
Chapter 1058 Secret News

Chapter 1058 Secret News
After explaining the matter of Xishan Lingzhi Garden, Yi Tian rushed back to his cave, claiming to the outside world that he needed to practice in seclusion.

In fact, it is to use this time to raise Yunmeng Toad well. After all, if this little guy uses a fake hand, he might reveal his secrets.It's not that he can't trust Hua Yuxin, it's just that this cheap brother-in-law likes to chew his tongue, and if he slips up, he will be in trouble.

After setting up layers of restrictions in his cave, Yi Tian sat cross-legged in the middle and then summoned the Yunmeng toad in the beast sack.I saw it still dozing off on top of the flagon as usual.

Until I took out a few seven-star Gu worms and placed them beside it, suddenly the toad's eyes opened suddenly, then it opened its mouth wide and its tongue stretched out, directly sucking these seven-star Gu worms into its mouth.

After chewing for a few times, he swallowed the Seven Star Gu, and now Yunmeng Toad showed a satisfied smile.Then he yelled 'quack' to himself twice as a greeting, closed his eyes and continued to sleep in response.

Seeing its virtuous behavior, Yi Tian also felt displeased, so he had no choice but to open up a separate space in the cave and place it together with the jug.

After doing this, Yi Tian took out the jar dug from the ground in Qingfeng Old City.This thing looks normal on the surface, but when you look carefully at the seal talisman attached to the seal, it has begun to emit a trace of black air.

Needless to say, this is the demon clan that is sealed inside is eating back the seal. If it is ignored for a hundred years, it can break out of the altar.At that time, it would be unimaginable to absorb the evil energy from the magic mark in Qingfeng old city to restore strength.

He took out the talisman and quickly drew a banning formation on the open space in front of him, and then placed the jar at the eye of the formation.He activated the magic circle while chanting words in his mouth, and instantly the aura absorbed by the magic circle rushed along the jar into the forbidden talisman and forcibly expelled all traces of black devil energy inside.

After finishing these, Yi Tian reached out and took out the glazed Buddha beads and put them on the outside of the jar, and then set up the Vajra Fumo pestle on top.Immediately, those demonic energy seemed to have sensed the existence of the nemesis, and they were completely restrained, without leaking out at all.

With such determination, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and gently removed the seal talisman on the mouth of the altar, opened the bottle cap and said, "Come out quickly, the monster."

A black thread of devilish energy leaked out of it, and was instantly purified by the power of the surrounding Buddha's light, only to hear another sharp scream from inside the jar: "You guys are not trustworthy in spiritual cultivation, and you will cheat me into cooperating and return me to you!" It has been suppressed for thousands of years, but in the end it is still necessary to settle accounts after the fall and cut the grass and roots."

"Oh, what is the origin of your demon clan? Come out of the altar and show your original form," Yi Tian said disdainfully.

"If I don't come out, what can you do to me?" The sharp voice sounded again.

This made Yi Tian angry, and with a cold snort, he stretched out his hand and aimed the Vajra Fumo pestle at the mouth of the altar.In his hand, he secretly urged the magic formula to shine a beam of golden light into it.

After three breaths, there was only a howling sound of "Wah-wah", and the demons inside were completely unable to resist the purged fate screaming in pain under the golden light.

Slowly put away the purification power on the Vajra Crusade, Yi Tian asked again: "Come out quickly, or I will just save you."

"Why do you, a monk from the Buddhist and spiritual world, come to the spiritual world to help you?" At the same time as the voice came, a black demonic energy emerged from the mouth of the altar, gathered in mid-air, and condensed into a three-inch demon.

Surrounded by the glazed Buddha beads and the Vajra crouching pestle, the demon clan just looked at Yi Tian angrily.But when I looked back, I saw that the lid of the altar had been closed at some point.Immediately, his face changed drastically and he didn't dare to make any more troubles, but just bowed his head and remained silent.

After a while, after Yi Tian looked at the demon clan, he asked again: "Report your name, why are you banned in this jar?"

"It's true that the prince of the demon sage sits down as the number one think tank, Xu Chou," the three-inch demon raised his head and puffed up his chest.

He was talking about a burst of arrogance, but then the golden light around him shot straight at him, and Yi Tian said in disdain: "What are you bragging about, the devil prince is at least a Mahayana-level figure, how dare you rely on your cultivation level?" Make false claims to be the number one think tank."

Under the purification of the power of the Buddha's light, Xu Qiu gradually felt dizzy and the black thread demonic energy on his body was also quickly drawn out.I saw him begging for mercy with a depressed expression: "My lord, please forgive me, I am just the internal affairs officer who sat down with the devil prince."

"You still dare to quibble," Yi Tian snapped, "You really think I'm a fool. If you want to get close to the Demon Saint Prince, at least you have to be a Demon Race with a fit cultivation base. Don't tell me that your strength has reached the fit stage before."

The demon clan was weakened by Jin Guangguang's body, and after a while, he gasped and said: "I am the assistant of the internal affairs officer, and I am responsible for assisting the adults in handling the government orders of the demon prince."

This is pretty much the same, Yi Tian asked again: "You just said why you broke your promise in spiritual cultivation, and what did you do that caused you to be sealed here instead of being killed."

Xu Chou was purified at this time with only half his life left. He panted heavily and replied: "Back then, the Demon Saint Prince was defeated, and the passage back to the Demon Spirit World was cut off by the Mahayana monks of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect. In the spirit world Under the siege of hundreds of clans, they had to defend Qingfeng City."

"Why did you invade the spirit world back then? I don't believe that Prince Mo Sheng would provoke a war on the interface for no reason," Yi Tian said.

"I don't know the specifics. I only heard from the Internal Affairs Officer that it seems that in addition to obtaining resources, we also need to find a spiritual treasure handed down from the heavens," Xu Chou said weakly.

"Heaven Realm Spirit Treasure?" Yi Tian didn't change his face when he heard the words, but he was shocked in his heart, secretly thinking that it was the seal in his body.But then there was a direct veto. When Qian Lingzi and Luo Que investigated this matter, it was only three or four thousand years ago. It was far from the evil disaster more than 4000 years ago. It should be another thing.Then he asked in a deep voice, "What is it?"

Xu Qiu tremblingly said: "I heard the internal affairs officer mentioned it once, it seems to be a picture."

After Yi Tian heard this, his expression relaxed and his heart gradually calmed down. A strange smile appeared on his face behind Xu Qiu's body.Opening his mouth, he instantly displayed the skill of the eight sounds of thunder, and the sound of the Buddha covered Xu Qiu's body and stunned him directly.

Half an hour later, he put Xu Qiu's demon body back into the demon sealing altar again, re-attached the sealing talisman and strengthened it again, and then Yi Tian sat down and thought slowly.

Just now, he intruded into Xu Qiu's sea of ​​consciousness through the soul search technique, and the broken information he got almost confirmed what he said before.

It's just that there are two useful pieces of information, one of which is that the devil prince has not fallen, but has been sealed in the depths of Qingfeng City.It was Patriarch Wuye who made the move back then, and it is estimated that his split personality and finally turned into two people had a lot to do with this matter.I wouldn't be so stupid as to really think that the devil prince would be killed so easily, and it would be very difficult for these Mahayana monks to wipe him out completely.

The second is that the head of internal affairs, Xu Qiu's immediate boss, was suppressed in Kuisha Grotto. Maybe the voice I heard when I went deep into it was the head of the house.From this point of view, the spiritual world is definitely not as peaceful as I imagined. The remnants of the demons are still making trouble everywhere, and the three major sects are at odds with each other, and they are still fighting against each other in private.

As for the task of clearing the magic marks in Qingfeng Old City that I took over, it seems that the source of it was caused by the Demon Saint Prince.I don't want to face those Mahayana monks now, even if they are suppressed.

(End of this chapter)

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