
Chapter 1057 Butterfly Gu

Chapter 1057 Butterfly Gu
I thought that the auction house in Qingfeng City would inquire about the details of the Zhiyan Order, but I didn't expect to earn a ticket.Yi Tian's heart is naturally very relaxed and freehand, but when his eyes swept over the jade slips of the other party's catalog, he became restless again.

Most of the things that are available for sale here are seen for the first time by myself, and the price is naturally high.But they are all good things above the prefecture-level intermediate level. After looking at them, I really realized that even if I sold the Zhiyan Token, I could only exchange one or two pieces.

Even some heaven-level treasures had to be pasted with millions of spirit stones upside down, so the look on their faces became more and more ugly.

Not long after, I found an item at the end of the heavenly treasure, and the price on it was only 80 spirit stones.After looking at the name of the thing, he made a decision in his heart and asked again: "Whether the shopkeeper of the unknown season has made a mistake, the price of the heaven-level treasure material is cheaper than the top-level earth-level one."

Following Yi Tian's fingers, his gaze landed on the jade slip, and he smiled later and said, "That's right, that price, does fellow Taoist have any intentions? You must know that the most important thing in cultivating Gu is time and energy. "

How could Yi Tian not know the truth of this, and he has a good understanding of these Gu insects after reading the technique of raising Gu insects recently.This celestial treasure is a complete five-color butterfly egg, and this kind of creature has five levels of strength when it breaks out of the egg.

After being raised and matured to break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly, it will be no lower than level seven, and to become a five-color butterfly king at the Dacheng state, at least level eight intermediate-level spirit insects, which are the best for cultivating cost life Gu.

Moreover, Wucai Butterfly's innate supernatural power is to use illusions to disturb the mind. For monks of the same level, as long as the other party does not have any special techniques or those who are not strong in Taoism, they will be able to catch them.

Moreover, it can also be refined into the body of the component god as the residence of the second soul.I don't think I can use it myself, but it is very appropriate to give it to Hua Yuxin.

But in this way, he didn't gain much from this transaction, but after thinking about the flames, he made a decision in his heart.Then he opened his mouth and said, "That's the decision made by Shopkeeper Ji. I want the eggs of the colorful butterfly, plus ten parts of meteorite iron, half a catty of Ganges gold sand, three jars of black dragon's blood essence, and a piece of thousand-year-old golden nanmu heart."

Yi Tian said all the things he asked for in one brain, and the shopkeeper Ji was dumbfounded when he heard it.It seems that Yi Tian went to the auction house to make a big purchase.He coughed lightly and put away the bag of spirit stones before saying: "Fellow Daoist wants so many things at once, I'm afraid I'll have to stick a lot of spirit stones on them."

Of course Yi Tian knew it in his heart, he took out the storage bag and filled it with more than 200 million spirit stones and handed it to the other party.Roughly counting 300 million high-grade spirit stones, the remaining 80 colorful butterfly eggs are enough to pay for the precious materials.

After half an hour, Yi Tian finally collected all the treasure materials he needed, said goodbye to him under the surprised gaze of Shopkeeper Ji, and then left the auction house, mixed in with the coming and going crowd, and disappeared in an instant.

After rushing all the way back to Xishan Lingzhi Garden, Yi Tian urgently held the next work meeting. This time, he was going to retreat until the deadline for turning over Lingzhi for a hundred years came.Nearly 40 years have been related to the work of expropriating Lingzhi, so these shares should be distributed according to the head.

Fortunately, during this period of time, Hua Yuxin can be allowed to take charge of Lingzhi Garden on his behalf, and explained it in front of the five team leaders.He also temporarily put his identity jade card in Hua Yuxin's place for safekeeping, so that he can be considered as acting supervisor's identity.

Then Yi Tian ordered: "The five of you go down first, remember not to slack off during my retreat, and complete the sect's tasks on time, this first assessment will have a guiding effect on your future task assignments. "

"We will do our best to assist Director Hua, please rest assured, Lord Guardian," Zhou Buer and the others replied in unison.

"Okay, you guys go down first, Yuxin, please stay for a while," Yi Tian waved his hands to let everyone disperse.

After a while, everyone left to guard the mansion, only herself and Hua Yuxin were left in the mansion.Yi Tian stretched out his hand and offered a sound-proof enchantment, but Hua Yuxin saw it in his eyes and said shyly and coquettishly on his face: "Husband, why can't I go back and talk about it, I feel embarrassed to be here."

Yi Tian was taken aback and looked at her face to know that she would have misunderstood. Later, he coughed lightly and demonstrated embarrassingly: "This time I said that the time of retreat will not be long, but there are very important things to do. You Sitting in the town guard mansion, you must pay attention to everything."

"Don't worry, my husband, I know how to deal with these leaders of Lingnong," Hua Yuxin said softly.

Yi Tian shook his head and then explained: "These spirit farmers have been tamed by me a long time ago. What you have to pay attention to are those sect disciples who come to ask for medicine."

"It's enough to open the formation and not let them in," Hua Yuxin tentatively replied, "Should we let them in?"

"It's better not to block, you can discuss with Zhou Buer and the others about this transaction with outside monks. As long as you have enough money to hand in, you can send Tian Zhuangshi and Meng Hua to the Zongmen Bazaar for bulk goods." ,” Yi Tianda said meaningfully.

Hua Yuxin was startled and asked hastily: "Husband, what's the difference between this and self-stealing?"

"Of course there is a difference," Yi Tian chuckled and asked Daodao to explain.With the channel for bulk goods, the number of people who come to Xishan Lingzhi Garden to obtain medicinal materials will definitely be greatly reduced.

Then he also ordered: "Remember to ask Zhou Buer to mix in the immature Chijing ginseng cultivated in the quasi-spiritual field, so that the attention of those people in Danfang can be diverted. As for buying The income from the medicine is distributed to those Lingnong subordinates."

Hua Yuxin was so surprised that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear, and sighed: "Isn't it a bit too much for your husband to treat his subordinates so leniently?"

"You still need to learn more about this art of manipulating people. Give two points to the five team leaders, and you will take [-]% and take [-]% for me. The remaining [-]% points will be put into the public account of Xishan Lingzhi Garden to be turned over At that time, I used [-]% to deal with the people who came down," Yi Tian said.

Hua Yuxin also understood when she heard this, this is to connect the upper and lower parts of Lingzhi Garden, so that everyone can't get rid of the relationship even if they are wet with rain, and they will be more unified when they get it.

Then Yi Tian reached out and took out a jade box with a seal and a jade slip and handed it over: "There are colorful butterfly eggs and the Gu refining technique of the ancient witch clan inside, you can take it and refer to it carefully. Wait for the colorful Butterfly refining is almost as strong as the early stage of transforming gods, and can also be used as the host of the incarnation of the gods, which is equivalent to giving you an extra protection."

After hearing this, Hua Yuxin's eyes turned red and she hurriedly replied: "Thank you, husband, for taking good care of my concubine. I will definitely practice hard and I will not let you down."

(End of this chapter)

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