
Chapter 1054

Chapter 1054
In Chuangong Temple, Yi Tian met senior brother Yan Daozi by chance, in his heart he was unwilling to communicate with him for fear of accidentally slipping his mouth.

But things backfired. The other party stared at him as soon as he came up, and even invited him to a room on the side to chat.

But after talking for a few words, it directly involved himself. Of course, Yi Tian was the boss who didn't want to.But he didn't dare to refute his face in front of him, so he had to secretly use the power of that seal to disrupt Yan Daozi's divination.

Sure enough, under the protection of the seal, the doubtful lust on Yan Daozi's face became more and more intense, and his gaze towards Yi Tian became less certain than before.

Then he opened his mouth and said: "It's strange, I seemed to have some eyebrows just now, but now I can't see Junior Brother Yi clearly?"

Yi Tian knew it in his heart, but he pretended to be anxious and asked: "Since brother Yan Daozi is the chief agent of Qing Tiansi, his strength must not be underestimated. Please speak up and listen carefully."

These words directly put Yan Daozi on the bar, only to see that he was troubled and wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it.Perhaps because he was afraid of losing face in front of him, Yan Daozi reached out and took out a bunch of hay grass and put it on the table.Then he stretched out his hands and cast a spell on the spot and started divination.

Yi Tian's eyelids trembled a few times, he didn't expect that he was playing off this time, and met a stubborn person who insisted on pursuing it to the end.

Apart from worrying in my heart, I also hope that he can finish casting the spell as soon as possible, so as not to make any big noise and attract others' attention, which will be troublesome.

After ten breaths, I saw Yan Daozi quickly activate the divination grass in front of him, then took it with both hands and divided it into two clusters, and then separated them one by one according to the number of heaven, earth, river and Luo to take hexagrams.

Repeat this twice to get a complete hexagram. After arranging the reeds in order, I stared at them for a long time before sighing: "Junior brother's fate is peculiar, even if I exert all my strength, I can't find it clearly .”

"I don't know if this is good or bad?" Yi Tian replied.

"Good and bad are mixed," Yan Daozi stroked his beard and said, "The six lines shown in this hexagram are all moving. There is no doubt that your future will be drastically reversed."

"Brother, please speak frankly," Yi Tian asked respectfully.

"There are too many variables in your future, and I haven't been able to find out clearly. But one thing to remember is that good and bad come with each other. Don't be discouraged when you are down, and often turnarounds will follow," Yan Daozi said earnestly. .

No need for Yan Daozi to say much, of course he knows that the future is bumpy. Take the incident of meeting Patriarch Wuye as an example, even after arriving in the spirit world, he didn't notice any movement from him.

Thinking about what he will face in the future, Ji Xuanyuan, who is the number one fit monk in the spiritual world, Lihuo Palace, feels extremely disturbed.Could it be that with his advanced combined strength, he can really deal with the current master of Lihuo Palace?

I have always had great doubts about this in my heart. After looking at Yan Daozi, I asked immediately: "To be honest, there is an opponent with extraordinary strength. I would like to ask the result of my battle with this person."

After hearing this, Yan Daozi's eyes flashed brightly and said: "Do you have a name?"

Yi Tian was dumbfounded on the spot, he couldn't blurt out that it was Ji Xuanyuan.Presumably Yan Daozi would really treat himself as a lunatic.

After thinking for a long time, he didn't dare to reveal any information, but he said with a very serious expression on his face: "My opponent is very powerful, I'm afraid I can't say it clearly for the time being, please forgive me, brother."

"It's okay, so I can make a divination for Junior Brother Yi," Daozi Yan replied.

"Is it possible to divination without knowing the other party's name?" Yi Tian asked
Yan Daozi nodded, then took out a tortoise shell and put it on the table, and then used reed grass to place the gossip around the tortoise shell in turn.

After stretching out his hands to sacrifice the formula, he pointed at the turtle shell and said, "Junior Yi stretched out his index finger to hold the turtle shell, and just silently recite your opponent's name in his heart."

After hearing this, Yi Tian gently stretched out his right index finger against the center of the tortoise shell according to Yan Daozi's method, and saw that Yan Daozi began to perform secret techniques after chanting something.After three breaths, the tortoise shell slowly rose into the air, and the hexagrams formed by the surrounding weeds rotated from left to right.

After ten breaths, Yan Daozi yelled: "Now", all the divinatory grass hexagrams were sucked into the turtle shell, and then the whole turtle shell violently moved.

Half a moment later, six sections of divination grass flew out from the bushes and nailed them on the stone table to reveal a hexagram image, and then only heard a "click", and the turtle shell specially used for divination cracked a crack from it.Immediately, the cracks on the hollow tortoise shell scattered and burst apart along the cracks.

Yan Daozi's face was shocked when he saw it, his eyes flicked over the hexagrams, and his face became extremely exciting behind the tortoise shell and the weed.He knew the origin of this turtle shell was the shell of an eighth-level turtle demon.A monk whose defensive power is comparable to the peak of the late stage of distraction, can't break through the spells of ordinary distraction stage, and it is more than enough to use it for divination and prediction with his disciples on weekdays.

But today, it just fell apart after a little divination for Yi Tian. I really don't know if it's a blessing or a curse.

On the contrary, Yi Tian hurriedly said: "Brother, is there any problem with divination?"

Looking at Yi Tian who was sitting in front of him, Yan Daozi said in a deep voice: "Junior brother, don't panic, this is the feedback force of the luck of the person being tested. I didn't expect my junior brother to provoke an extremely powerful opponent. This person of the same rank The rare opponents in China can be said to be No.1 at that level, you have to be careful in the future."

"Is that so?" Yi Tian pretended to be calm on the surface, but he had already greeted Patriarch Wuye.It was his idea to let him deal with Ji Xuanyuan, but he didn't expect that this Lihuo Patriarch himself would be No.1 under the Mahayana period.

I am only at the cultivation level of the god transformation stage, and on the surface it is two levels behind.But even if one's own cultivation base has been upgraded to the fusion stage, it seems a bit unsatisfactory to face the No. 1 fusion stage.

Just wondering, Yan Daozi suddenly said again: "It is estimated that the time to fight this person will be about 2000 years later. I believe that with Junior Brother Yi's strength, he may not lose."

"Thank you, brother Jiyan, I will definitely work hard to improve my cultivation," I said on my lips, but I felt bitter in my heart. After 2000, I will fight Ji Xuanyuan who is in the fusion period. If I say this, others may be true Will treat myself as a fool.

After hearing this, Yan Daozi waved his hands and said, "Junior brother Mo Yan ignorantly belittles himself. I am optimistic about you. I think that Chi Wuji may not be insurmountable even if he is a genius. Believe in yourself and have confidence."

"Senior brother said, I will work hard," Yi Tian said in his heart: "Yan Daozi misunderstood his opponent, if he knew that the real identity of that person is Chi Wuji's master, I am afraid he would not be so calm." I didn't point it out, and then thanked me again.

After a conversation between the two, Yi Tiancai explained his purpose of going up to the fourth floor, and then consulted Xia Yan Daozi.It was only a moment later that I learned that there were indeed high-level monster spirit spectrum illustrations and breeding secrets on the fourth floor, but the merit points exchanged for this also increased exponentially.

Fortunately, I have accumulated a lot during this period of time, and it is enough for a rough calculation. After thanking Yan Daozi, Yi Tian went straight to the depths of the fourth floor.

 Thank you for the monthly pass at Zhongxikou, and thank you for the false rewards in the world I live in.

(End of this chapter)

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