
Chapter 1041 Trailing

Chapter 1041 Trailing
In the sky above Qingfeng Old City, two streaks of light chased after each other. Yi Tian ran into Luo Ziyan at the intersection, but before he could say a few words, the other party directly attacked.

Thinking of the difference in strength, he secretly cried out in his heart: "Unlucky," and then he sacrificed the Taiyuan Sword and swayed Yao Linghuaqian towards the opponent's spell, his figure flashed and fled without caring about the situation behind him.

In terms of strength, there is still a considerable distance between himself and the opponent, so recklessly fighting is not an option. The only way for now is to avoid the edge and fly out first.

But Luo Ziyan seemed to have determined her own direction and stopped on the only way with a teleportation, so that Yi Tian had no choice but to change direction and fly towards the depths of Qingfeng Old City, hoping to rely on the strength of the old city. The terrain throws it off.

In fact, Luo Ziyan cast a spell with her hands just now, and she was recognized by herself. It was the three-style Ming Wang hand combined attack that she had practiced so well.

One can imagine the identity of the person who can use such tricks. After I came to the spirit world, I was afraid of being recognized as a heretic, so apart from the spells of the Lihuo Palace, the magical powers of the Asura clan were also completely restrained. stand up.

Although I heard that there is an Asura Realm in the Upper Three Realms, I haven't thought about going there at all.Now they are avoiding suspicion for fear of exposing all their secrets.

But now Luo Ziyan behind her seemed to be sure of something and chased after him, Yi Tian only felt that his head was as big as a fight, and he couldn't beat or run away, so he didn't know what to do.

He took out the map and searched it quickly, and found that there was a place called Extreme Illusion Realm on it. It was originally a secret place in Qingfeng City. After it was occupied by the demons, it should be replaced by their warehouse.It's just that the Extreme Illusion Realm is the closest to me among the three secret realms, and it's in the backyard of the former inspector's mansion in the north of the city.

Yi Tian made a decision in an instant, turned around and flew towards there.At the same time, the divine sense swept past Luo Ziyan, who was chasing after her and locked her firmly, it seemed that she was determined not to let go.

At this time, I also secretly regretted that this catastrophe could be avoided, who told me to meddle in my own business.Judging from the other person's face, she must have noticed something, but she is not very sure.I don't know if I can successfully turn the danger out again this time, I think about it, and when I regained my senses, I hurriedly mentioned the speed of escape.

Fortunately, his flying speed is not slow, even Luo Ziyan, the number one cultivator in the transformation stage, can't stand any advantage in a short distance.

With a flash of his figure, he arrived at the gate of the Illusory Realm within a hundred breaths, and when he glanced at it, it turned out to be the internal training place of the Inspection Department.From the map, it can be seen that there is a Sumeru space inside, which is about the size of a world.

After the demons occupied Qingfeng City during the disaster period, they transformed this world into a reserve warehouse.After the Qingfeng City was revived, because there were countless remnants of the demon race in it, the great powers in the Taiqing Pavilion modified it twice and failed to do their best.

It's not that the monsters inside are too strong, but the remaining ones are the descendants of the demon race born in this world, whose bloodlines are far inferior to those from the demon world, and their strength is also much inferior.

It's just that they are numerous and good at hiding, relying on their innate supernatural powers to escape the raids of the powerful monks several times, and they can survive in the extreme illusion.As for the creatures among them, none of them can be called demons, perhaps it is more appropriate to say that they are half demons.

Yi Tian glanced at the stele next to him outside the door, and pushed open the door without saying a word.I saw a light door behind, and a strong demonic energy came from the door.

He gritted his teeth and used the Wanyuan Forging Body Technique to set up the protective shield, then rushed directly into the light gate, and disappeared in an instant.

Just after ten breaths, a purple light and shadow descended from the sky, and Luo Ziyan's figure appeared after the light dissipated.She glanced at the stone tablet of the extreme illusion next to her, and frowned slightly.Then, instead of rushing in, he took out a dark golden crown and put it on his head.

After that, the two hands quickly made a seal on the chest, and four hands stretched out under the ribs, and two extra heads appeared out of thin air behind the ears.This appearance is exactly the same as when Yi Tian showed the body of Ashura, but the expressions on the two faces behind her showed a seductive and cunning look.

As for the face of its main head, it showed the aura of a king, which was quite different from Luo Que or Qin Mingyue.

Luo Ziyan was not afraid of showing her real body in the spirit world, and immediately walked towards the gate of light without fear, and disappeared without a trace after three breaths.

Entering this illusory territory, Yi Tian found that the sky here has no sun or moon, and it is always gray and bright.There is a lot of magic energy mixed in the surrounding air, and can some demonized creatures appear above the ground.

Compared with those mutants seen in the mutant area, the biological form here is closer to the real demons.

After Yi Tian flew in the air in one direction for a hundred miles, he found a valley where the magic energy was slightly thinner, and then hurriedly lowered the cloud head and began to search in the valley.

With a thought just now, I discovered that this place is different from other places. There is no magic pattern left in the land here, and it can be regarded as a paradise where I can temporarily breathe.

Thinking about it, Luo Ziyan would definitely pursue her closely, so Yi Tian prepared for a protracted war.As long as there is a chance, quickly restore spiritual power, try not to fight hard, your primary purpose is to get rid of the opponent's entanglement.

Shen Nian stretched out to investigate carefully and found that the other party had also come in, but after three breaths, the expression on his face became less calm.

Obviously, he also used real kung fu to find the statue of the Dharma Body and chase it in.Yi Tian's heart suddenly thumped, and he knew this form too well in his heart, and his strength would rise sharply.It's clear that he is aiming for a quick solution, and if this goes on, he will definitely be caught up by her in a short time.After thinking about it, he took out a handful of elixir, put it in his mouth and knocked it down, and then he didn't care about resting, the figure flashed past and flew into the air again, heading towards the depths of the fantasy world.

At the same time, she also felt that Luo Ziyan, who was thousands of miles away behind her, had also locked her whereabouts and was rushing towards her at a high speed.And this time, his speed was more than doubled, and he could no longer keep his distance like before.

After thinking about it, the spiritual power in the whole body circulated rapidly and at the same time, the escape speed was accelerated by [-]%, even so, the distance between the two was still shortening rapidly.

Then Yi Tian gritted his teeth and used the Thunder Escape Technique, and the purple thunder force wrapped around his body directly increased his speed to more than double.Only in this way can the distance between the two be slowly opened, but the spiritual power in the body is rapidly consumed like a flood that bursts a bank.

(End of this chapter)

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