
Chapter 1066 Breeze Revival 3 Sealing Formation

Chapter 1066 Breeze Revival Triple Seal Formation
After killing the human-faced Heishuiyou snake, he threw away its head and found a three-inch-sized demon pill, which was wrapped with a layer of black magic energy, which looked black and shiny.

Seeing this, Qing Lianyun frowned and said: "This mutated beast has probably been absorbing magic energy here for hundreds of years. It seems that the magic energy here is stronger than when it came in last time. I really don't know what happened. .”

Murong Feixue said with a serious face: "I haven't been here before, so I don't know what's going on here, but from this, it seems that the road ahead is not easy. But today I discovered that Junior Brother Yi is really strong. It seems that the exercises have a faint restraint effect on these monsters."

It's really inevitable that I just used one move of the Buddha School Kung Fu and was missed. Looking at Qing Lianyun's appearance, it seems that she also noticed it but didn't mention it directly.Thinking of this, Yi Tian didn't change his face, and secretly complained in his heart, looking at the situation, he might ask himself to lead the way.Originally holding the mentality of playing soy sauce, now being pushed on the bar is really a dilemma.

A few thoughts flashed through my mind in an instant, and then said with a smile: "It's not because I'm using a powerful technique, but because I have a spiritual weapon in my hand that can restrain the magic energy," he reached out and took out the magic weapon. The Vajra Conquering Devil Awl came, and gently pushed it in front of Qing Lianyun.

The latter showed a suspicious expression on his face, and then reached out to take the spiritual weapon and put it in front of his eyes for inspection.After taking three breaths, there was a hint of joy on his face, and he said: "This Buddhist instrument has a natural restraint effect on the demons' kung fu."

Then he held the diamond awl in his hand and gently poured spiritual power into it, and then saw another soft halo spread out.Wherever the halo went, all the magic marks on the three surrounding grounds were directly purified.

I saw Qing Lianyun's face was settled, then he looked at the bowl in his hand with a knowing expression and continued: "Okay, since Junior Brother Yi has this Buddha Sect Spirit Artifact to open the way, please borrow it for the time being." After I use it, I will return it when things are done."

"It's okay, please ask the senior sister to open the way," Yi Tian said without changing his expression, "We'd better finish the task quickly, now is the time to share the same hatred, if the two senior sisters have something to do, please Don't be mean."

Although the words were addressed to Qing Lianyun, they also meant something.Doesn't she, Murong Feixue, like to expose people's old stories, and she also brings the same story to herself.She also noticed the Golden Silkworm Gu King she had used before, and asked her to contribute and use it no matter how bad it was.

As soon as this statement came out, Murong Feixue, who was walking in front, visibly shook, and then she pretended to be nonchalant and continued walking.Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Yi Tian didn't say much, and at the end, he kept a certain distance from the two women in front and walked towards the temple of book collection.

With the assistance of the Vajra Conquering Demon Cone, Qing Lianyun's speed of opening the way ahead is obviously much faster, but whenever there are any magic marks in front of him, where the magic energy leaks, as long as the faint golden light that appears on it after the spiritual weapon is sacrificed In an instant, the surrounding magic marks can be removed.

As for the next few mutated monsters that came across from afar, they obediently dodged aside when they saw the diamond awl in Qing Lianyun's hand. It was obvious that they had a natural sense of fear of the Buddha's light on it.The road afterwards was much faster than before, and the three of them hurried to the outer edge of the Temple of Book Collection in Qingfeng Old City before stopping.

Qing Lianyun pointed at the area surrounded by formations and said, "That's the Moyun Pavilion. Let's go to the defense formations to rest and recover our spiritual power before entering the library hall."

After the three of them walked into the range of Moyun Pavilion's formation, Yi Tian found that the inner environment was completely different from the outside world. Those magic marks that had the defense of the formation actually avoided extending towards here as if intentionally or unintentionally. They are also bypassed.

After carefully looking at the formation here, he realized that it turned out to be the prototype of the big skyfire formation recorded in his Lihuo Nine Changes Cheats, but for some reason, the person who arranged the formation didn't draw the formation completely.Within a distance of ten feet around the Moyun Pavilion, there is a gap in the formation towards the direction of the Book Collection Temple. In this way, although the spiritual power drawn by this formation can be maintained for ten thousand years, it cannot be repeated. Play a restrictive effect on magic marks.

On the other hand, the people who set up the formation back then should have thought about how to rely on the formation to completely cover the magic marks here and not let them leak out.And since there is a formation node of Moyun Pavilion, there must be other corresponding formation nodes in the inner city of Qingfeng Old City.

The Skyfire Formation in the Lihuo Palace was originally used for large-scale defense, and I didn't believe that this was the only node available.And logically speaking, this large formation can isolate the inside and outside, and it can be regarded as a relatively powerful defensive formation in Lihuo Palace.But it is used here to completely isolate the devil prince deep in Qingfeng Old City from the outside world.

That senior sage had a good idea and put it into action, but what made him fall short in the end.Yi Tian was puzzled when he thought of this, and took out the map of Qingfeng Old City while taking a break, staring at the terrain depicted on it and thinking about it.

After three breaths, it was discovered that the location of this book collection temple happened to be a key node of the entire sky fire formation, and Moyun Pavilion was the location of a life gate outside this node.She secretly said in her heart: "It is estimated that Murong Feixue asked her to break the formation not to destroy the original defensive formation of the Book Collection Temple, but the Heavenly Fire formation. In this way, she had to deliberate on her own intentions."

After thinking about it, he glanced at the position where she was sitting cross-legged, and saw that she closed her eyes and rested, recovering her spiritual power, but she didn't know what to do next.

To be honest, I really don't have the confidence in my heart. It stands to reason that Murong Feixue, a cultivator who is a cultivator in the Taiqing Pavilion, would not be possessed by demons at will.The next step is to listen to her words and watch her deeds, to see what kind of ideas she has in mind.

As for Qing Lianyun's suspicion, she couldn't rule it out. She kept saying that she wanted to go to the Book Collection Temple to get a copy of the Secret Art Handbook.But I don't know what the actual situation is.

Suddenly Yi Tian realized that he was the most isolated and helpless in the three-person team, and the two people in front of him couldn't guess their thoughts.And I am in a tight siege. If an accident happens, I really don't know whether the two people in front of me will be enemies or friends.

Wanting to cheer up my heart 12 points, I secretly became wary.He secretly decided that he would not take action unless it was absolutely necessary, and everything was still based on preserving himself.

Just as he was thinking about it, Qing Lianyun's voice came from his ear: "The answer is almost there, let's set off. If the yang energy here fades away in the middle of the night, the evil energy will become three points stronger than during the day. "Then the three raised their defensive spirit weapons again and walked out of the range of the Moyun Pavilion's defensive formation one by one, and stopped when they reached the main gate of the Book Collection Temple.

Yi Tian looked up and found that there was a ten-foot-high arch in front of him, and there was a stone tablet outside with four big characters of "Sacred Land of Books and Books". It seemed vigorous and powerful to him, which should be the handwriting of the ancestors of the sect.Back then, places like this should have been important places in the old city, and it must have been a thriving scene.It's a pity that after the disaster, the surroundings of the temple no longer had the same splendor as before, and what remained were only the scars on the wall and the evil spirit scattered around.

(End of this chapter)

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