
Chapter 1050 Help

Chapter 1050 Help
After coming out of the Baicao Garden, Yi Tian did not return directly to the Zongmen, but went to the scripture building again.Just now in the wing room of the Baicao Garden, after dispelling the mind-controlling technique, he casually bought several ingredients for the formula of Seleidan.

The three shopkeepers didn't have any clues. After taking the materials and exchanging them for spirit stones later, they only thought it was a good deal.

Of course, in order to avoid people's eyes and ears, Yi Tian directly sorted out several materials in the recipe, and the rest of the materials can be purchased separately in other shops to prevent interested people from seeing his intentions.

After entering the library again, Yi Tian went straight to the Lingzhi Department, and spent [-] merit points directly in exchange for a jade slip of Lingzhi Daquan and a collection of alchemy recipes.Although the records here may not be comprehensive, as long as you have the information you need.

I found a free place on the fourth floor of the library building to do it, and then I opened up the jade slips of Lingzhi Daquan and searched quickly with my spiritual thoughts.Not long after, I found the introduction of the green mulberry and the seven-star Gu. According to records, the green mulberry can be used as an auxiliary material for alchemy, but its main function is to raise golden silkworms.

If a large number of them are raised, then one hundred catties of green mulberries can produce nearly a hundred of them.

As for the Seven Star Gu and the Golden Silkworm, it has nothing to do with it, but it can be used to feed the Golden Silkworm Gu King.Seeing this, Yi Tian's eyelids couldn't help but jump, he knew little about raising Gu, but one thing is certain is that the green mulberry can also be used to feed the golden silkworm Gu king, but it can only be used as an auxiliary material That's all.

It was obvious that Chun Tao was refining natal Gu, or the person who refined Gu was not her but Murong Feixue.

Thinking of this, I deeply realized why Xiang Donghui secretly mentioned himself.This method of refining Gu is rarely seen in spiritual cultivation, but there are many records in the art of witchcraft passed down from afar.

If Murong Feixue was really deliberate in cultivating this way, it's no wonder Xiang Donghui would criticize her.

As for the snow lotus seeds that can be used in alchemy formulas, they are usually used to eliminate the peculiar smell produced after alchemy.But Murong Feixue's alchemy skills will definitely not be useful when it comes to this thing, unless the elixir she wants to refine has problems in itself and needs to use the characteristics of snow lotus seeds to eliminate the peculiar smell it produces.

In the end, Yi Tian simply stopped thinking about it. After packing up the things in his hands, he went directly to the other major pharmacies in Qingfeng City to buy the refining materials of Secluded Leidan in batches.Fortunately, except for the main ones, the rest are not difficult to find. Yitian just collected all the accessories after visiting a few more stores.

To be honest, I still had some expectations for this matter before, but with the continuous development of the matter, I have also put a question mark on Murong Feixue's character after I have a deeper understanding.

I have completed the mission of Qingfeng Revival this time, but I have obtained the qualification to buy the Thunder Crystal Core.After returning to Zongmen, he didn't go directly back to Xishan Lingzhi Garden, but went to the Discipline Department first to collect the task reward, and also got a special certificate.And I was told that I could go to the Department of Internal Affairs to buy special treasures or go to Chuangong Shrine to choose more advanced exercises.

After going to the Department of Internal Affairs, Yi Tian easily obtained a thunder crystal nucleus after showing this special certificate.After getting all the materials in hand, you can start refining, but a thought arises spontaneously in your heart.Didn't Murong Feixue say that this remote Lei Dan is a rare pill, and there are very few alchemists who have refined it.

Now that people have talked about this, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.People just want to see that they can't refine it so they can show their favor.

In the past, of course, I was happy, but now that I have a backup option, I don’t need to go to the door directly.

After thinking for a while, he sent a message to Hua Yulin to find Hu Weichuan's cave, and then went straight to the door.In my opinion, since Hu Weichuan is also a disciple of Danfang, he must have done some research on it.

After wandering around the inner gate, according to the information given by Hua Yulin, he quickly found the destination cave. It happened that Hu Weichuan was also in the cave to cultivate and did not retreat.

After passing the pass, they entered the hall of his cave, and the two sat down as guests and hosts. Yi Tian did not pretend to express his intentions directly: "I want to ask Fellow Daoist Hu to help refine a secluded Leidan once at a time."

Unexpectedly, Hu Weichuan did not reply directly after hearing this, but frowned and looked at Yi Tian thoughtfully: "To be honest, the refining process of this elixir is cumbersome, and I have never tried refining it, I'm afraid I'm afraid I'm powerless."

Unexpectedly, he was rejected by the other party as soon as he opened his mouth. Yi Tiandao didn't think it was strange, but Hu Weichuan's eyes seemed to be avoiding his own gaze.Immediately, I was unhappy to expect this hidden secret that was bound to be unknown.

With a light cough, he opened his mouth again: "You Daoist Hu, we are also friends who have helped each other in the same boat, and you are on good terms with Brother Yulin. Although I don't know why you refused, but if you have any embarrassing secrets, please tell me. will blame you."

Hu Weichuan sighed and said: "Actually, only the chief and elder sister Murong Feixue have refined this remote Leidan in the alchemy room. Although I intend to help you, I must also take their wishes into consideration."

"Could it be that the head of the alchemy room has given instructions," he knew in his heart, but on the face he still pulled the head into it first.

Hu Weichuan waved his hands and said: "Actually, the first person would take care of such things after many years of retreat. This is what Murong Feixue meant. To be honest, I have two concerns. One is that I have never refined this pill, I’m afraid that I’ll waste the precious materials I’ve managed to get together by mistake.”

After hearing this, Yi Tian smiled and said: "These two are afraid of the elder sister, and it will be difficult to explain after meeting with Danfang Tongdao in the future."

Gently nodding his head to signal Hu Weichuan also cast a sorry look in his eyes, but Yi Tian was full of doubts about this in his heart.It was obvious that Murong Feixue was not going to let her go, that's why she greeted Dan Fang's disciples explicitly or implicitly in advance.

It's a pity that she never expected that she could also make alchemy, and it was her chance to look down on others like this.And there must be something strange in Ming's speech, so we have to think about it in the long run.

After thinking about it, Haosheng comforted Hu Weichuan a few words, and then turned the topic to the art of refining Gu, saying: "I don't know if there are any fellows in the sect who are good at refining Gu? I heard that some people can use natal Gu as a help, and even You can entrust your primordial spirit on the Gu worms as the host of the incarnation outside your body."

Speaking of this, Hu Weichuan's interest was touched, I saw him stretch out his hand and sacrificed a blue dragonfly on his hand, and then said with a proud look: "This is my natal Gu 'Dragon Fly', As Junior Brother Yi said, besides being able to fight against the enemy, it can also be used as an incarnation outside the body."

After Yi Tian glanced over, he found that this dragonfly seemed to have been sacrificed and seemed to be quite spiritual.Then he asked: "I don't know if there are any Gu worms that can be raised?"

"Yes, Murong Feixue just raised a golden silkworm Gu king, but it seems that it has not yet reached the state of great perfection," Hu Weichuan said happily, "Her natal Gu is very powerful. A cultivator at the early stage of transformation."

It was the golden silkworm Gu again, Yi Tian didn't change his face, but in his heart he thought of it when he met Chuntao in Qingfeng City.Then he asked: "I don't know if Brother Hu has the technique of raising Gu?"

Without even thinking about it, Hu Weichuan took out a copy of the jade slip and handed it over, "Junior Brother Yi, you're being polite, I can't help you with anything, so you can take this jade slip and engrave a copy."

(End of this chapter)

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