
Chapter 1049 Tracking

Chapter 1049 Tracking
In the library in Qingfeng City, Yi Tian only found a few documents about the world of Asura, but it was almost useless to him.

These ancestors have been to the Asura Realm in time, and they have only been in touch with some fringes, and there is no way to find the real situation inside, let alone find the pattern of the imprint for analysis.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian is worth putting away his mood for the time being, and slowly walked downstairs from the fourth floor of the library.It's a waste of time to stay here, it's better to find another way to try your luck in Qingfeng City.

In the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, since the demons can cross the border, there must be an interface channel. Even if it is closed now, it can be opened again.

Similarly, the other interfaces must have the same channel, and the most powerful Asura world is also inevitable.As long as there is a channel, people will come and go in it, and at the same time, it will bring things of different interfaces.

As for these matters, it is better to go for a walk in Qingfeng City, maybe the major companies will have some clues.

Half an hour later, Yi Tian walked alone on the main street of Qingfeng City, restraining his aura and suppressing it in the Nascent Soul stage.Coincidentally, Nascent Soul cultivators accounted for the majority in Qingfeng City, and as for Huashen cultivators, they didn't even bother to roam the streets.

After walking for a few streets, suddenly a figure floated in front of him and walked into a shop a little later, Yi Tian looked at the signboard of the shop that said "Baicaoyuan" and was stunned.After thinking about it carefully, I realized that it was actually Chuntao, the maid of inner sect Murong Feixue. Although I had only seen this woman twice, I had paid attention to her because of Tian Zhuangshi.

But then I thought in my heart that this Chuntao is already Murong Feixue's maid, so there is no need to come to the street market in Qingfeng City to buy spiritual plants, the inner door is free to buy higher-level spiritual plants, and if it is not good, you can go to the Lingzhi Garden Find five team leaders for private transactions.

You can come to the Baicao Garden in Qingfeng City, either because there are some rare specialties here, or for other purposes.Curiosity was at work, Yi Tian thought about it, then turned around and walked into the alley by the side of the road. Half a moment later, he came out from the other side of the small box and changed into a Confucian robe, pretending to be a middle-aged monk.At the same time, he performed the Thousand Faces Technique and changed his face into another person.

Even standing in front of Chuntao now, it is absolutely impossible to recognize herself with her eyes.

Then he took big strides and walked towards the spiritual planting point of the Baicao Garden.After entering the store, I found that in the inner lobby, there were a few buddies of Jindan monks receiving customers.After seeing himself, he came up enthusiastically and began to sell Lingzhi in the store.

Yi Tian had no choice but to perfunctory, while quietly stretching out his divine sense to search the situation in the shop.It was obvious that Chuntao had gone to a certain wing on the second floor, but fortunately her scent was different from ordinary people, and soon Yi Tian was sure that she must have gone to the three connected rooms on the east side of the upper floor.

In the hall, Yi Tian listened to the clerk's eloquent introduction, chose a suitable position for himself, and could observe the angle of the east wing, and waited.

Not long after, I saw Chuntao coming out of the room, accompanied by a Nascent Soul Stage female cultivator wearing the shop's clothes.The Jindan buddies all around greeted the two of them when they passed by. Yi Tian wanted to spy and naturally calmed down to observe, only to hear that those buddies all called the female cultivator the third shopkeeper.

Immediately after giving orders, they wanted to go upstairs for a detailed discussion, and those guys hurriedly led the way when they saw that they had recruited a big master.

After going up to the second floor, Yi Tian didn't hesitate and said directly: "Since the third shopkeeper of your store is free, why don't you invite her to greet you?"

The guy was taken aback when he heard that, and then he saw a storage bag handed over by Yi Tian with a meeting look on his face.After receiving the things, he hurriedly replied: "Wait a moment objectively, I will notify you right away."

Entering the room, Yi Tian glanced at it. It was obvious that there was a sound-proof enchantment formation, and it was impossible to check anything inside.

When I was at the door just now, I searched with my spiritual sense, and there is only a late-stage cultivator in the Baicao Garden sitting in charge.This is really convenient for him to act cheaply, so he reached out and took out a formation-breaking awl, found the node of the restriction, and pierced it.

After ten breaths, the preparations in the room were all under his control. Even a monk who was in charge at the late stage of transformation would not be able to realize that he was making small moves under his nose.

After doing this, I heard the door open with a sound of 'acridine', and the person who walked in was the third shopkeeper just now.After closing the door and sitting down, before speaking, the third shopkeeper felt dizzy and lost his spirit in his eyes.

Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting in the room, looked at the other party with joy on his face at this moment, and said in his heart, "It's done."This technique can also be regarded as the most useless of the few secret techniques Luo Que left for him, and it can only be used against monks whose cultivation level is lower than his own.

I didn't have a chance to use it before, so I didn't try it. I suddenly used it today and felt that the effect is not bad.Then he asked, "Do you recognize the person you received just now?"

Only the third shopkeeper replied lifelessly: "Fairy Chuntao, a disciple of Taiqing Pavilion."

"What is she doing here?" Yi Tian asked again.

"Buy some raw materials," the flat tone sounded again.

"What did she buy? Is it difficult inside the Taiqing Pavilion?" Yi Tian continued to ask.

"One hundred catties of green bamboo mulberry leaves, [-] servings each of Seven Star Gu and Snow Lotus Seeds. Buying these things in the inner sect will attract the attention of others, and she also wants to avoid people's eyes and ears," the third shopkeeper replied.

Sure enough, there was a problem, Yi Tian quickly went through all three things in his mind, but he didn't know the other two except the Seven Star Gu.

After thinking for a while, his eyes glanced over and he asked again: "What are the functions of these three things and what can they do together?"

The third shopkeeper's face was indifferent and he took three breaths before he said: "The green mulberry is used to feed the seven-star Gu, and the seven-star Gu can be used as the feed for high-level Gu insects. The snow lotus seeds are used to remove the peculiar smell mixed in the alchemy. The other two materials are fine."

"It's okay," Yi Tian muttered a few words, but the doubt in his eyes didn't lighten up, on the contrary, it became deeper now.

It was a little unusual for Chuntao to go to Qingfeng City to buy Lingzhi, and there was no need to do so in her capacity.And the amount of purchase is quite a lot. If you don't use it so many times, you don't need to buy such an amount to attract attention.

Intuition told me that it was not that simple, and it seemed that Chuntao didn't buy this thing for her own use, she probably bought it for Murong Feixue.

Xiang Donghui had privately mentioned before that he should be careful with this woman, but she was not as simple as she imagined.I took this matter to heart, and this time, I accidentally broke Chuntao out to buy so many strange things, so I kept an eye on it.

 Thank you Xiyi Jiaoyang for the monthly pass

(End of this chapter)

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