
Chapter 1039 Variation

Chapter 1039 Variation
Tonghua Yulin and Hu Weichuan teamed up to enter the magic scar area of ​​Qingfeng Old City. This time, the task was to go to the depths of the Beast Temple to find and pick three-leaf bitter trees, and replant a batch to absorb the residual magic energy.

Along the way, Yi Tian found that the situation was worse than he imagined, and the magic marks on the ground seemed to have a tendency to spread.I have not fought against the demons once or twice, so I can naturally recognize the newness of these demon marks.

Although I haven't been able to understand these magic pattern characters for the time being, it can be judged from the tacit energy contained in the magic marks that the area under the feet should have been regenerated and spread in the past hundred years.

Think about planting a spiritual tree like bitterwood three leaves, which can decompose and purify the magic marks, but the effect is not great, and it is still a solution to the symptoms, not the root cause.

It stands to reason that there are high-level free and capable people in Taiqing Pavilion, and if they want to deal with these magic marks, they can naturally send monks at the distraction stage or even monks at the fusion stage.

Rolling his eyes, he asked softly: "But I don't know if there are any seniors from the sect who have come in here, why didn't they take action to completely remove the magic marks inside?"

Hu Weichang stopped and turned around and said, "It's not that I don't want to, but I can't."

"how do I say this?"

Hu Weichang lowered his voice and said in a deep voice: "I heard that there are several empty spaces opened up by the demons in the depths of Qingfeng Old City, and a large number of treasures and spirit stones collected from the spirit world are hidden in them. The legendary The amount is about enough to prop up any major sect for thousands of years."

"Then won't this place be the target of public criticism?" Yi Tian asked in surprise.

Hua Yulin interjected: "That's not true. There was originally a demon formation defense set up here, and monks below the Mahayana stage will be suppressed at around the stage of transforming gods. Therefore, it also prevents a large number of peeping treasures. .”

After hearing this, Yi Tian realized that it wasn't that the monks outside didn't want to come here to explore, but they couldn't.First, there are layers of checks in the Taiqing Pavilion to screen out a batch, and then there are residual demonic formations inside to restrict the monks who can enter, and all of them are strong.At the same time, they are also intelligent, there must be many dangers here, and any distracted monk would come here to take risks by lowering his value.

Even if there is a possibility, it can't be hidden from the sect's investigation. If he breaks the ban even a little bit, it will definitely attract the high-level sect to chase and kill him.

Not long after, the three of them came to the magic scar mutation area, and saw Hu Weichuan and Hua Yulin as if they were facing a formidable enemy.He took out all the spirit weapons in his hand and quickly sacrificed them, then held them in his hands and kept silent.

Yi Tian also reached out to a handful of seeds to gently inject spiritual power into it, and then walked in with the two of them.

This mutated area is not too big, about a hundred feet in radius, but whether there will be some semi-demonized spirit beasts appearing in it.It's strange to say that Yi Tian walked a few steps and saw several five-inch mice passing by.

Their bodies are basically the same as the normal ones, except for the tails or ears, or the claws that have a part of flesh and blood that is black, and there is still a strong devilish energy left on them.

Afraid of disturbing these creatures, Yi Tian asked privately via voice transmission: "How strong are these mutated monsters?"

Afterwards, Hu Weichuan replied through voice transmission: "The strength is much stronger than ordinary monsters, and they are extremely aggressive."

Just as he was talking, a fifth-level spirit dog suddenly sprang out in front of him, but its front half was polluted by demonic energy and turned black, while the back half was white.

After seeing the three of them, the mutated dog barked wildly and rushed forward. Hua Yulin, who was standing in front of the road, did not hesitate to send out the spirit sword in his hand, and saw a flash of light, splitting the monster in front of him in half. , Later, two fire bombs shot out and burned his body directly.

But Yi Tian really didn't feel relaxed at all. When the sword light passed by just now, he clearly saw that the demonized part of the monster's body really consumed [-]% of the strength of the sword move.It can be seen that the demonized mutation part has not only improved the strength, but also strengthened the physical body.

Fortunately, after walking for a quarter of an hour, there were monsters with low levels of demonization and mutation blocking the way, and they were all killed by the three of them working together.

Seeing that it was about to reach the exit of the mutation zone, suddenly there was a vibration from above the ground.Then the vibration frequency gradually increased, and in a blink of an eye, a demonized earth dragon rhinoceros appeared in front of the three of them.

Such monsters are originally gentle creatures, even after their strength reaches the peak of the sixth level, they are easy to get close to people.It's just that the eyes of the ground dragon rhinoceros in front of it are red, and basically only the left receding part of the whole body is still brown, and the rest of the body has been demonized.

Facing such a creature, the three decisively dispersed to surround it in the middle.The Monster Beast at the peak of the sixth level has reached the middle level of the seventh level through demonization and mutation. In fact, it can already pose a considerable threat to the three of them.

After the three people discussed in secret language, Yi Tian took the lead, and a seed popped out in an instant and directly fell into the soil not far behind the dragon rhinoceros.After three breaths, the ground rose slightly, and Yi Tian made a seal with his hands and said in the air: "Get up."

Several vines sprang out from under Dilongxi's limbs to grab it firmly, and Hu Weichuan and Hua Yulin took this opportunity to use their spiritual weapons to greet Dilongxi.

Originally, Tianyi's seamless cooperation plan was about to succeed, but Long Xi raised his head and roared, and struggled with all his limbs.

But the two sword lights accurately hit his back, leaving only two cracks.

This made the monster furious, and after a while of struggling, its two front legs came off.Yi Tian will let it succeed, and after making a seal with his hands here, he tapped again on the vine veins on the ground.The thick rattan from the thumb immediately began to grow rapidly, and it became as thick as a baby's arm in a short time.

When it was wound up again, the two-foot-long body was directly tied to the ground alive.As if to restrain the monster again, Hu Weichuan and Hua Yulin saw the opportunity and stabbed at its eyes with the flash of the sword in their hands.Two streams of blood splashed out, and the head of the ground dragon rhinoceros was pierced in an instant.

A moment later, the three of them cleaned up the mess and continued on the road. It didn't take long for them to walk out of the mutant area.After coming to the next place, Hu Weichuan took out the map and looked at it, and then led the two of them to rush towards the depths of the Temple of the Beast.It didn't take long to come to the outer edge of a forest, and then said in his mouth: "It's the planting area, friend Hua, friend Daoist Yi, you come to pick the fruit of the three-leaf dead tree, and I will be in charge of planting the seedlings."

After speaking, he reached out and took out a spiritual planting bag and a foot-sized shovel.Yi Tian and Hua Yulin took out the spirit sword and strode to the woods. They gently manipulated the spirit sword to knock down the fruits one by one, but quickly collected them with storage bags under the tree.

Hu Weichuan's planting speed is also extremely fast, but after planting, he always takes out a jade bottle and pours a drop of the spiritual liquid inside into the roots.

It didn't take long for the three of them to complete the task. At this time, there was another layer of seedlings of bitterwood three leaves outside the planting area, and Yi Tian and Hua Yulin each put five catties of fruit in their hands.

The three of them looked at each other with relaxed expressions on their faces. They didn't expect it to be completed so smoothly.Suddenly Yi Tian frowned and stretched his fingers to the distance, saying: "It seems that someone is coming, I don't know if it's an enemy or a friend."

(End of this chapter)

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