with his identity jade card.

Yi Tian shook his head helplessly after sweeping his mind. He didn't expect that someone would send his sister off just after he arrived, and he didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

"Then..." Hua Yulin put away the manuscript after finishing it, then took out a messenger talisman, put it on a jade slip to activate it, and sent it out.

Later, he said with deep meaning: "Brother-in-law, I have prepared all the documents for the selection and sent them to the Daoist sect of the Shangqing Dynasty. This time, we can pick up Yuxin after we come back."

Yi Tian curled his lips and didn't say much, anyway, Hua Yuxin was forced by him, so he could be doing him a favor.

After a while, the three of them took out the mission jade slips and left their seals with identity jade badges on it, which was officially launched.

Then I only heard Hu Weichuan say: "It's a little way to go to Qingfeng Old City, let's go back quickly."

The two nodded in agreement, and half a moment later Fei prepared the supplies and then used his escapism to fly straight towards the old city of Qingfeng.

Along the way, Hu Weichuan, who was in the late stage of the incarnation, led the way. Ke Yitian found that even with a slightly inferior cultivation base, the escape speed he could deal with was slower than he expected.Along the way, it was discovered that the flying speed was [-]% normal, so that Hu Weichuan, a late-stage monk of Huashen, had a considerable judgment on his strength.

It took more than two days to fly like this before I saw the outline of Qingfeng Old City.I remember that when I passed by last time, I was still sitting in the sky survey warship, looking down at the entire sky-level city from a high place, and I didn't feel how huge it was.

Now that I have come here in person, I realize that the area occupied by this place exceeds the current Qingfeng New City.The area of ​​thousands of miles is under the jurisdiction of the old city. It was only when I walked into the city that I discovered that the dilapidated city walls, the city gates that were in disrepair, and the potholes on the inner mainland were basically thousands of years old. None have been repaired.

Fortunately, there are quite a few monks in Qingfeng Old City, and many casual cultivators also make this home.Who knew that the original underground spiritual vein here was once listed as the number one in the spiritual world, even after the baptism of the evil disaster, there are still many usable places.Yi Tian did have a question in his mind, why the suzerain of Taiqing Pavilion gave up his ancestral property and built a new city.

Just as I was thinking about it, I suddenly heard Hu Weichuan shout: "I'll go to the command post to report first, and then go in after I get the pass."

Yi Tian just nodded his head symbolically, then turned to Hua Yulin and asked, "Why are we here to do the mission? Do we need a pass?"

"You just entered the Zongmen and you don't know the rules in many places," Hua Yulin said old-fashionedly: "The Zongmen specially re-arranged a formation knot in the city to prevent unscrupulous casual cultivators from sneaking into the forbidden area of ​​​​the evil disaster and stealing the secrets of the Zongmen. Anyone who wants to go deep into it needs to go to the discipline outpost in exchange for a pass."

"As inner disciples, don't we have any discounts?" Yi Tian asked.

"The jade slip has your and my seals on it, that's the biggest proof. We don't need to do additional checks. As for those other sects and outside casual cultivators, it's hard to say," Hua Yulin said proudly.

Then he looked in the direction his hand pointed and found that there happened to be three teams of people accepting identity verification in front of another entrance passage.

Yi Tian glanced over these crowds and found that these people were basically Nascent Soul stage monks, and there was a small group of Huashen monks lined up, but the number was not large, only about seven or eight.

But when he glanced over a monk wearing a white gauze hat, his pupils froze suddenly, and he immediately cast his eyes of true seeing, but he couldn't see his true face clearly.

Hua Yulin at the side also noticed something was wrong and hurriedly asked: "What happened?"

Pointing at the casual cultivator wearing a bamboo hat, Yi Tian said in a deep voice: "I found a sense of threat from her that I have never felt before, I hope I am wrong, but after entering, don't confront this person. .”

Hua Yulin looked at it but said with disdain: "There is nothing special about this person, he is just an ordinary late-incarnation monk. There are so many monks who enter and leave the magic disaster formation area in the old city every day, are you making a big fuss over a molehill?"

Yi Tian didn't say anything after hearing this, and his intuition of strength was already very keen after he had cultivated himself.The man wearing the hat obviously gave him a stronger sense of oppression than facing Xi Tianying, almost like the first time he faced Hong Shanhe.But the majestic Luoxia City Lord is a distracted cultivator, and this person in front of him feels that he is only a step ahead of him, and his strength must be unimaginable.

(End of this chapter)

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