
Chapter 1053 Search

Chapter 1053 Search
Compared with the other two sects, Taiqing Pavilion is naturally much stronger.In the eyes of outsiders, it is naturally recognized that the Lihuo Sect is the strongest, followed by the Feiyu Sword Sect, and the Taiqing Pavilion is the last.

Ke Yitian got Mengxin's advice back then and knew that Taiqing Pavilion was definitely not simple, so he specially chose to enter here to practice.

Cultivators are nothing more than paying attention to the law and land of wealth and couples, and Taiqing Pavilion has all four things here.With such an advantage, it is a headache to practice slowly.

On the way back after leaving the Feiyun Pavilion, he secretly thought about the mission Qing Lianyun described.There must be an existence of extraordinary significance in the Qingfeng Old City Library Pavilion, so she gave up the task reward to live in it to get a copy of the Jade Slips.

As for Murong Feixue's thinking, it is much clearer, and under the next cooperation, she will definitely plot against herself again.Silently and silently, the golden silkworm poison was quietly released.

It's just that she really wanted to kill someone for her purpose, this idea flashed in her mind and was directly denied by herself.I have no grudges with her in the past, and I have no enmity in the present, so I must have an explanation for finding myself for no reason.

After much deliberation, only the identity of the Ascension Cultivator is the most special, and this must be what attracted her to make a move.

A stern look flashed in Yi Tian's eyes, secretly thinking that he could no longer sit still like this.The opponent made shots again and again, and sooner or later one day he would get caught because of negligence.

In this way, you have to be fully prepared before you can go to Qingfeng Old City with them to do the task of clearing the magic marks.Just now in that Feiyun Pavilion reached an agreement with the two girls, the price is very straightforward Murong Feixue will refine the secluded Lei Dan for her.But she will hand over the pill only after the task is completed.

Yi Tian just laughed at this, and prepared two backhands himself. I believe that his brother-in-law Hua Yulin has already prepared everything by now.Even in her dreams, Murong Feixue would never have imagined that she would be able to refine medicine by herself.

But before this piece, I still have to go to the Chuangong Temple of the Zongmen. There are many secret arts and secret methods collected there. In addition, there are lists of rare and exotic beasts in the spiritual world.This time, I have to find the breeding method of Yunmeng Toad to advance it as soon as possible, and I can only rely on it to deal with the golden silkworm poison.

After a while, he came to the Chuangong Temple. This time, Yi Tian didn't go directly to the third floor.Instead, they searched for the Beast Control Art and the corresponding illustrations from the first and second floors, but they didn't seem to find any decent secret codes after going all around.

Then I went up to the third floor and turned around, only found two volumes of introductions about monsters in the spirit world.After spending more than 50 merit points to exchange it for extensions, I couldn't wait to check it out.The divine sense reached in and scanned the contents at a glance. After half a moment, a disappointed look gradually appeared on his face.

Even on the floor of the monks in the stage of transformation, there was no description of Yunmeng toad.With a restrained look of disappointment, Yi Tian once again turned his gaze to the position of the ascending ladder.The fourth floor above this is the highest level that I can reach now. If I don't even have the secret techniques of the monks in the distraction period, then I can only find another way.

After thinking about it, he walked straight towards the direction of the ascending ladder, but he passed a monk in the distraction stage on the way.This person has three strands of long beard, silver hair all over his head, and looks like an old man in his 50s.Usually after the Nascent Soul stage, the face can be recast, but this person looks like a natural aging, which is very different from the appearance of ordinary monks.

Yi Tian didn't pay much attention, but the distracted cultivator behind him seemed to be watching the ladder with great interest.Then the corner of his mouth twitched and he went straight to the fourth floor.

This time walking up the ladder Yi Tian found that he seemed to save a little more effort than last time, and it took a quarter less time.Unable to be overjoyed in his heart, he secretly said: "Sure enough, my cultivation during this period has been quite fruitful."

In a blink of an eye, after stepping up to the last section of the ascending ladder, Yi Tian took a breath, adjusted his state a little, and in a blink of an eye, he saw the distracted monk staring at him not far away.

It took a long time for this person to nod his head slightly and show a smile, then he moved his lips slightly and said privately: "This junior brother is indeed amazing in strength, it is really rare to be able to break through the ladder with the cultivation base of the middle stage of transformation."

After hearing this, Yi Tian's face was serious, the other party only had this name because he saw his potential, but he couldn't lose his courtesy.Stretching out his hands to bow to the other party, he replied via voice transmission: "The new monk Yi Tian has met his senior brother."

"You are the ascension monk Yi Tian." There was a look of surprise on the man's face, and then he said: "Junior Brother Yi, you are polite, Daozi Pindaoyan is now in charge of the first position of acting head of Qingtian Division."

"Yan Daozi," Yi Tian showed a strange look on his face after hearing this. Isn't this person the monk Qing Tiansi that Hua Yulin once went to look for.Moreover, the assertion that Hua Yuxin can enter Lihuo Palace is also from this person.

Immediately, a respectful look appeared on his face, and he hurriedly said: "So it's Senior Brother Yan Daozi, what can I tell you?"

"I don't dare to teach you so much, I don't know if Junior Brother Yi is free and we can talk a little bit," Yan Daozi asked lightly.

Being targeted by a high-ranking monk like this is also very disturbing in Yi Tian's heart, after all, he has already experienced the identity and strength of the other party.Moreover, these cultivators of Qing Tiansi may be able to perceive their own identities through their insight into the sky, and they don't know how to deal with it.

He just stood there without answering, but Yan Daozi turned around and said: "Junior Brother Yi, please follow me," and then walked forward on his own.

Seeing that he couldn't bear to think too much, Yi Tian gritted his teeth and followed, and soon the two came to a secluded chat room.After entering the inner room and sitting opposite each other, Daozi Yan stretched out his hand and cast a sound-proof barrier to cover both of them.Then he stared at himself for a while before opening his mouth and said: "I made a divination that I will meet a strange person when I travel today, and it must be you."

Yi Tian was startled, he was really afraid of something, but he replied indifferently on his face: "I'm afraid that senior brother Yan Daozi is too flattering, I'm just a new student who just entered the school, and he has no place to know There is something special about ordinary people. Except, "

Before he finished speaking, Yan Daozi said, "Apart from being a rising monk, he is the same as other brothers, right?"

Yi Tianmuna nodded his head in response to Yan Daozi's words, and only heard him continue: "I, Qing Tiansi, have a secret technique of looking at qi, and I see that the luck of my junior brother is the most special among the people I have seen. "

"What's the special method? Please teach me, brother." Yi Tian hurriedly asked, but his heart was trembling, and he secretly activated the seal in Niwan Palace.

I saw a streak of purple air flying out of it and instantly protected my Nascent Soul body.

At this time, Yan Daozi showed a hint of doubt on his face, and then said: "It's really a bit strange, I can't see clearly your way forward, Junior Brother."

(End of this chapter)

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