
Chapter 1061 Collusion 1

Chapter 1061 Collusion [-]
After reaching an agreement with Xiang Donghui, Yi Tian was finally determined, and he must find some helpers for this trip to Langhuan Cave.Although Xiang Donghui always treated him more on guard than cooperation, he also treated him like this.

To be honest, there are not many people in the Taiqing Pavilion who can find help, anyway, I will not ask Murong Feixue for help.As for Qing Lianyun, a woman who is relatively strong, it is inevitable that she will overwhelm others when they cooperate, so it is not within the scope of my consideration.

On the contrary, my cheap brother-in-law Hua Yulin is a good candidate, but his strength is relatively weak, but the most important thing is to be able to do something.With him there, the trip to Langhuan Cave Heaven will definitely add some details, but this is exactly what I need.As long as he makes more noise, it will be more beneficial to his actions.

Moreover, he still had something in his hand that he must have, so he didn't hesitate to send a message to the other party to meet him in Qingfeng City after leaving the Disciplinary Department.

After getting a confirmation reply, he hurried towards Qingfeng City.It took less than half a quarter from the Qingfeng City of the Zongmen. Yi Tian also made full use of the convenience of the inner disciples this time. The restaurant named 'Hongchenju', after entering the door, directly informed the staff to ask for Tianzi No. [-] room.After paying the full amount of spirit stones, Yi Tian entered directly under the leadership of the restaurant staff.

Sitting in the room and waiting for the waiter to fill up the drinks, Yi Tian gave him a few spirit stones to beat him up, and said that no one was waiting on him anymore.After waiting for a while, he felt a familiar wave of spiritual pressure in his divine sense.After the door opened, it was Hua Yulin who hurried over after hearing the news.

After closing the door, the two greeted each other and sat down facing each other. Yi Tian stretched out his hand to open the soundproof barrier and asked, "Did you get what I asked you to find last time?"

Hua Yulin smiled and reached out to take out a jade box and gently pushed it over, "It's in here, but excuse me, haven't you already exchanged for a thunder spar? This thing is not cheap."

He had exchanged a thunder spar himself, of course he knew it was expensive, but he had no choice but to deal with Murong Feixue himself.Reaching out to open the jade box, he scanned it with his spiritual sense, and then said calmly, "I'm naturally useful and I don't want to expose it, so I ask you for help. Who calls us relatives?"

Hua Yulin took a blank look, picked up the jug on the table, poured a glass, sipped slowly, and then asked, "What's the matter after all, are you offending some senior sister again by being so secretive?"

"Am I such a person, and I have to take care of Yuxin, so I will have time to make trouble," Yi Tian said disdainfully.

"Then what are you doing looking for me in such a hurry, and you also specifically told you to avoid fellow disciples," Hua Yulin asked puzzled.

"Of course something happened. How much do you know about the underground black market in Qingfeng City? Is it reliable to get bulk goods from there?" Yi Tian suddenly changed the subject.

After hearing this, Hua Yulin pretended to be nonchalant and said: "Do you have any shady things to sell on the black market? To be honest, the black market here is all secretly managed by the inner monks of the Taiqing Pavilion. If you want to disperse things without anyone noticing, you really have to ask me to deal with it."

Seeing him like this, Yi Tian was determined, since there is a connection, it would be great.Then he took out a Zhiyan Token and put it on the table, "How many spirit stones does this thing know in the black market?"

Hua Yulin is a person who has seen the world, his eyelids twitched after he glanced at it, picked up the token and said with surprise: "This is the Zhiyan Order, why do you give up the hard-won opportunities to others? It’s such a prodigal. You don’t need to send it to me, why bother selling it on the black market?

But when he saw Yi Tian's nonchalant expression, he suddenly showed an anxious look on his face, "Don't tell me you really don't know about this Langhuan Cave Heaven. It opens once every thousand years. A cultivator of Huashen gets a drop in it." The cultivation of Langhuan Yuquan water can make great progress."

Of course, I did some research first, I guess the Hua Yulin in front of me has never been in, so when I saw that I wanted to sell the Zhiyan Token, I hurried out.After thinking about it, he asked again in a deep voice: "How much can this thing be bought on the black market?"

Seeing that Yi Tian's serious expression didn't look like he was joking, Hua Yulin sighed and said, "This thing has a price but no market, and it's almost extinct on the market. If you get it on the black market, it's estimated that there will be 80 to [-] high-grade spirit stones." .”

"That's enough." Yi Tianyi reached out and took out a storage bag and handed it to the other party: "The one in your hand is for you, and you can help me go to the black market to distribute it quietly. The minimum price is 50 yuan." Just make a deal."

After hearing this, Hua Yulin was stunned. He reached out to take the storage bag and put his divine sense in to check it out. After three breaths, a shocked expression appeared on his face and he said, "You went to rob Lihuo Palace, why are there ten A piece of flame orders so much."

Yi Tian's face darkened, and after unfolding his momentum, he said solemnly: "You know some things, so you don't need to get to the bottom of them. There are also these things that need to be distributed separately. You can't trade two yuan with the same person."

Seeing Yi Tian's cautious Hua Yulin also nodded, there is too much room for manipulation in this matter.Just as Yi Tian said, as long as 50 spirit stones are enough, the extra will not all go into his pocket.

There are as many as ten yuan here, that is, 500 million spirit stones are equivalent to more than 5 merit points. It is conservatively estimated that if it is sold for 700 million, the extra spirit stones will be more than his income from a century-old mission.

But huge profits also come with risks, so Yitian also gave up the profit margin so that Hua Yulin had enough room to operate.

After putting away the things, Hua Yulin's eyes showed a gleam and said: "Don't worry, I will help you out properly, and we will join hands to make another vote when we enter Langhuan Cave."

"That's natural," Yi Tian said with a smile on his face: "I also found a helper, I believe it will be of great help."

"Who," Hua Yulin asked hastily.

"Xiang Donghui,"

"How did you ask him to cooperate?" Hua Yulin asked anxiously.

Yi Tian did wave his hand to signal to be safe and not to be impatient, and then said lightly: "Why can't you find him? This person is arrogant and arrogant, and the same sect respects him at a distance. In Langhuan Cave Heaven, he will definitely meet monks from the other two sects. Presumably he Will be happy to join us."

"Okay, you are the person in charge and you have the final say, but can I bring someone in?" Hua Yulin asked.

"You'd better find a way to arrange for people to trade Dao Zhiyan Token in the black market, so as to avoid suspicion. I didn't expect to show my feet to you in the end," Yi Tian warned.

After half an hour, Hua Yulin resigned first, and with the batch of goods in his hand, he hurried to the black market to find a way to break up.It's not something I need to worry about after that.But right now, there are still more than [-] yuan on hand that have not been distributed, and I originally wanted to disperse the sales in various places so as not to be targeted by others.

Except for the door, I went down the stairs slowly, and when I came to the hall on the first floor, I suddenly saw a figure swaying in front of me, and I only heard someone shouting at me: "Brother Yi, what a coincidence, how did I meet again?"

Looking closely, it turned out to be Xi Tianying who he met in Heifengling back then, and a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

 Thanks for the weird monthly pass
(End of this chapter)

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