
Chapter 1064 Breeze Revival 1 Open

Chapter 1064 Opening of Breeze Revival

The discipline post outside Qingfeng Old City is always overcrowded, and there are not a few people who line up to register every day and want to enter it.Of course, most of them are casual cultivators with other purposes, but there are also some big sect disciples who received missions in Qingfeng City and came here in teams.

Naturally, special passages have been set up for these people. Generally, as long as they register the list of tasks and team members at the outpost of the precepts, they can enter directly.But after all, there are very few people who dare to take on such a task, and they haven't seen a wave of people go in for a whole year on weekdays.

It's just that many casual cultivators turned their attention to the exclusive channel today, and saw two stunning female cultivators talking about something, as if they had received a special task and were about to enter.

Some sect disciples even recognized the identities of the two women at a glance, and stared at them for a while without daring to do anything else.This senior sister of the inner sect of the Taiqing Pavilion, ranked fifth on the Disha list, can be shocked by any name.

The other person is also a top cultivator in the inner sect of the Taiqing Pavilion, and he also ranks in the top [-] on the Disha list.It's just that everyone was curious about what wind brought these two to Qingfeng Old Town.

It was obvious that they seemed to be waiting for someone here, and many people speculated whether it was the top three of the Taiqing Pavilion's transformation of gods that would appear here at the same time today.Not long after, a ray of light flashed across the sky, and then a ray of light flew straight towards the sentry post in Qingfeng Old City.He landed directly on the side of the special passage without stopping in mid-air, and when the aura faded, an ordinary-looking monk appeared.

The casual cultivators and sect disciples around all looked suspiciously at their faces. This person seemed to be only in the middle stage of transformation, so he must not be Xiang Donghui from the inner sect of the Taiqing Pavilion.

But Qing Lianyun showed a gleam of joy after seeing her, and went forward to say hello, and then the monk accompanied the two women into Qingfeng old town through a special passage amidst the envious eyes of everyone.

At the end of the three of them, Yi Tian's face was full of helplessness. The naked eyes of those casual cultivators just now wished to change positions with him.But if they knew their situation, they might not think so.

Sweeping her eyes on Qing Lianyun, she was wearing an inner dress and her hair was coiled up today. Even if she appeared in front of people without any makeup on her face, she would look like a fresh and refined fairy.As for Murong Feixue, she was also dressed in the same way, but with her hair tied up, she looked like a married young woman, which was definitely different from when she was facing Qing Lianyun.

But in my heart, I secretly got 12 points of energy, the ghost knows how the other party will make moves this time, with such a restless factor by my side, I really have to be careful.

After entering the old city, the three of them used the escapism technique to fly in mid-air, and after passing two or three hundred miles, they saw that the frequency of magic marks in the lower boundary and the amount of magic energy contained in them increased sharply.The relaxed expression on Qing Lianyun's face, who was leading the way, subsided, and she turned to the two of them and said, "We are about to enter the hardest-hit area of ​​the magic mark, and we can't fly any further and can only walk over the ground. "

Murong Feixue nodded and replied: "It's okay, I expected this earlier, but why after so many years of clearing the magic marks here, it doesn't seem to be restrained, but there are more and more?"

Qing Lianyun shook her head and replied: "I don't know about this either, but presumably the sect's senior officials will always understand the inner secrets, and it is natural for them to keep releasing tasks to remove the magic marks."

Yi Tian, ​​who was flying at the end, didn't say much at this time. According to his own understanding, it is impossible to completely remove the magic mark.Thinking that the demon saint prince in the inner circle has not yet escaped from the trap, the demon marks on the ground have an inevitable connection with him.I didn't want to talk too much, and followed the last road slowly down the cloud and came to a road.Standing on the ground and looking into the distance, I saw magic marks all over the street.And in the far distance, there is a gray mirror image in the sky, and there is a trace of magic energy in the surrounding environment from the magic marks, which makes people feel lingering fear.

Seeing this, Qing Lianyun frowned slightly, and then took off a jade bracelet-like artifact from her hand.After infusing spiritual energy and activating it, he sacrificed a protective cover to protect the five-foot radius around him. After finishing these, he said: "There is still a distance of nearly a hundred miles to go, both of you must deal with it carefully. In addition to scars and demonic energy, one must always be on guard against mutant creatures jumping out from the darkness."

Hearing the word mutated creature, Murong Feixue also had a serious look on her face, and hurriedly replied: "Don't worry, senior sister, we will take care of any demonized mutated creature we encounter, and we will never be alarmed. Other creatures." After speaking, he turned his palms over and took out a piece of Jinluopa, and then covered the four and a half feet around him in it.

Yi Tian didn't hesitate when he saw it, and with a slight smile on his face, he took out a five-inch bowl and gently held it in his hand.After faintly injecting a trace of Buddhist power, the inscription on the bowl gradually lit up and formed a light shield to protect the whole body.The range of the mask is not too big, but it can only cover three inches from the body, which is much weaker than the second girl's aura.

Murong Feixue didn't say a word after seeing it, but there was a slight look of disappointment in her eyes, until Qing Lianyun looked at her face and thought for a moment, then stopped talking and walked forward.

The three of them marched in a single file along the main street to the depths of Qingfeng City, but within half a mile, there were [-]% more magic marks on the ground than before.But Divine Sense scanned the surroundings and found that the detectable distance was gradually suppressed as it continued to deepen, and now the detectable distance is only half of the original.Going further in, I'm afraid it will be restricted even more severely.

After the group of three walked for half an hour, they realized that the road in front of them was bumpy, and a black shadow came out diagonally from the side of the road and stopped in front of them.

Yi Tian took a closer look and it turned out to be a two-foot-tall spirit dog, but this spirit dog's head and eyes were red, which was quite different from the ones he had seen.Its body is surrounded by a trace of magic energy, and its strength is about six levels.It stands to reason that such a creature's intelligence has long been activated and it can judge danger. Now that the three pairs have been at an absolute disadvantage, they should avoid it.

But in fact it was not like this, only Qing Lianyun who was in front said: "We take turns to deal with the mutant beasts that we paid, everyone pay attention to retaining the spiritual power and there is still a long way to go."

After speaking, he leaped forward, reached out and took out the long black silk sword to sacrifice, and muttered in his mouth: "Go." After a flash of blue light, it directly penetrated the head of the spirit dog, leaving a hole the size of a fist .The spirit dog staggered two steps in response and then fell to the ground. Black blood flowed out from the wound, giving off a foul smell.

Seeing this, Qing Lianyun also frowned slightly, raised a fireball and incinerated the body of the alienated spirit dog directly, and then the three of them stepped over the fire and continued to walk forward.

Little did they know that there was a pair of red eyes staring at the three of them for a while in the dark, and when their eyes swept over Yi Tian who was walking at the end, his whole body trembled.After restraining his gaze, he retracted directly into the darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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