
Chapter 1051 Secret Hands

Chapter 1051 Secret Hands
Sitting in his cave, Yi Tian stared blankly at the technique of raising Gu in front of him with a thoughtful expression on his face. This technique of raising Gu was passed down from the ancient witch clan, and it is divided into many branch.

Dragon flies like Hu Weichuan can be regarded as auxiliary Gu worms, generally responsible for helping to take care of the high-level spiritual plants in the cemetery, and they can also be used as early warning indicators on weekdays.

It's just that this kind of Gu worm's weak combat ability can only play a certain amount of auxiliary effect on the master, but it has a miraculous effect on breaking the psychedelic formation.

Because it is more convenient to raise and there are no special requirements, it is more popular among alchemists. It only needs to be fed with specific medicines.

As for the Golden Silkworm Gu King in Murong Feixue's hands, it is different. Before raising it, it needs to refine a silkworm king tripod with thousand-year-old golden nanmu.Then 99 golden silkworm larvae were put into it, and the blood of the Gu refiner was used as a trigger to arouse the ferocity of the golden silkworm.

When there is only one Gu king left in the golden silkworm fight, you can open the cauldron to get the Gu. After that, you need to feed it with the blood of the Gu refiner for ten years to achieve a small success.

After that, you need to continue feeding low-level Gu worms to continuously increase the spiritual power of the Golden Silkworm Gu King, so this is in line with Chuntao's purchase of Seven Hearts Gu.

After feeding Gu worms all year round, the Golden Silkworm Gu King will become extremely ferocious, and even affect the Gu refiners in reverse.Therefore, it is necessary to feed a large amount of green mulberry to control the ferocity of the Golden Silkworm Gu King, neither to overdo it nor to turn back on the master, so this can be matched.

After the Golden Silkworm Gu King has practiced to a great success, his mind can be erased and his body refined into a distraction carrier, and its greatest effect is to be invulnerable to all poisons.

This Golden Silkworm Gu King is already extremely poisonous, and those poisons from the spirit world have no effect on it, and at the same time it can protect its master from harm.

Seeing this, Yi Tian stopped and searched his spiritual thoughts deep into his beast-controlling bag. At this time, the Yunmeng toad was lying on the jug and fell asleep, blowing from time to time. What about bubbles.

The wine jug that I made by myself is a specially processed Baina jug, which can be filled with hundreds of catties of fine wine.Now this guy drank most of the pot, but the effect is also obvious. The pattern on Yunmeng Toad's back is getting more and more obvious.

Judging by its appearance, it took 150 years of exercises to increase its cultivation base to the sixth level since it came to the spirit world, and it only relied on swallowing poison and drinking to sleep.I estimated in my heart that at this speed, I believe that it will not take long to enter the intermediate level.

This little guy also has a natural affinity for poisons, but he doesn't know who is more powerful than Murong Feixue's Golden Silkworm Gu King.

After reading the whole secret art of raising Gu, I have a general understanding of Gu insects.But I don't have the idea of ​​raising it. As long as this thing is raised properly, it can certainly be effective against the enemy.But it is too time-consuming, and those kinds of Gu king worms with superior combat power need to be fed with blood.

This is exactly the place I forsaken the most. You must know that the spiritual power contained in the blood in the body is huge after cultivating to the state of transforming gods.Such a daily feeding for a year is afraid that even if there is sufficient panacea to supplement the cultivation level during this period, it will be difficult to maintain the original state.

Maybe after ten years, the cultivation base will be retreated by one level, so it will take a hundred years to restore the cultivation base to the original state, which is a waste of time.

In my heart, I was surprised by Murong Feixue's persistence, I never thought that this person would have such an idea that he could spend a hundred years to raise a golden silkworm Gu king who has practiced to a small degree.

When he was wondering, Hua Yuxin's voice suddenly came from outside the door: "Brother Yi, there is a female cultivator outside who came to deliver a letter, saying that she was ordered by a senior sister."

This must be someone sent by Murong Feixue, the corners of Yi Tian's mouth twitched slowly when he thought about it.The news that I completed the mission of Qingfeng Revival without forming a team with her, I'm afraid people would have known it a long time ago.

However, she was also sure of her own weakness, and this time the invitation must have mentioned the matter of that secluded Lei Dan.

It's a pity that I hate being threatened the most, even if the other party is a female cultivator.

After thinking about it, I wanted to refuse, but I thought of Xiang Donghui's suggestion. If I continue to avoid it like this, I'm afraid it will arouse people's suspicion. It's better to accept it calmly.

After thinking about it, he reached out to open the restriction on the door, stood up and walked out slowly.When I came to the cave gate, I saw Hua Yuxin waiting outside, and said casually: "Come and follow me to see what the other party is doing."

With joy on her face, Hua Yuxin hurriedly responded: "Okay," and then followed closely behind her and left the cave together.

Yi Tian looked at Hua Yuxin's appearance, and combed his hair into a bun, as if to show his identity.Naturally, she knew what she was thinking, and she looked like a hostess, but she didn't need to wear it deliberately. Anyway, although she was just helping out now, it was hard to guarantee that she would really take her as a concubine later.

After leaving the cave, I saw a Yuanying girl Xiu Xiu dressed in the costume of Shangqing Daozong waiting, but it was not Chuntao.I seem to remember that it was the maid named Qiushuang behind Murong Feixue.

Seeing Yi Tian coming out, Qiu Shuang hurried forward and reached out to take out a gold-plated invitation card, saying: "My lady invites Senior Yi to come to Feiyun Pavilion tomorrow."

Yi Tian reached out to take the invitation and opened it to take a look. The meaning inside was similar, but the tone of writing was more tactful.After putting away the invitation, he asked: "Surely Murong Feixue is not the only one who invited me?"

"Miss invites guests to a banquet, and the servant girls don't dare to speculate. I will know when I invite seniors to go." Afterwards, Qiu Shuang bowed and said goodbye.

Yi Tian didn't leave her behind, she just waved her hand and asked Hua Yuxin to send someone out of Xishan Lingzhi Garden, and she went back to the cave and sat in the hall to take out the invitation in detail and read it carefully again.

Unexpectedly, an emerald green aura suddenly flew out of the beast-controlling pouch around his waist, fell on the stone table, and appeared the figure of Yunmeng Toad.Then he opened his mouth and stretched out his tongue to put it on his hand. Yi Tian glanced at his brows and walked deeply, only to see that the place where Yunmeng Toad put his tongue was the place where he touched the invitation.

After adding both of his hands, the next little guy turned around and looked at the invitation, with a flash of excitement in his eyes.Then he opened his mouth and yelled a few times, stretched out his front paws and pointed to the invitation. The suspicious expression on Yi Tian's face relaxed, and he said to Yunmeng Toad: "Go and lick everything on it clean." . "

Then her face darkened and Lu sneered and said to herself again and again: "Murong Feixue dared to play tricks on me, but it's a pity that she found the wrong person. This golden silkworm poison is really powerful, but it's a pity that I still can't plot against me. It seems that this time I will definitely go to Feiyun Pavilion to see what kind of medicine she sells in her gourd."

Looking down at Yunmeng Jinchan, he saw that it had added the invitation card inside and out.Yi Tian was overjoyed when he saw it, and then he took out a jar of wine and filled it directly with the jug that Yunmeng Toad sat down as a reward.

(End of this chapter)

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