
Chapter 1043

Chapter 1043
In the secret realm of the ruins of the demonic disaster in Qingfeng Old City, Yi Tian discovered that Luo Ziyan, the number one deity cultivator in the spiritual world, was chasing after him, but her real identity was the princess of the Asura clan.

Originally, I wanted to use formations to siege and strangle many parties to fight for a bloody path, but I didn't expect that Luo Ziyan not only revealed the origin of her tricks, but also cracked them all.In desperation, it was worth trying to set up a large formation and wait for an opportunity to start a counterattack, but he didn't expect that the place where the two fought was actually the habitat of a dragon.

The fight just now might have already awakened the other party, but for some reason, the general came out at this time.When the magic dragon flew into the air, Yi Tian's divine sense swept across his face, showing helplessness.

This black dragon seems to only have the strength of the peak of the gods, but the dragon family is the top existence among the monsters.And it's not as subspecies as the Jiaolong. This demonized black dragon is indeed three points stronger than himself in the state of complete victory.

What's more, it is even more difficult to deal with the current state where a lot of spiritual power is consumed. It seems that I have become the weakest among the three parties.

Looking at Luo Ziyan in the distance, she also had a bad expression, and she also felt unwilling to kill a strong opponent halfway.But it is obvious that this magic dragon wants to treat the two of them as lunch, so he turned his head and looked at Yi Tianhou and said softly: "You really learned my family's skills, show up quickly and join hands to deal with this magic dragon, why don't we two None of them can go."

To be honest, in Yi Tian's heart, one hundred people are unwilling to use Asura's real body to fight again. In fact, in recent years, he has also found that his avatar is really not suitable for fighting. On the contrary, he is practicing supernatural powers and studying skills.

But at the moment, I have no choice but to show that my strength can be more than doubled, so I certainly have a chance to fight.

After thinking about it, he coldly snorted and replied: "Let's shoot together, or we will break up at once." After finishing speaking, regardless of the other party's answer, he stretched out his hand to connect the seals on his chest and said in his mouth: "Now".

Immediately under the ribs, four hands tore through the clothes and stretched out, and two heads appeared behind the ears.The appearance is exactly the same as Luo Ziyan's, but there is no trace of hostility in the expressions on the three heads.

See you, the black demon dragon roared angrily: "You guys should stop doing unnecessary struggles." Before he finished speaking, thousands of black silk swords rained down from the sky, and it was Yi Tian who took the lead.

But on the other hand, Luo Ziyan was standing in the air with a face full of surprise, neither of the spirit weapons in her hands were sacrificed.

When the sword rain attacked the demon dragon again, the black dragon scales on its back completely blocked the sword thread.Fortunately, there are still some sword marks across the soft crotch of his abdomen, and some dark red spiritual power gradually seeps out along the wound.

The magic dragon raised its head in pain and groaned angrily, then opened its mouth and spit out the dragon's breath towards Yi Tian.Yi Tianjian, Da Jing, this move is stronger than Luo Ziyan's rebounding her own attack.There was no way to avoid it, and there were no ghost-faced flower vines to defend, so I had to raise the dragon-scale shield to block in front of me and carry the dragon's breath.

Suddenly, a purple figure flashed in front of them, and stretched out a hand, which was a spirit bead to protect both of them.The flaming dragon's breath sprayed on the Lingzhu defense and was all bounced off.

I only heard Luo Ziyan's back turned to her and said: "I still don't make a full shot at this time, take out the sun and moon wheels of my family in your hands."

Thinking that the other party came here for the Sun and the Moon Tonghuilun, although Yi Tian felt reluctance in his heart, he didn't care so much at this critical juncture.

Put your hands together and say "Now", and then the moon and sun symbols suddenly appeared on your arms.Then the symbol flew out of his hand and turned into a sun, moon, and glowing wheel, and was sacrificed on his hand.

After Luo Ziyan put away the Lingzhu, she raised the sharp blade in her hand again and used a sword light to cut through the space in front of her, and went towards the black dragon with several spiritual power fluctuations that appeared out of thin air.

With a loud bang, a five-foot-long sword mark was deeply drawn on the sad dragon scale after the magic dragon was hit, and a lot of black magic energy burst out from it.

Before he could recover, two blue and red auras flashed on the left and right, and the sun, moon and brilliance wheel pierced through the void and then followed and struck in the direction of the dragon's head and dragon's tail.

The two beeps of 'Ping Ping' just made the black dragon's body tremble slightly, without leaving any trace.

Luo Ziyan turned around and looked at Yi Tian with a look of contempt on her face, and said, "You are so capable, but you haven't even mastered your supernatural powers after taking my family's Lingbao."

"I want you to care," Yi Tian spat and said disdainfully, but his eyelids also trembled, obviously the gap was too big.Since the Sun Moon Tonghui Wheel is the spiritual treasure of the Asura clan, it is a waste of money to keep it by my side for more than a thousand years without cultivating it to home.

In this opened-up Xumi space, the demonic energy is rampant, and the spiritual power cannot be replenished.The strength of the magic dragon in front of him has almost reached the stage of distraction, coupled with the prestige of the location, it will not lose the wind in one pair.Even if the hard armor on the back was scratched by Luo Ziyan just now, it quickly replenished by absorbing magic energy in ten breaths.

After an angry moan, it opened its mouth and spit out a sky full of magic flames. This time the power of the dragon's breath was three points stronger than before.A lot of distortions occurred in the black demon or in the void where there were few places to go, and at the same time, it sucked out the spiritual energy within a hundred miles.

At the same time, Yi Tian and Luo Ziyan's speed of absorbing spiritual energy and recovering became even slower, and the two of them joined forces and gradually fell into a disadvantage.

"If you paddle again, we might have to explain everything here," Luo Ziyan said with a serious expression on her face.

Obviously she didn't intend to run away alone, Yi Tian was also puzzled when she saw it.So the opponent obviously has other plans, but now he has to join forces to have a chance to defeat this dragon.After thinking about it without hesitation, he retracted the Sun Moon Tong Huilun and murmured: "Combined".

After merging the two spiritual weapons into one, he quickly knotted his hands together and said in a deep voice: "The sun and the moon are shining together." In an instant, the two spiritual weapons were quickly autobiographical and then gently sent out.Wherever the huge cyan spinning top turned from the spiritual weapon went, a huge vacuum was formed, and everything the four hands were involved in was pulled into the vacuum, and then completely shattered.

After seeing it, the magic dragon also saw the power of the trick, and at the same time, his abdomen seemed to be brewing something.After three breaths, it only saw its throat tremble and opened its mouth to roar, and then a Heisha sword wrapped in magic flames flew out.

Luo Ziyan cried out: "This is the body of the guardian spirit, flash quickly."

Yi Tian also had something strange about the governor, and hurriedly flew ten miles away in a flash.Before he had time to look back, Divine Sense discovered that the sun, moon, and Huilun had collided with the black saber fiercely, and then a huge wave of spiritual power spread out in all directions.Where the shock wave of spiritual power went, the trees on the ground were uprooted, and the rocks were scattered and cracked by the strong wind inside.

Later, I found that the hills below the position I occupied just now were blown away, leaving only a crater about a hundred feet deep and a radius of a hundred feet.

Two flashes of spiritual light flashed past Sun Moon Tong Huilun, and after taking it back into his hands, Yi Tian found that the spiritual power on it was much weaker than before, and it was obvious that he didn't take advantage of it with one blow.

Luo Ziyan said in a voice: "Give me the spiritual weapon, and let you see the true power of our sacred objects."

(End of this chapter)

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