
Chapter 1042 Counterattack

Chapter 1042 Counterattack
In the Extreme Illusionary Territory, Yi Tian used the escapism technique to escape at high speed, and the distance between him and Luo Ziyan behind him seemed to be gradually widening, but it was still a bit difficult to get out of the scope of his divine sense chasing.

And if he is always under the cover of his divine sense, he will still be firmly locked, and it is only a matter of time before he is caught up.

It's a pity that the god of luck didn't take care of him again this time. After flying away for more than half an hour, it was obvious that the spiritual energy in his body was consumed too much.

Instead of running out of spiritual power and being caught up without a fight, it is better to save enough strength to fight back and maybe there is still a glimmer of life.He casually took out a bottle of Ziyun honey wine, lifted the lid and drank it in one breath. After three breaths, he felt a mass of rich aura emanating from his stomach, traveling along the meridians and returning to the dantian for another week. The aura consumed by the rapid flight just now The power was restored by about [-]%.

I heard others say that my honey wine works well, but the first time I use it, the effect is so bad.After thinking about it, he took out some elixir again, put it in his mouth and knocked it down, at the same time, he looked for a suitable place to fight.

After ten breaths, his eyes brightened, and he finally found a poor mountain-like terrain a hundred miles away on the right, where it happened to be possible to quickly arrange a large formation.Now it is absolutely impossible to escape by relying on strength alone, and there is a chance of survival only by taking a multi-pronged approach.

He reached out and took out the eight Dragon-Escape Stakes and the formation disk, and quickly activated them. After flying to the mountain, he quickly deployed the Dragon-Escape Stakes, and then drove the formation disk with his hand to connect with the formation base, covering the entire [-]-mile radius.

Later, Yi Tian flew to the top of the dangerous peak, where he rested first.It's just that there was no slack in his spiritual sense to firmly lock Luo Ziyan who came from behind.

First, he activated the ghost-faced flower seeds one after another in his hand and ejected them into the soil on the hilltop, and then took out the Taiyuan Sword Sacrifice and held them in his hand without sending them out.

Just after finishing this, I saw a purple light flashing across the sky, and within a few breaths, it flew to a hundred feet in front of me and stopped.After the light faded, Luo Ziyan's real body appeared, but at this time, there was a thick layer of purple energy wrapped around her body to protect her asura.

A little later, she yelled sharply: "You monk finally stopped running. It would be a good plan to ambush me here."

Yi Tian was startled when he heard that, based on what Luo Ziyan said, could it be that her identity is not simple.Looking at her appearance in a blink of an eye, she was stunned, and she was indeed wearing a crown on her middle head.That thing must be a spirit treasure, and the traces of purple energy emanating from it protect it from the evil energy of this world.

And looking at her after chasing her for so long, she doesn't seem to be exhausted in the slightest, so it goes without saying that it must be the blessing effect of the purple energy on the crown.

Thinking about it, I secretly felt bitter that I still underestimated the other party too much, so it seems that this is going to be a tough battle, and it still has to be fought.

After thinking about it, she curled her lips and said: "Luo Ziyan, don't bully people too much, just because Asura's real body is strong, it may not be able to calmly suppress him."

"Whether you have something I want on your body, can you give it to me, as long as you agree, I won't hurt you at all," Luo Ziyan said with her head on the right side of her body.That face was delicate and pitiful, and the words were full of magnetism, Yi Tian seemed to be almost unable to control his mind when he heard what he said.

It was obvious that there was a strong spell of confusion in this voice, which made me want to find out what the other person meant to do.Secretly biting his lip, Yi Tian felt a trace of blood in his throat and silently recited the Bodhi Concentration Mantra in his heart to calm down his restless mood.

Looking up at the other party with contemptuous eyes, he said: "Your charming voice is really powerful, and ordinary monks may not be able to resist it at all, but unfortunately, you have made a mistake."

Then he stretched out his finger and said in the middle of the handicap: "Get up".The surrounding spiritual power was mobilized rapidly, covering the five hundred li radius.

Then he raised the Taiyuan sword with his right hand, and the condensed Lingyao Huaqian instantly turned into a rain of swords that poured down on Luo Ziyan.

See you, the other party just rolled his eyes and said, "That's all." He reached out and took out a bead, which was sealed in two pairs, and then activated it to protect his body.

There was only a crisp sound of 'ping ping pong pong', and all the sword rain fell on the bead and was absorbed.Before Yi Tian could respond, Luo Ziyan retracted the defense around her hands and turned it into the prototype of the bead.

She just heard a faint sentence: "I'll give it back to you," the spirit bead in her hand flashed, and tens of thousands of thin lines flew out of it and slanted.

Yi Tian naturally knows the power of his moves, and this sword rain is comparable to the full-strength strike of a monk in the late stage of Huashen.His expression sank, not daring to be careless, he hurriedly took out the dragon scale shield to block in front of his body, then stretched out his hand and sacrificed ghost face flower vines to weave a vine net to block in front of his body, the three-foot-sized flower buds were like a foot-sized face when fully opened The protective net is separated behind the rattan net.

Jian Yu's 'buzzing' lasted for ten breaths before the coefficient was exhausted, but it was really uncomfortable for Yi Tian.The rattan net and flower buds in front of him were smashed into a sieve by Jian Yu, and he stared at Jian Yu with a dragon scale shield in his hand and was shocked back three feet away.

Unexpectedly, Luo Ziyan yelled again: "You even use the ghost face flowers planted by my Asura royal family as spiritual media, how brave you are."

The ghost face flower is a unique spiritual plant of the Asura royal family, and Yi Tian was stunned when he heard it. To be honest, he really didn't know that there was such a thing.

Looking at the domineering look of the other party, Yi Tian also said with undiminished momentum: "You, a witch from the Asura tribe, dare to come to the spirit world to act wildly. Could it be that you are the only ones who can grow this ghost face flower."

Before he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and made a move. Several vine veins appeared on the hillside and rolled towards Luo Ziyan who was in the air.Unexpectedly, the other party didn't dodge and let the ghost-faced flower vines entangle her, but she took out a comb and held it in her hand and shook it gently to deepen it into a three-foot sharp blade.

All the vines close to her were scratched by the sharp blade in his hand, and a large amount of green juice flowed out of the cut, and it didn't take long for these vines to wither completely and could no longer be reused.

She didn't expect the other party to be able to crack her own special moves in this way. In the past, she tried every means when facing the enemy, but she didn't expect it to be completely ineffective against her now.I also believed her words [-]% to [-]% in my heart. Since the other party is the princess of the Asura clan, she naturally knows how to solve these things.

Could it be possible to use Lihuogong's tricks here? Although this world is isolated from the outside world, the remaining traces of Lihuogong's tricks are too large for anyone to be able to distinguish.

But looking at Luo Ziyan's calm look, it seems that she hasn't tried her real kung fu yet, so her heart trembles unavoidably.A thought flashed in his mind, even if he was hunted down by Lihuo Palace in the future, it would be better than sending his life here.

Just as he was about to make a move, the place where he wanted to release suddenly started to vibrate violently, and then a soaring demonic energy spewed out and formed a three-foot-long black dragon in the air, opening his mouth and saying, "Two Asura clansmen!" The cultivator is a great tonic, this time the old man is lucky."

(End of this chapter)

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