
Chapter 1038 In-depth

Chapter 1038 In-depth
After waiting for a while outside the discipline post, I saw Hu Weichuan walking back excitedly, with three more pass tokens in his hand besides the mission jade slip.

After distributing the passing jade tokens, Hu Weichuan waved at the two of them without any nonsense to follow, and the three of them rushed all the way to the security checkpoint at the entrance of the formation.

Don't pass by those who are queuing up for casual self-cultivation, and then go straight to the entrance of the formation.After showing the jade token, some disciples of the sect opened the barrier of the passage and let the three of them in first. The special passage they walked along the way was naturally extremely fast.

After a while, the three of them took out the map to find out the destination of this mission, and then used escapism to float in mid-air and set off there.Along the way, I saw Hua Yulin and Hu Weichuan chatting and laughing, but Yi Tian remained silent and his face became extremely solemn.

The feeling of uneasiness that he had just passed by the casual cultivator in his pocket before entering the formation became even stronger.Obviously, this person's strength is far superior to his own. Even if all the cards are played, he does not know his opponent. With such an unstable factor, his expression naturally cannot be relaxed.

And when passing by just now, I obviously felt the other party's divine sense deliberately sweeping over my body.If I didn't guess wrong, I was probably being watched by someone. Looking up at the two people in front of me, I didn't seem to notice it at all.

Now I am extremely envious of the two of them, sometimes ignorance is also a kind of happiness, at least I won't be so frightened.

The three of them flew for a while in the magic mark area of ​​the old city, and Yi Tian saw that there seemed to be some black magic mark remnants on the ground and walls.It's just that the residual magic energy in it has almost disappeared.

It wasn't until they came near the Beast Ancestral Hall that they realized that there was a strong demonic energy in the building in front of them, and the closer to the walls, the more obvious the residual demonic patterns were, and the higher the demonic energy content was.

Flying to the gate of the Imperial Beast Temple, Hu Weichuan stretched out his hand and pushed the gate open, and then the three of them followed Guan Ruin and closed the gate after a while.

When I came to the inside, I could only see that the magic lines on the ground here became clearer, and the characters inside were also clearly visible.

Yi Tian reached out and took out a jade slip to engrave the characters in the magic pattern on the ground one by one.After a while, the three of them walked through the corridor behind the main hall to the rear farm.This site has a radius of about [-] feet, and there are spider web-like magic lines scattered on the ground. Yi Tian looked at his face for a while and fell into thought.These magic lines are definitely not left over a thousand years ago, but more like they have regrown in the past hundred years.

It's just that the magic energy contained in the magic pattern is not strong, but as it continues to walk down, the magic pattern on the ground gradually becomes more and more complicated, and the strength of the magic energy contained in the surrounding area also increases.Then he asked in a deep voice: "What is the scope of our mission to clear the magic pattern this time?"

Hu Weichuan took out the jade slip and handed it over, "You can read it for yourself, the mission requirements are all on it."

After receiving the task jade slip, Yi Tian quickly scanned it with his spiritual sense, only to see that it was written very clearly.This task requires three people to accompany at least one alchemist.After entering the Temple of the Beast, all the magic lines in it will be cleaned up. The alchemist also needs to go to the spiritual plant of the Temple of the Beast to pick ten catties of bitter tree fruit.

I quickly ran through the information about the three-leaf bitter tree in my mind. This thing is cold in nature and likes to grow in a dark and humid environment.The rhizomes of the bitter wood can absorb magic energy and purify it and transform it into the required spiritual nourishment.

In the past few missions, the brothers in the inner sect were responsible for planting a batch of seedlings of the three-leaf bitterwood here, and then collected a batch of mature fruits to take out and cultivate them again.In the place where it has been planted, it is obvious that the remnants of magic energy in the veins have been quickly drawn up so that it can gradually purify.

But according to what Hua Yulin said, there have been many batches of trifoliate bitterwood planted in the past 500 years, but the current results can only maintain the original situation.It is recorded that the effect was very good thousands of years ago, at least absorbing and purifying most of the original strong magic energy in the Temple of the Beast.

In this way, the question came from that time 500 years ago, so he thought about it and asked casually: "Do you two know who took over the task of clearing the Temple of the Beast 500 years ago?"

Hu Weichuan thought for a while and replied, "It's Senior Sister Murong. This is the fourth time I've accepted this mission, and she's always been the one to accept it before."

"Then who were the ones who walked with her for the last time?" Yi Tian asked.

"Why are you holding what's in the bowl and looking at what's in the pot?" Hua Yulin jokingly said, "Senior Sister Murong is an iceberg beauty from the inner sect. She hasn't accepted other people's love since her Taoist companion fell. I remember her My Taoist partner is called Peng Li, who is also an ascended cultivator, and he seems to have just survived the thunder calamity of entering the world."

"It's also a Flying Cultivator," Yi Tian was startled when he heard that, it couldn't be such a coincidence, and then said: "Then when Murong Feixue did this task for the last time, did this Peng Li also come in together?"

"Junior Brother Yi seems to be telling the truth," Hu Weichuan said, "I remember that Murong Feixue took the lead, and Peng Li and Xiang Donghui assisted in forming the team. Later, for some reason, Murong Feixue and Xiang Donghui broke up afterward. They had a falling out, and the two had no contact since then. Within 30 years after the mission ended, Peng Li challenged Chi Wuji and was killed by mistake."

After hearing this, Yi Tian's face didn't change, but he couldn't help thinking that this matter must have a great connection with what happened here.Everything should be caused by the magic marks in Qingfeng Old City, could it be that Murong Feixue found something special in it back then.

The relationship between these three people is definitely not as simple as it appears on the surface. That Peng Li is an Ascension Cultivator just like himself, and logically speaking, his xinxing cultivation is second to none.He will definitely not challenge Chi Wuji, who is ranked second, for the sake of fame. There must be some unknown secrets in it.And I thought that the ascension monks like myself were originally outstanding people, even after entering the sect, they would try their best to avoid fighting with others, and the only goal in their hearts was to live forever.

It seems that there may be some unusual discoveries in this mission, and maybe I will find some clues from the past by accident.But at this moment, he already had some reservations about Murong Feixue in his heart, this woman's capable mind is definitely not as simple as it appears on the surface.

Just as I was thinking about it, Hu Weichuan's voice suddenly came from my ear: "We are about to enter the magic mark mutation area ahead, everyone, prepare to take action."

"What is the variation area?" Yi Tian asked in confusion.

"There are quite a few descendants of demonic beasts infected by demonic energy. If you're unlucky, you'll meet a few of them at the stage of transformation. These half-devilized monsters are bloodthirsty, and their attack power is particularly strong. It is a more dangerous existence in Qingfeng Old City," Hua Yulin's face changed from teasing, and he took out the spirit sword and sacrificed it in his hand, ready to strike at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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