
Chapter 1040 Encounter

Chapter 1040 Encounter
After completing the task, the three of them realized that they were disturbed before they had time to breathe a sigh of relief.

Extending his spiritual thoughts, he found out that the person who came was a casual cultivator of Nascent Soul, but the one chasing him was a demonized and mutated Gale Wolf.

Hu Weichuan stretched out his hand to lay a barrier on the freshly planted saplings, and then used the photo stone to leave a picture on the newly planted saplings before turning around and saying: "Go and see!" See what's going on."

Yi Tian was also curious, didn't it mean that those mutated monsters would stay in the mutated area, how could one escape.

These monstrous beast-turning-god cultivators had to work together to deal with them, and Nascent Soul cultivators had no choice but to run away when they encountered them.

The figures of the three flashed past, and stopped the fleeing cultivator head-on in a short time.The sixth-level Gale Wolf at the back was not afraid to see three people flashing out suddenly, and opened its mouth wide to pounce on them.

But before he got close to the distance of ten feet, he was directly entangled by the vines that sprang out from the ground, and then two escaping lights flew over and completely separated his body.

Regardless of the monster, Hua Yulin turned around and asked, "What happened? Why did the mutated monster follow you?"

"Junior Liang Bufan, an outer disciple of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, sees the three seniors of the Taiqing Pavilion."

"Stop talking nonsense, tell me how you were targeted by the mutated Gale Wolf, I remember that those mutated monsters would never leave the fixed area," Hu Weichuan interrupted him.

"This Gale Wolf was originally the spiritual pet of a senior casual cultivator. Somehow, after being eroded by the devil's energy, he suddenly went mad and even turned his master back," Liang Bufan explained hastily.

"Erosion and demonization," Yi Tian asked hastily, his face changed greatly: "Where did you meet?"

"A hundred miles away from here, there is a gathering point of magic marks, and there seems to be something buried underground there?" Liang Bufan replied.

After the three of them looked at it, they obviously showed different expressions on their faces. Hu Weichuan is a wise way to protect himself when he sees a good one.Hua Yulin looked disdainful, like this kind of thing is commonplace in the old city ruins, but because of Yi Tian's face, he was embarrassed to leave.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tiancai said: "I will accompany this little friend to take a look. If the two Taoist brothers don't want to go, then they should leave first. Anyway, the task has been completed."

Hearing this, Hu Weichuan seemed to be relieved, and then said: "If that's the case, I'll go out and hand in the mission first. As for the mission reward, Fellow Daoist Yi, you can go to the sect to collect it yourself."

Hua Yulin said earnestly and earnestly: "Be careful, I don't want to stay in this ghost place for a moment. After going out, go directly to Shangqing Fenmai to find me, and I will be relieved after bringing Yuxin out."

"Okay, it's a deal, the two of you are careful all the way," Yi Tian nodded and replied.

After a while, Yi Tian took Liang Bufan and flew all the way to the place where the accident happened. On the way, he also asked about the situation inside.Although I have doubts in my heart, I still have to check it with my own eyes to be sure.

After flying a hundred miles, the two landed at an empty intersection. Yi Tian swept his eyes and saw that there were still several magic marks on the ground of the block, and they all converged in the middle of the intersection.

And there was a three-sized pit exposed on the ground there, and there was a jar with a seal in it.It's just that a corner of the sealing talisman has been lifted, and an untraceable devilish energy leaked out of it.

Needless to say, this is the source of the demonic transformation of monsters. Looking around, it seems that there are spirit weapons and blood stains scattered all over the place.Needless to say, the result of Timing's backlash from the Gale Wolf.

So Yi Tian ordered: "You wait here, and if there is a slight change, leave first and ask for help from the outside world."

"Senior Yi, are you going to take that jar?" Liang Bufan asked tremblingly.

"The sealing talisman was destroyed. It is estimated that there should be a person of the level of a demon general sealed inside. I have to repair the sealing talisman, or the consequences will be disastrous," Yi Tian said with a serious face.

"That's too dangerous, can I leave first?" Liang Bufan asked in a balloon tone.

He waved his hand to let him go, and after ten breaths, he was the only one left here.Without the burden, it is naturally easier to do things, Yi Tian then took out the Taiyuan sword and walked forward slowly to reach the center of the pit.Then he stretched out his hand and waved towards the jar, using telekinesis to attract it.

Unexpectedly, the jar was pulled by an invisible force halfway through the air.Yi Tian's eyelids twitched and he stretched out his fingers to fetch it.

Suddenly, a clear voice came from beside him: "If you do this, you will break the seal on the demon sealing altar, and it will be very disadvantageous for the demon generals inside to escape."

Looking along the words, it was at the entrance that he saw the casual cultivator wearing a hat, and Yi Tian was surprised to abandon the magic altar and turned to look at the man.Obviously, this person's ability to approach him silently should be good, or he has cast some concealed spell to avoid his own spiritual detection.

After thinking about it, he asked in a deep voice: "This fellow Taoist doesn't know Gao's surname. It seems that Yi Tian has never provoked Your Excellency in the Taiqing Pavilion."

The man slowly took off the bamboo hat, revealing a peerless face. The woman was dressed in a well-dressed outfit, and she didn't look like a monk from an ordinary sect, but judging by her temperament, she was definitely not a casual cultivator.If Qing Lianyun is said to be graceful and luxurious, then this woman is even more so in temperament.

It's just that a monk like this wouldn't be an unknown person, and then he asked, "Is your Excellency Ji Xingzhu from Lihuo Palace?"

There was a burst of laughter, and the woman slowly replied: "Don't make wild guesses, my name is Luo Ziyan."

"Luo Ziyan," Yi Tian was startled, isn't she the No. [-] cultivator on the ground list, it is said that Chi Wuji from Lihuo Palace has been looking for her but has no chance to meet her.

It's just that I found myself in Qingfeng Old City and I don't know why, so I asked in a deep voice: "I don't know that it's Daoist Luo who is disrespectful in front of me. I don't know if your Excellency also came here on purpose to find the Demon Sealing Altar?"

I saw her smile slightly and said: "I don't have any idea about the things here, but I'm interested in you."

"Oh, that's weird, I don't know if your Excellency has taken a fancy to my attractiveness," Yi Tian also joked, but he was actually thinking about how to get out.

Being targeted by such a person is the end of my good luck, it is better to leave now.After all, Qingfeng Old City is still under the jurisdiction of Taiqing Pavilion, so it's easy for people to do things by themselves.

Unexpectedly, the other party suddenly stretched out his hands, took out the spiritual weapon, sacrificed it, and then greeted him.It's just that the movement and the imprint on the hand are unusually familiar.

The secret path was not good, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and put the magic altar directly into the spirit purification bottle, and then his figure fled in a flash and flew in the opposite direction.

 Thanks to the book friend 160911003736354 for the monthly pass

(End of this chapter)

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