
Chapter 1063 Urging

Chapter 1063 Urging
After delaying the meeting in Qingfeng City, Yi Tiancai hurried back to the sect on the second day.After coming to Xishan Lingzhi Garden and opening the mountain protection formation, he plunged into the passage.After a while, he passed by the town guard's mansion. He didn't plan to go in, but with his spiritual sense, he found that someone was visiting, and Hua Yuxin was receiving the visitor.

I wondered in my heart, except for the enshrinement once every hundred years, usually Lingzhi Garden would not receive outsiders.It's just that in his divine sense, he found that the cultivation base of the incoming person was similar to his own, and they were all in the middle stage of transformation.

In this way, Hua Yuxin seemed a little uncomfortable to be received, and the fluctuation of the spiritual pressure of that person seemed a little familiar, so I had to go to see him if I couldn't avoid it.

After thinking about it, the figure flashed and flew directly towards the guardian mansion, and after three breaths, a figure appeared out of thin air in the hall.After the halo faded to reveal his lineup, he turned around and saw that it was Cui Fuling who came here and was chatting with Hua Yuxin.

The fact that Hua Yulin is pursuing her has spread to all the cultivators in the sect, so naturally they can't hide it from the little girl Hua Yu.Moreover, she must have recognized Cui Fuling as her sister-in-law early in the morning, and the two of them were talking happily, and when Yi Tian came back, they immediately ended their conversation.

After saying hello, he walked up to the main seat, glanced at the two of them, and then said to Cui Fuling, "What brought you here, why didn't brother-in-law Hua Yulin pester you all this time?"

Cui Fuling coughed lightly and demonstrated embarrassingly: "You have all become a family, and it seems that you have vented your anger in one nostril. Hua Yulin doesn't know what he is doing in the past few days, and he hasn't done it since he went to Qingfeng City. Go back to Zongmen."

"I didn't come back," Yi Tian said in his mouth, but he was very clear in his heart. At this moment, Hua Yulin is probably busy looking for buyers in the black market.If you want to release the things you gave him without leaving any traces, you will have to spend a lot of effort.

After thinking about it, he sized up the other party and said, "Why did you come to Xishan Lingzhi Garden to ask for medicine? Let Yuxin take care of such trivial matters." Then he got up and prepared to leave.

"Wait, I brought Senior Sister Qing's handwriting this time, and she told me to hand it over to you face to face," Cui Fuling said, reaching out to take out a jade slip handwriting from the storage ring, performing the repelling technique, and gently giving it away. come over.

Sighing, Yi Tian secretly said: "The one who should come will still come, no matter how much I hide like this, it won't help." He stretched out his hand to spread the jade slip in his hand, glanced over and read the information in it in detail.

In fact, the content is also very simple, Qing Lianyun is sending a letter to remind himself.It is also very clear in the letter that she and Murong Feixue still have something to do at the moment, and it is estimated that they will be able to rush back to the sect in three months.

The task of refreshing the breeze is going to start in half a year, and I hope that I will be ready to go with it.After reading it, Yi Tian curled his lips and showed no emotion on his face, but he felt bitter in his heart.There is no need to be in such a hurry, I didn't like to go out with Qing Lianyun on missions early in the morning.Without him, this woman has a higher cultivation base than himself, and she will overwhelm others with her power in everything.Although there will be compensation afterwards, I just don't like her way of dealing with people, she is too strong.

After thinking for a while, he sighed and said: "Okay, I understand. After you go back, you will tell Xia Qinglianyun that I will make preparations. After half a year, just ask her to send a message to me."

Seeing that Yi Tian agreed without hesitation, Cui Fuling also heaved a sigh of relief, then stood up and said, "The letter that Senior Sister Qing asked me to bring has been delivered, so I will take my leave. Yi Tian takes your Senior Sister Qing, who has been able to gain strength so quickly, must have something special about her Fayan, just prepare well and set off on time in half a year."

After speaking, he bid farewell to the two and made a gesture to leave. Yi Tian winked at Hua Yuxin, who then stood up and followed Cui Fuling to see off the guests.

After the two left, Yi Tian's figure flashed and disappeared in the guard mansion, and after ten breaths, he returned to his cave mansion and began to retreat again.

This is half a year and it is too late to do any serious training, so I sat in the depths of the cave and thought about it.What I am most afraid of now is that this woman Murong Feixue will make dirty tricks again, so it is really impossible to guard against.But now is not the time to settle accounts with her, and it would not be appropriate to deal with her in Qingfeng Old City.

At least dozens of people would see her entering the Old City with her by then, and if something happened, she would hardly be able to get away with it.

Similarly, the other party will also have scruples, and if they want to perform the task of clearing the magic marks, they will just shoot casually.But it is still possible to drug yourself secretly, the only way to do it is to try to defend yourself.Yunmeng's detection cannot be taken out at will, just like the golden silkworm Gu king raised by the other party is reserved as a killer's trumpet.

It's just that the colorless and odorless golden silkworm poison is very troublesome. The amount on the invitation card last time was not very large, but if it was invaded into the meridians unknowingly, the toxin may have traveled all over the body by now.Although this will be hidden in the body and it will not be easy to detect, but once Murong Feixue uses other means to stimulate the poison again, the golden silkworm poison in his body will explode immediately.

Presumably the other party will have something to say in the future, and I can't sit still, I have to do something.

After thinking about it, she stretched out her hand and took out some thin wings of Lingming Cicada and put it in front of her face. After sweeping her eyes, a playful smile appeared on her face and she said to herself: "Although Murong Feixue has scheming plans, she can't talk about herself no matter what. countermeasures."

After finishing speaking, he took out several treasure materials and began to refine the spirit with the cicada wings of Lingming as the main material.

Half a year passed in a blink of an eye, and on that day, a ray of spiritual light flew from the sky and plunged into the mountain protection formation of Xishan Lingzhi Garden.Half a moment later, it flew directly to the hall of the guardian's mansion, and landed on the desk of the guardian's mansion out of thin air. After the white light dissipated, a jade talisman of communication was revealed inside.
After a moment, the things were sent to Yi Tian, ​​and after reading the contents, Yi Tian said disdainfully: "What should come has finally come, and there is nothing that needs to be done. What kind of twists and turns is good."

Standing up, he flew out of the cave directly to the guardian mansion at the foot of the mountain, and then reached out his hand to ring the messenger bell in the mansion.After Hua Yuxin and the five team leaders all arrived, Yi Tian arranged all the people who came in without saying a word, and then said: "This time I will go to Qingfeng Old City to perform a task, and it will take a few days soon. It can take half a year. During the period, you must also abide by the orders of Huashiro guards, and you must not neglect the farming season."

After hearing this, the five leaders of the Lingnong squad all replied together: "Don't worry, Lord Guardian, we will definitely look forward to replacing the leader of the guard with flowers."

Yi Tian turned around and took out a copy of the jade slip and handed it to Hua Yuxin, saying: "During this time, Lingzhi Garden is still the same. You have to worry about it a lot. And hand over this thing to your elder brother. He will know what to do after seeing it. of."

 Thanks to the book friend 20180906071046924 for the monthly pass

(End of this chapter)

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