
Chapter 1062 Collusion 2

Chapter 1062 Collusion II

It was a surprise to meet Xi Tianying in the middle of the world of mortals.I was worried that I would not be able to go to bulk goods, so I walked forward and bowed to the other party and said: "Unknown happened to meet Brother Xi, it's really a pleasure to meet you."

"Brother Yi, don't you work in Luoxia City? Are you going to Qingfeng City for business?" Xi Tianying asked.

Yi Tian waved his hands, then glanced at his mouth, moved his lips and said privately: "Brother Xi hasn't been in high spirits for many years, and he is more energetic than he was back then. This is not a place to talk, so please follow me upstairs to talk about it?"

"It's up to you," Xi Tianying agreed without hesitation.

In this way, the talented and good house just now has not been refunded, so it can be used continuously, and then Yi Tian ordered the shopkeeper to remove the banquet in the room and serve another table.On the other hand, he and Xi Tianying returned to the room and sat down again.

Yi Tian opened the sound-proof barrier to cover the two of them after the banquet reopened and the restaurant staff went out.He casually took the wine glasses on the table and filled them up, then stepped forward and respected: "To be honest, my brother has entered the Taiqing Pavilion now, and is a serious inner disciple."

"That's really congratulations to Brother Yi. To be honest, Taiqing Pavilion is the one I like the most among the three major sects in the spiritual world," Xi Tianying said.

"How do you say that?" Yi Tian asked back.

After Xi Tianying drank a glass of wine, he took the two large bowls on the table and filled them up. He didn't rush to answer, but just took a bowl as a gesture.So Yi Tian also understood its meaning, took another bowl of wine, touched it, put it in his mouth and drank it down.

This way of drinking is a bit like the way those knight-errants drank when I wandered around the rivers and lakes. It can be seen that Xi Tianying is also a bold person.He took a nap after finishing his work before he said: "Brother Yi, you are the most forthright person I have ever met. The first time I saw you, I realized that you are different from other monks."

"How is it different?"

Xi Tianying burst into laughter and said, "You have a sense of pride, and the aura of never bowing your head is really similar to a friend of mine."

"Oh, Brother Xi's Dharma Eyes can be entered into with people, but I want to make friends with you," Yi Tian asked with interest.

The light in Xi Tianying's eyes dimmed and he sighed, "It's a pity that this person has passed away. If he is still alive, he can be invited to have a drink together. But he is an inner disciple of the Taiqing Pavilion and a Ascension Cultivator just like you. "

"Peng Li," Yi Tian said in surprise.

"Oh, you also know about his deeds," Xi Tianying became interested and continued, "Back then, he was as talented as you, but it's a pity that Chi Wuji, who challenged Lihuo Palace for some reason, ended up in ruins .”

Yi Tian shook his head and said: "I have heard about this matter, but after thinking about it, I feel that there are many doubts. Especially those few parties are very suspicious."

"What's the problem?" Xi Tianying asked with a serious face: "Back then, Peng Li and I were confidantes, but we also spoke out to hinder him from challenging Chi Wuji. It's a pity that this kid insisted on going his own way and didn't listen to my words."

"What if that's not his original intention?" Yi Tian suddenly said from the side.

"Are you implying that he was forced, but who can force him to do this?" Xi Tianying asked suspiciously.

Knowing that there is something strange about this matter, it's just that I haven't figured it out for the time being.Then he slowly told all the things he had encountered over the years.In particular, Murong Feixue's Gu refining technique, Xiang Donghui's suggestions, and the intricate relationship between the three of them in the sect were all mentioned and reorganized.

After hearing this, Xi Tianying's face became more and more serious. As he said, these factors seem to be chaotic, but there must be a big secret behind them.If you want to verify it clearly, you must ask the person concerned carefully before it can be concluded.

It's just that Peng Li is dead, and Murong Feixue, as the biggest suspect, naturally cannot get the truth from him directly.After much deliberation, I can only find Xiang Donghui, but he is not an easy person to get along with.

After a moment of silence in the room, it was Xi Tianying who broke the silence and said, "I'm going to ask Xiang Donghui, the cause of Peng Li's death must be thoroughly investigated and cleared up. Thank you, Brother Yi, for pointing this out. Be careful of that mother-in-law Murong Feixue. She used the golden silkworm poison to plot against Peng Li before you in the same way."

"Brother Xi, don't be impatient. This matter has to be discussed in the long term. These two people are nested in the sect. If you formally visit the sect, you may not be able to respond. You have to find a suitable time," Yi Tian thought. down the road.

"Brother Yi, you are also a Taiqing Pavilion disciple, and from your tone, Murong Feixue seems to be asking for something from you. Then why don't you ask her when you go to Qingfeng Old City to perform a mission," Xi Tianying suggested.

He lowered his head and thought for a while, Yi Tian shook his head and said: "Difficult, there is still Qing Lianyun in this Qingfeng revival mission, if you call Brother Xi directly, you will have to face the two of them. And then I will have a hard time dealing with myself. It will be disadvantageous if the inside and outside cannot intervene.”

"Then what should I do, who knows when Murong Feixue will leave the sect, I can't wait for her in Qingfeng City forever," Xi Tianying said anxiously.

Speaking of which, Yi Tian reached out and took out a token, handed it gently to the other party, and said: "You take this thing, and I will try to get Murong Feixue to participate in it. At that time, you will have a chance to find her when she is making money." Asked clearly."

"Scorching Flame Order," Xi Tianying's face was full of surprise, and he looked no worse than Hua Yulin before.

It is conceivable that there must be a great opportunity in this Langhuan Cave to attract the top cultivators in the spirit world.

He sighed and said: "Brother Yi, I appreciate your kindness, but this opportunity is rare in a thousand years. I feel really sorry for letting you give up once to fulfill my old position."

"Opportunity is something you have to fight for yourself," Yi Tian said with a blink of an eye.Then he took out a storage bracelet and handed it to Xi Tianying, "Help me spread out all the things inside, but you can't bulk them in Qingfeng City. I only charge 60 high-grade spirit stones for each piece, and any more will be yours." .”

"Why is everything so expensive?" Xi Tianying asked solemnly, but when he finally checked the storage bracelet with his spiritual sense, his hands trembled and he almost missed the storage bracelet.

Then he stared at Yi Tian with his mouth wide open in disbelief, and after a while he picked up the wine bowl in front of him and took a sip, calmly said: "You robbed Lihuo Palace."

Yi Tian said calmly: "Brother Xi, I respect you as an upright man, that's why I asked you to help me."

Everyone has lived for thousands of years, so they naturally know what to ask and what not to say.Xi Tianying is also an old man, and after putting away his things, he said: "How much are you going to play this time, you Ascension Brothers are all bold, but it's just to my liking."

"You find a group of trustworthy people to help. I have already connected with Xiang Donghui. As for Murong Feixue, I will find a way. I want two copies of Langhuan Yuquan to go in this time, so I ask Brother Xi to help me. "Yi Tian said with a serious face.

"Two out of ten, you account for one-fifth of the amount." Xi Tianying picked up the wine bowl on the table and said, "Okay, after finishing this bowl, Lao Xi will play with you this time." .”

"Okay, with Brother Xi's help, even if you meet Chi Wuji, you can fight, but then I will prepare a handy weapon for you, which is definitely not worse than Jian Shaoqing's." Yi Tian also took the wine After the bowl was finished, he drank it in one gulp.

(End of this chapter)

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