
Chapter 1047

Chapter 1047
He rushed to Fenmai in time to save Hua Yuxin, and then naturally confronted Xiang Donghui.Yi Tian glanced at the person in front of him and found that the oppression he gave him was far less than that of Luo Ziyan who was facing in the secret realm.

At least in the face of him, he still has a three-point certainty to overwhelm his opponent, and there is a [-]% chance of a tie.Moreover, looking at the other party's appearance, secretly mentioning that he seems to have a big prejudice against Murong Feixue.

On the contrary, the Thunder Tribulation he mentioned seems to have touched something in his heart. It seems that something must have happened between him, Murong Feixue and his fallen companion Peng Li back then.

After thinking about it, he said without showing weakness: "It's rare that I have the honor to meet senior brother Xiang. I just want to ask for advice. Choosing a day is worse than bumping into the sun. Why don't you ask senior brother to teach me a trick so that I can see how big the gap is."

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of all the people present suddenly changed, especially Xiang Dongchen who had a happy face and hurriedly urged: "Brother, show this kid some strength, so that he won't be arrogant again."

Hua Yulin hurriedly argued: "Brother-in-law, don't play with your heartbeat as soon as you come, today is not a day for fighting, senior brother Xiang still has important things to do, so don't disturb others."

As for Hua Yuxin, although she didn't speak, her brows were furrowed deeply, and her worried expression was clearly evident.

On the contrary, Xiang Donghui in front of him once again sent a voice transmission privately: "Are you so confident that you can catch me and get away with one move?"

"It's imperative. Didn't you say that Murong Feixue is not simple? Maybe she knows through some other channels that you and I meet again at this time," Yi Tian replied unequivocally through voice transmission, but the meaning is actually very obvious. This fight was not only to test Xiang Donghui, but also to show Murong Feixue indirectly.

After three breaths, Xiang Donghui understood the meaning of Yi Tian's words, then nodded and replied in a deep voice: "Since Junior Brother Yi is interested, I will stop and play with you."

"Okay, brother, talk quickly, let's use one move as a limit," after speaking, the figure flashed to the center of the school field.

As a result, the atmosphere on the scene changed, even if Hua Yulin tried to stop her, she had no choice but to take her sister to the side and watch silently.

As for Xiang Dongchen, he walked up to Hua Yulin with a smug face and said, "Your brother-in-law is very courageous, but I wonder if his strength is as tough as his tone?"

Hua Yulin didn't answer his words with a look of contempt on his face, but there was a look of worry in his eyes.It was Hua Yuxin who interjected: "I believe Brother Yi is not a reckless person, he must be very intentional in doing this."

"What's the intention? In the end, my brother will take care of him," Xiang Dongchen said with disdain.In the eyes of the two brothers and sisters of the Hua family, his appearance was extremely uncomfortable, but there was nothing they could do for him.

Unsurprisingly, Yi Tian, ​​who was on the field, heard all the words in his ears, but said with a smile: "It would be disheartening to lose a little bit of glory in such a fight, why don't I take a small gamble with fellow Taoist Dongchen. I think five hundred points The lottery is almost over, so I don't know how you will do it?"

As soon as this statement came out, the three people who were watching at the side were stunned. This is not a big deal, but it is also suitable for such an occasion.After hearing this, Xiang Dongchen had a look of doubt on his face, but seeing Yi Tian's appearance did not seem to be boasting, and his eyes shifted to Xiang Donghui's body, he felt confident again.

Then he said: "Okay, it will be as you say."

Yi Tian looked at Xiang Donghui in front of him in a blink of an eye and didn't say anything to stop him, but a voice came from his ear: "You Daoist Yi is very confident in yourself, but this is fine, but it doesn't matter who wins or loses." Let Murong Feixue deepen the misunderstanding between us. Maybe it can also divert her attention, this move of fellow Taoist is a multi-purpose move, I haven't felt the excellence of you ascended monks for a long time."

"You are being polite to Fellow Daoist, since you have the intention to raise something, then you must do something next time. After this incident, I think everyone will deliberately eliminate the previous suspicions, at least there will be no need to fight each other again in the future," Yi Tian replied via voice transmission.

Later, I saw that Xiang Dongchen reached out without hesitation and took out a small flag about half a foot in size, and slowly raised it in his hand.

I only heard Hua Yulin reminded me: "Brother-in-law, be careful, this is Xiang Donghui's natal artifact, the Rising Sun Banner."

Yi Tian swept his eyes and saw a golden smoke quietly flying out of the small streamer, circled behind Xiang Donghui and scattered in all directions, turning into several solid light clusters and attacking him.

To be honest, there are no less than several ways to deal with it based on one's own ability, but there are very few skills that can be truly exposed to people.After thinking about it, he took out two ghost-faced flower seed sacrifices, activated them in his hands, and ejected them into the soil under his feet.After a short breath, several arm-thin vine veins drilled out and woven a vine net at a distance of three feet in front of him, and then in the center of the vine net, a flower bud about one foot in size directly opened its leaf petals, relying on the vine net to form a An impenetrable protective wall was built.

"Bang bang bang" after several bursts sounded, the golden light ball of the rising sun flag absorbed all of them hit the rattan net.The spiritual power fluctuations aroused by its great power spread out around the place where Yi Tian was standing on the school field.The golden shock wave of spiritual power swallowed up the figures of the people on the field in an instant, and even Hua Yulin and others who were standing on the sidelines had to open their protective shields to resist.

As for the meridian disciples who were watching the excitement in the distance, those with a slightly lower cultivation level were thrown to the ground by the blast, with a look of horror on their faces.

Half a moment later, the smoke on the school field slowly dissipated, and everyone could see a ten-foot-big pit appeared at Yi Tian's position, and a rattan wall stood there.Although the frontal defense wall has shown a tattered appearance, even the ghost-faced flower bud in the middle has been beaten to pieces.

But Yi Tian's position standing behind the defensive wall has not moved even half a cent.

To be able to receive Xiang Donghui's blow in such a complete and intact way, even in the inner sect, it is impossible to count the slaps.But Yi Tian in front of him not only did it, but also seemed to have a little spare power judging from the situation.

After sweeping his gaze towards Donghui, he pursed his lips and said, "Yi Daoyou, you really didn't disappoint me. I really look forward to having a chance to really learn from you next time."

"I hope there will be such a day. Fellow Daoist Xiang's strength should not be underestimated. I have seen it today," Yi Tian also complimented politely.

In fact, the opponent did not use real skills in the fight just now, but even now it proves that the strength of the opponent is definitely worthy of ranking on the earth evil list. Sure enough, each of these monks is a fuel-efficient lamp.

At this time, Xiang Dongchen, who was on the side, couldn't hold back anymore, and walked up to chat with his elder brother in private without saying much, and then the eyes he looked at Yi Tian also changed.

(End of this chapter)

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