
Chapter 1065 Breeze Revival 2 Blocking the Way

Chapter 1065
After the three-person team entered the area severely affected by the magic scars in Qingfeng Old City, Yi Tian kept an eye on it. The surrounding environment here has an indescribably strange feeling.

Especially after flying to the center of the city, they can only descend to the clouds and gradually rely on walking to go deeper. The creatures in the surrounding area are more or less affected by the magic energy emanating from the magic marks.

Along the way, many mutated and demonized monsters have been foreseen, and each time Qing Lianyun took the lead in attacking them, and the two quickly solved them with the assistance of the side.But the mutated creatures encountered so far have become more and more difficult to deal with. Before, they could be solved with just a random blow by a single person.

But after walking for an hour, now it takes three people to cooperate to attack in order to maintain the forward speed.

In Yi Tian's eyes, he didn't talk too much. Every time he made a move, he used the thorns technique to help limit the mutant creatures, while Qing Lianyun and Murong Feixue eliminated them one by one like a living target.

He took out the jade slip map and spread it out in his hand to check it. It seemed that he had already traveled more than half of the way.But the road ahead is not easy, and the speed of advancement is much slower than before.Thinking of this, Yi Tian suggested: "Two senior sisters, shall we take a short break to recover our spiritual power? I expect that the next road will consume more spiritual power."

Unexpectedly, Murong Feixue shook her head and directly denied her proposal, and even retorted: "Junior Brother Yi, you don't know how dangerous this place is, and if you stay for a moment longer, it will be more dangerous. There is a place near the Temple of Books where the magic marks are thin place, hurry there and rest."

Qing Lianyun, who was leading the way, also agreed with Murong Feixue's proposal this time, and then echoed: "That's true, I remember that when I passed by last time, almost all the magic marks near the Moyun Pavilion were cleaned up. It’s not far from us and we’ll rest there later.”

Seeing that his proposal was directly rejected by the two, Yi Tian had no choice but to shut his mouth helplessly and continue walking at the end of the team.

In fact, in terms of the actual state, the consumption of oneself is the smallest, but it is not bad to test it out, at least for now, it seems that the strength of these two women is not bad.In this way, I don't have to reveal my true strength prematurely to avoid being remembered by Murong Feixue.

After walking forward for several miles, I suddenly saw a large amount of magic energy emerging from the cracked ground. It was obvious that the environment here was worse than before, and the concentration of magic force in the air was several times higher than before. .

Suddenly, Qing Lianyun, who was walking in the front, stopped and shouted in a deep voice: "We are in trouble, everyone be careful."

Looking at Yi Tian in the direction she was facing, he could only see a black water serpent lying in the middle of the road three miles away, and he took a closer look at this snake, which was as thick as an adult's arm and about two feet long.But it's nothing, the point is that the snake's head has been refined into a human face, but the face is covered with several magic lines as if filled with magic energy, and the eyes are red like a demon.

The other party immediately spotted the three of them, and they were rushing towards this side at this time.Yi Tian curled his lips and secretly thought something was wrong, and hurriedly asked: "Can you avoid changing the road?"

"No, this is the only way. If you want to go to the Temple of Books, you have no choice. Let's do it together. It is estimated that we will need some means to move on," Qing Lianyun vetoed, and then sacrificed the sword in his hand again. Spirit sword, this time she also took out a Dragon Binding Sacrifice and held it in her hand without sending it out.

Murong Feixue's face was also solemn, she reached out and took off the hairpin stuck in the bun, and sacrificed it in her hand, turning it into a three-foot green blade.After the human-faced black water serpent ran a hundred feet away, he shot resolutely. The hairpin in his hand turned into a white light and directly pierced the black evil energy in front of him and hit the opponent.

Yi Tian saw that the two of them had already made a move, and it was inconvenient for him to paddle, so he lightly ejected a few nan tree seeds and directly plunged into the surrounding soil.A little later, under the ground, he kept arching his hands, using spells to control the wooden vines to approach the black water serpent from the ground.

There were constant attacks from spirit weapons on the scene, but the result was not as expected.From the mouth of the black snake with a human face, a stream of black demonic energy mixed with venom sprayed out against the incoming spirit weapon.

After the confrontation, I saw that the evil venom had the upper hand, and it polluted the spirit weapon instantly when it hit it.

Immediately, the aura on Murong Feixue's hairpin dimmed a lot, and after one staggered back to her hand, there was still some dark green venom left on it.Murong Feixue's complexion changed, and she hastily cast out a yellow aura, sweeping towards the residual poison on the hairpin, and completely wiped it away.

Yi Tian's divine sense has always separated a strand to stay on Murong Feixue's body, when she made a move just now, she saw a three-inch sized bug in the yellow aura.Needless to say, it is the body of the Golden Silkworm Gu King. I didn't expect that she had refined the Gu King Sacrifice to almost the state of Dzogchen.

He froze for a moment, then manipulated the wood vine technique to break through the ground and attack the black water serpent with a human face, but half of his spiritual sense was used to stare at Murong Feixue, wanting to take the opportunity to see clearly the situation of the golden silkworm Gu king.

It's a pity that Qing Lianyun greatly relieved Murong Feixue's pressure by controlling the spiritual weapon to participate in the battle, and the Golden Silkworm Gu King was directly taken back.In this way, I had no choice but to assist the three of them from the side to gradually use the method of You Dou to suppress this alienated monster.

Seeing the opportunity, Qing Lianyun let go of the dragon-binding lock that had been condensed for a long time in his hand, turned into a golden light and rolled towards the black water snake.

The other party obviously sensed a sense of crisis, and immediately turned around and wanted to burrow into the ground to hide.In his eyes, Yi Tian naturally wouldn't let this great opportunity go. After chanting something in his mouth, he stretched out his hand and popped out a flash of light towards the root of the wooden vine.

Immediately, under the blessing of mana, the wooden vine became exceptionally tough, and directly purified the remaining demon power in the surrounding soil.Suddenly, several emerald green vines sprang out from the ground and blocked the path of the Blackwater Serpent.

The mutated beast would have expected such a move, and it seemed that the vine veins in front of it seemed to be much less threatening than the dragon-binding lock behind it.Then I saw it running towards the ground as usual, trying to break through the obstacles and avoid the pursuit of the spiritual weapon behind.

After rushing left and right among several vines, it was able to break through and block it quickly.Suddenly, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and tapped the root of the wooden vine three times with a sullen expression, only to see a long and soft halo flashing above the vine veins in front.But when the halo had touched the human-faced black water snake, it made a "Zi la" sound.

The mutated beast was instantly entangled by the surrounding vines under the pain, and now a large amount of black evil energy emerged from the entangled part of its body, and at the same time, it also let out a violent scream. .

At this time, the dragon binding lock behind him also flew to the front and directly tied the human-faced black water serpent together with the wooden vines tightly.Afterwards, a piercing scream sounded, and the mutant beast was directly stunned by several electric forces from the dragon-binding lock.

 Thank you Wen Yanben for the monthly pass

(End of this chapter)

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