
Chapter 1067 Breeze Revival 4 Clear

Chapter 1067 Breeze Revival [-] Clearance
The three of them swaggered into the front door of the Book Collection Temple. After walking through a long corridor, Yi Tianmeng found that the magic marks here seemed to have become very regular.

A closer look turned out to have polluted a section of the main pattern of the original Skyfire formation.Now these formation papers are attached with corresponding magic marks, and after thousands of years, the magic energy has penetrated into the formation patterns and completely eroded them.

In this way, these original formation patterns will become useless, and even become a medium for the devil energy to penetrate into the earth's veins.After carefully looking at it, Yi Tian finally breathed a sigh of relief. Obviously, it is quite effective to remove the magic marks among Qingfeng Fuxing characters.

The big formation foundation of the sky fire here seems to be protected by a spirit pattern, and those devilish energy can only penetrate into the formation pattern outside but not the formation foundation.In this way, as long as you come to clear the magic marks every once in a while, you can maintain the foundation of the sky fire formation from being violated.

It is estimated that the formation here will still be used in the future, so Taiqing Pavilion will send people to clean it regularly.It's just that they don't know when the person who set up the formation will return to Qingfeng Old City to complete these unfinished formations again.

Qing Lianyun, who was leading the way, checked the magic marks on the ground everywhere since he came in, and stopped when he walked to the open square not far from the hall of the Book Collection Temple.Turning around, he reached out and took out three jade bottles, handed them to the two of them, and said, "Ten drops of Tianyi Shenshui have been added to it, which is the best way to clear up the magic marks. The three of us will first remove the magic marks on the outside of the temple. Get rid of it."

After taking the jade bottle, Yi Tian lifted the lid and reached in with his spiritual sense to check it, only to find that it was a sea bottle.There is about a hundred tanks of water in it, but I don't know if it is enough or not.Then he asked, "How does this thing work?"

Murong Feixue stepped forward, opened the lid, and sacrificed a stream of spring water to form several water arrows in the air, then pointed at a magic mark and pointed lightly.

I saw a water arrow landed and hit a three-foot-wide magic mark without any mistakes. After a while, the magic energy on it began to evaporate gradually, and the magic energy inside was directly drawn out and gathered into black spots in the air. magic beads.At this time, the originally pitch-black magic marks on the ground gradually faded until they disappeared completely.

A little more than one liter of water can clear the ground in a radius of about three feet.In this way, the clean water in the jade bottle in his hand should be more than enough.

Qing Lianyun's words came from next to my ear: "The water in this jade bottle is not enough, and the magic marks inside the temple have to be cleaned apart from the outside. It's a pity that there is not much water produced in a hundred years after the water is purified that day. You all pay attention to it. Use it. Get the main ones cleaned, and the smaller ones as the case may be."

Yi Tian doesn't like to listen to these words, and Qing Lianyun will also cut corners when he is emotional.According to my own personality, since I have taken up this task, I have to do it beautifully, and I must not leave any beginnings and tails for others to wipe my ass.

So the three of them split up and began to clean up the magic marks on the periphery of the Book Collection Temple.The area Yi Tian was in charge of was the east side of the temple. He gently drew out the water in the jade bottle and turned it into a water mass, and then secretly injected a trace of Buddhist power into his hand.

Clean up the water ball directly according to the location of the magic mark, and the evil spirit in the magic mark on the ground after contact will be quickly restrained and then condensed into magic beads.Afterwards, the evil energy in the magic beads was directly purified, and finally only the spirit beads with pure power remained.

Yi Tian stretched out his hand, put it in his hand and looked it over carefully, this Yuanbei was formed by extracting the aura from the ancestral veins, and now it just happens to be used for himself after getting rid of the magic energy.

He took a storage bracelet with his hand and put away these spirit beads separately, and then the speed of clearing them in his hand also began to speed up.It was a surprise this time. I didn't expect to have such a harvest. Fortunately, the three people were in charge of different areas, and the other two were on the south and west sides.

I'm not afraid of being exposed, anyway, as long as the magic marks are removed, it's up to each person to use which method.With the continuous purification of the magic mark, I got more and more spiritual beads in my hand. At first, I could put them in my palm and absorb them directly as a supplement for spiritual power recovery.But later, he found that he had collected more and more spiritual beads, and according to his current state, he had already returned to his heyday.

After thinking about it, he took out the spirit purification bottle and put all the extra spirit beads in it. Anyway, the biggest effect of this bottle is to gather spiritual power, and its capacity is more than ten times that of the Haina bottle in his hand.

Just now Qing Lianyun reminded not to over-consume the diluent of Tianyi Shenshui. After clearing more than [-]% of the magic marks in the east corridor, about [-]% of it has been used up after a little inspection by the divine sense.Simply gaining is not cheap, and now there are nearly a hundred spirit beads in the spirit purification bottle.

After unfolding the divine sense, he checked the progress of the other two people, Yi Tian raised his brows and wondered in his heart whether his speed was faster.They basically only dealt with [-]% to [-]% of the situation, and then the speed of operation also accelerated accordingly.

After a while, the remaining [-]% of the open space was cleaned up, and then he turned around and began to remove all the magic marks on the open space in front of the main entrance of the Book Collection Temple.

After this operation, the original array pattern of the Skyfire Array was left on the open space.Yi Tian took a closer look and kept the styles of these inscriptions firmly in his mind, and made a comparison with the patterns on the Zongmen classics.

After ten breaths, I looked along the direction of the continuation of the formation pattern and found that this place should be the control center of the formation disk of the sky fire formation.It just seems that the position of the inscription where the eye is located seems to be drawn somewhere inside the library temple.

So it seems that you have to go in before you can check what happened. Thinking of this, I settled down and sat cross-legged on the ground to rest and wait for the other two to finish their work before going in together.

After waiting for an hour, Qing Lianyun and Murong Feixue had a clear understanding of the demons in the area they were in charge of.When they returned to the main entrance of the Book Collection Temple, they found Yi Tianzheng sitting cross-legged and resting, with a bit of shock on his face.But the two women are also sensible. When they glanced at the corridor on the east side, they found that there was far less evil energy left than in the area they were in charge of.

Looking at Yi Tian's appearance, I naturally had a judgment in my heart, and I saw Qing Lianyun came forward and said: "Junior Brother Yi is really good at tricks, I didn't expect that the speed of clearing the magic marks was so fast that I was surprised. "

"Fortunately, the spiritual weapon in my hand has a certain restraint effect on the devil energy, and the cleaning fluid of Tianyi Shenshui is very useful, so I am half a step ahead. I made the two senior sisters laugh, and I am ashamed," Yi said. Tian said so, but there was no trace of shame on his face, on the contrary, he had a look that should be taken for granted.

Murong Feixue saw it in her eyes but muttered: "If you run out of cleaning fluid, it will be troublesome after you go in. There is still at least one-third of the area to work on."

Qing Lianyun also showed a serious expression on his face and said: "Yes, Junior Brother Yi, although the outside of the Book Collection Temple is big, you don't have to be completely clear about it. As for the Tianyi Divine Water in your hand, at least [-]% must be left for the inner hall to use."

"Don't worry, I've left enough here, it's definitely enough," Yi Tian replied with a relaxed face.

 Thank you for the monthly pass at Zhonggukou
(End of this chapter)

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