
Chapter 1048 Query

Chapter 1048 Query
There is a library in Qingfeng City, which contains various books and records in the spirit world.In addition, even the information of the other eight interfaces can be found here.

Compared with the collection of classics in the Chuangong Temple in the Taiqing Pavilion, it is more comprehensive.And this place is still open to all spiritual monks, as long as you have the identity jade card in Qingfeng City and pay a certain amount of merit points, you can inquire.

Even those casual cultivators who can complete a certain amount of tasks in the city can also rely on the merit points they have obtained to check here.

Of course, the library here has a lot of discounts for Taiqing Pavilion disciples.Except for the collection of exercises and skills, there is no need to pay merit points.

When Yi Tian rushed to the library in Qingfeng City, he took out his identity jade badge and was checked by the deacon outside the door, and then he could enter the lobby space of the library through a dedicated passage.

After the branching of Daozong in the Shangqing Dynasty came to an end, he first brought Hua Yuxin back to Xishan Lingzhi Garden.After being introduced by the team leaders under him, they settled Hua Yuxin directly in his cave.

Fortunately, the cave is not small, and besides, with her there, she can take care of the Lingzhi garden and cultivate purple jade bees.For this reason, a new stone room space was specially re-opened in the cave, which is regarded as Hua Yuxin's room.

Before leaving, she specifically asked her to take good care of Lingzhi, and also stipulated that she could not enter her cave for the time being, and set up an extra barrier outside.

After all, Hua Yulin is just taking care of his sister on behalf of Hua Yulin, and he still has a lot of secrets that cannot be easily revealed.

Fortunately, Hua Yuxin can be regarded as quick-witted. Compared with being told by Hua Yulin before, she did not dare to violate the taboos at will after entering the cave. In the next few days, under her own instruction, she did a good job, and she also Acting like a hostess, she trained the five team leaders to be submissive.

Later, Yi Tian made an excuse to test Hua Yuxin's ability, and directly let her sit in the steward's mansion.However, he took the opportunity to sneak out, and first went to the Chuan Gong Temple inside the sect to find information.It took most of the day to search through the first to fourth floors, but could not find any records of other realms.

Under the guidance of the elders of Chuangong Temple, he hurried to the library in Qingfeng City to find the answer.

After entering the bottom floor of the library building, I found that there were several times more monks visiting here than in the Zongmen.Slowly walking up the upper floors of the library to the fourth floor dedicated to monks of the transformation stage, you can also see that many monks of the same level come here to look up information.

Fortunately, I don't need to look for exercises, so I put all my energy on those travel notes.Going to the deepest part of the fourth floor, there are all the letters left by the predecessors of the past generations who were fortunate enough to travel to other worlds.

Yi Tian seemed to be indifferent, but in reality, Shen Nian scanned the value of these books several times.After a while, I found the records about the Asura realm in the upper three realms.

These jade slips are not many, there are only five copies in total, and there is an obvious mark on the bookshelf that the inspection fee for each volume is [-] merit points.Yi Tian stepped forward to take out his identity jade card and took a photo on the label, and then the protective light film on the jade slip disappeared directly.

He reached out and took off the jade slip, put it directly on his forehead and read it quickly with his spiritual thoughts, and after a moment, there was a look of disappointment on both sides.

What is recorded in this jade slip is the process of some casual cultivators going to the Asura Realm to sell treasures. Although they have been there, they have only been to the outer market of the Asura King City.They didn't even enter the outer city. The jade slips only recorded the transactions with some Asura civilians there.

Afterwards, Yi Tian took out the identity jade token and took out the remaining four jade slips one by one, put them on his forehead and read them roughly with his spiritual thoughts.

Half an hour later, his face was full of disappointment. The most powerful author of the five jade slips only entered the outer city of Asura King City.This person met some Asura nobles by chance and traded with them, and it was also mentioned that the Asura kings of all dynasties were all women.

Both civilians and nobles have to go on a pilgrimage to the royal city every thousand years, and then the contemporary King Asura will visit in person.In addition, this jade slip also describes the appearance of the contemporary Asura King Xiuwei in the Mahayana period, but he has not shown his face for 2000 years.

The recent pilgrimage gatherings were all presided over by the next princess, but the prince's support was missing during the ceremony, so many Asuras had some thoughts.

I turned over and clicked countless times and finally found some clues again, but I couldn't find the source of the imprint pattern.I couldn't help being a little depressed, but I couldn't help it for a while, and then I walked out slowly on the fourth floor, thinking about whether I could go to other places to find some useful information.

Suddenly two monks whispered in my ears, and only one of them said: "The ranking on the earth evil list has been updated again, do you know that there is big news this time."

Another person hurriedly asked: "Could it be that another newcomer has entered the top ten?"

"Yes or no, this time Chi Wuji from Lihuo Palace has secured his title as the No. Be distracted."

Hearing this, Yi Tian's spiritual thoughts moved in his heart and secretly said: "No, no matter how strong Luo Ziyan is, she will not easily advance in the spirit world."

I am also very familiar with the exercises of the Asura clan. I think that after Luo Ziyan got the Sun Moon Tonghui Wheel from her hand, she took the opportunity to leave the spirit world and return to the Asura world.

Only in this way can it be regarded as a reasonable explanation for the ranking problem on the earth evil list.It is expected that Chi Wuji is not a fool, and it is not difficult to find out Luo Ziyan's identity based on the news channel from Lihuo Palace.It's not because the forces behind her are so powerful that they can't afford to provoke her so freely in the spirit world.

In addition, when I looked up the information just now, there was a word 'Sura Dao' that appeared in the five jade slips at the same time. Now that I think about it, it must be the door of the interface channel leading to the Asura Realm.

It's just that this place has the hands of fit monks, and it is absolutely impossible for idle and distracted monks to pass through, let alone one like myself.

Thinking of this, she felt a little disappointed. According to Luo Ziyan's words, she hoped that she would have the opportunity to go to the Asura world once.After all, the real method of using the Dharma Body is still very useful to me.

Moreover, what I have learned now is only the most basic spells of the Asura clan. The same spiritual weapon does not show any power at all, but Luo Ziyan uses shocking tricks.In this way, Yi Tian had an idea in his mind, and found an opportunity to sneak to the Asura Realm and vowed to practice the orthodox technique he found and try it.

 Thank you that the world I live in is a false reward
(End of this chapter)

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