
Chapter 1056 Sale

Chapter 1056 Sale
Coming to Qingfeng old city again, this time Yi Tian is familiar with it, first went to the Lingzhi shop in Baicaoyuan to buy all the seven-star Gu in the store at once.

Of course, this time Yi Tian used the Thousand Faces Technique to change his appearance, and changed his Zongmen clothing into a coarse cloth gown, completely dressed like a casual cultivator, so as not to attract the attention of others.

In addition to buying Seven Star Gu, Yi Tian also went to several Lingzhi shops to collect many raw materials for brewing wine.The honey wine brewed by myself seems to have a fatal attraction to Yunmeng Toad, and it can be used as a lure to make it absorb more spiritual power from it and advance as soon as possible.

It's just that the head of this honey wine needs to be blended with Ziyun honey, and the Ziyun bees I have raised in my hands are not yet mature, so it is still too early to make large-scale wine from honey.

But this matter is not difficult to handle, anyway, Qing Lianyun still has something to ask of herself.I secretly planned in my heart to find an opportunity to ask her to use it directly, and I believe she couldn't refuse it with her current thoughts.

After thinking about the strategy, Yi Tian began to purchase a lot in Qingfeng City, and he still has a lot of spirit stones accumulated in his body for nearly a hundred years.Although there is no way to earn spirit stones since entering the Taiqing Pavilion, there are still many lodging places for casual cultivators in Qingfeng City.

There are quite a few underground black markets there, from which many goods of unknown origin can be sold quietly, but the price is lower than that on the surface, at least a [-]% discount.

After arriving at the underground black market in Qingfeng City, Yi Tian packed up and sold all the extra spirit weapons in his hands, most of which were the spirit weapons of members of the Gufeng Pirates.Some are still in the private collection of Lian Feixiong and others.

But after looking at it, Yi Tian still kept the Zhiyan Order that split into two pieces.There is a complete piece on hand, so the piece that has been split in two is dispensable.

But he didn't dare to release this thing easily, because most of the things that spread from the Lihuo Palace had special uses.At first glance, the Scorching Token can be used as a defensive spiritual weapon, but I have no idea of ​​its real use.

After much deliberation, he glanced at the auction houses in the city and made up his mind. I don't know the use, but someone will understand.It's better to take it out for auction and see how it works before making any plans.

Then he took big steps towards the auction in Qingfeng City, and Shaoqing came to the consignment room of the auction house.

Soon, a monk with similar cultivation level as himself came to approach him. After the two sides introduced their identities to each other, Yi Tiancai knew that there was a shadow of Tongtian Pavilion behind this auction house.The monk who came to receive him called himself shopkeeper Ji, and if nothing else happened, he should be Ji Wen's elder.

But what does this have to do with me, now that I am using the Thousand Faces Technique, what I present in front of people is another strange casual cultivator, and I am not afraid of being seen as an inner disciple of the Taiqing Pavilion.

So far, without further ado, he explained his purpose and handed over the Zhiyan Token that had been split in two to the other party for review.Unexpectedly, there was no change on the face of the shopkeeper Ji after taking the things, but there was a glimmer of light in his eyes.After a while, he asked, "This fellow Taoist is a stranger, is this the first time you come to Qingfeng?"

"No, I've been down several times," Yi Tian flatly denied, "I wonder if these two broken tokens can be used as auction items?"

Seeing that the other party seemed to be touching his bottom, Yi Tian directly brought the topic to the token, with an unhappy expression on his face.

"In this case, I have two options for the reference of fellow daoists," the shopkeeper of that season, who was also an old man, picked up the topic as soon as his tongue rolled: "Bi Pavilion can directly buy it with a bid of [-] merit points. If you, fellow daoist If you agree, trade immediately."

"What about the second choice?" Yi Tian asked without thinking.

Shopkeeper Ji's eyes dimmed for a moment before he opened his mouth and said, "The second option is to directly participate in the auction, starting with a low price of 70 yuan. Of course, if the deal is made afterwards, fellow daoists will need to pay half of the handling fee."

This sounds good, but Yi Tian secretly calculated in his heart that even if the price of a million top-grade spirit stones is auctioned, he would have to pay a handling fee of more than 5.It's better to buy and sell directly with one hammer to save yourself trouble.

After contemplating the meeting, Yi Tiancai said: "Let's choose the first method. It is better to buy directly from the auction house, but all of them must be traded with top-grade spirit stones."

Shopkeeper Ji was overjoyed when he heard the words, with a joyful expression on his face, he said, "Fellow Daoist, I'm going to get you a million spirit stones."

"Wait a minute," Yi Tian said suddenly.

"Why did Fellow Daoist change his mind?" The smile on Shopkeeper Ji's face froze immediately.

"No, no, I also know that trustworthiness is the most basic bottom line for doing business," Yi Tian waved his hand and replied: "I just don't know what use this token can be used for, so please ask shopkeeper Ji to help me Confused. As for this thing, it is considered a deal, and I will never regret it even after listening to it."

In this way, the face of the other party eased down, and he reached out to take out the token and put the two halves together to form a complete token.Then he sighed and explained: "The original name of this thing is the Zhi Yan Token, and it is a token handed down from the Fire Palace."

"As a thing of the sect, it may not be of any use to me as a casual cultivator even if I get a piece at hand?" Yi Tian said disdainfully.

Shopkeeper Ji sneered and said, "That fellow Taoist is wrong. There is a secret place outside Lihuo Palace called Langhuan Cave Heaven. There is Langhuan Yuquan in it. If the monks in the transformation stage can get it After taking a drop of refining and refining, it can accelerate the compression of true essence and advance to the distraction period."

After hearing this, Yi Tian showed a look of enlightenment on his face. The flame of emotion is the ticket, and if you want to get the opportunity, you must first have the ticket.

But in his heart, he felt a little disdainful about it. It was probably because the Lihuo Palace was occupying the resources and could not monopolize them, so he made a Zhiyan Order to restrict other people.

I am quite interested in the Langhuan Yuquan water, but luckily I still have a piece of it that I can use.Then he pretended to be calm and said: "In the next casual cultivator, it would be too unrealistic to compete with those sect disciples. It would be more appropriate to exchange them for spirit stones. It's settled like that. Shopkeeper Ji can rest assured that he will never go back on his word."

In this way, the other party's face was relieved, and after putting away the Burning Token, he reached out and took out a storage bag, allocated a million spirit stones, put it in and handed it over.

Yi Tian was not in a hurry to collect the spirit stones, but asked, "I wonder if I can directly buy some spiritual plant treasures at the auction house, and I can deduct them from these spirit stones after the price, so that I won't go out to look for them again." gone."

"That's very good," obviously the shopkeeper Ji also felt that this operation is also very beneficial to him, took back the Lingshi bag, reached out and took out a jade slip catalog and handed it over: "Then, please go through it carefully if you are interested. You can talk to me directly."

 Thanks to MIYAGE_HW for the monthly pass

(End of this chapter)

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