
Chapter 1068 Breeze Revival 5 2 Heads

Chapter 1068
It took the three of them nearly two hours outside the library hall to remove the magic traces. According to Qing Lianyun's estimate, it took about [-]% of the dilution of Tianyi Shenshui to reach the current level.As for the inner hall, there are still some that need to be cleaned up, but the scope is much smaller than that of the outside.

Walking outside the main entrance of the Book Collection Temple, I saw that the three-foot-high gate was closed tightly, and there was a recessed space in the center of the main entrance, which should be the keyhole.

I saw Qing Lianyun stepped forward and took out a five-inch disc, and gently placed it on the depression. With a "click" sound the disk fit perfectly into it, and after a while, Qing Lianyun stretched out his hand and put it on the disk, and then gently turned it clockwise.

After three breaths, only a faint 'click' sound came from behind the door, and then the whole depression seemed to shake.At the same time, a roaring sound came from the door, and the stone door shook and then slowly opened towards both sides.

Dai Qinglianyun put away the key disc on the door, and the main entrance of the temple has been completely opened.A strong demonic aura emanated from it, and there were many black magic patterns on the passage stone wall behind the door.

Yi Tian took a closer look and saw that these magic patterns were covered along the remaining patterns of the original Skyfire Great Formation.As a result, he thought to himself: "Could it be this formation that has been eroded by the devil's energy is what needs to be cracked."

Naturally, I am very clear about the power of this formation in my heart, but I don't know how Murong Feixue and others will break the formation.

I only heard Qing Lianyun say: "Next, I will clear the magic pattern first. When I reach the center of the hall on the first floor, there are two branch passages, leading to two formation nodes respectively. At that time, I will see how the two broken It's a trick."

Murong Feixue seemed to have been here before, she nodded immediately and replied: "That's natural, please rest assured Senior Sister Qing."

"I don't know where is the magic power jade slip that Senior Sister Qing wants to get?" Yi Tian asked without reason.In fact, I have long wanted to know about the situation of this esoteric jade slip, and it must be a big deal for Qing Lianyun to value it so much.

Moreover, this is the holy book collection hall in Qingfeng Old City, just like the library building in the new city now, there must be many secret arts and supernatural powers in it.

Although nearly 8000 years have passed, these jade slips have been preserved in a special way and basically there will be no problems.

I saw Qing Lianyun paused for a moment before saying: "It's in the storage room on the third floor. I went up to the passageway between the second and third floors 200 years ago. At that time, I was blocked by the ban. This time I plan to Try again."

Hearing such a situation, Yi Tian admired Qing Lianyun's persistence in his heart. It is natural that he has made complete preparations for the treasure-hunting plan that has been brewing for 200 years.

On the other hand, Murong Feixue interjected, "Senior Sister Qing, our task is to clear the magic lines in this area. As for the area on the second floor and above, we don't consider it. Besides, we don't have enough Tianyi in our hands." The diluent of Shenshui is available, in case the second floor is corroded by demonic energy, it is no joke."

As soon as this remark came out, Qing Lianyun also frowned slightly, and after thinking for a while, he replied: "This mission is indeed the case, and only one layer of magic marks needs to be removed. But I asked the two of you to form a team to help me open the door. The passage on the second floor, as long as this can be achieved. I will write down the situation in the mission log, and then you, Junior Sister Murong, will leave this place first with the photo beads and jade slips. As for the next thing, it is completely mine Personal behavior will not implicate you."

What Yi Tian said sounds like Qing Lianyun is determined to go to the third floor this time.So he has nothing to say, his eyes glanced at Murong Feixue who was on the side, and he was relieved to see her.It seems that there must be many crises on the second floor, and she is so good at calculating, so she doesn't want to do unnecessary things.

After speaking, the three of them started to act, starting with Qing Lianyun, who used the Tianyi Shenshui in the Heina bottle in her hand to clean up the ink marks on the walls of the surrounding corridors one by one along the way.

But Yi Tian seems to be clear that it is not thorough. The main places of the magic lines have been wiped clean, but there are still some remnants in some corners.

Soon the three of them walked through the long corridor and broke into the hall on the first floor of the Book Collection Temple. At this time, all the Tianyi Divine Water in Qing Lianyun's hand was used up.But the hall is still covered with dark magic lines, Yi Tian raised his head and glanced around and found three passages in front of him, left, middle and right.The signs of the second floor, the library and the equipment room are written on it. I think the places where I want to break the formation are probably the library and the equipment room.

But why two formation masters are required to attack at the same time is not known. At this time, Murong Feixue said: "Junior Brother Yi is here, it is all up to you and me, but there is also a particular point in breaking the formation."

"I'm all ears," Yi Tian replied lightly.

"I will go to the library alone, you and Senior Sister Qing will go to the equipment room, and we will go forward together to clear away the magic marks along the way. After arriving at the destination, find out the nodes of the formation and break the formation at the same time," Murong Feixue briefly Tell the reason.

However, there seemed to be some problems in Yi Tian's ears, why did he need two people to break the formation at the same time.

Then he asked, "Why do you need two people in the appliance room?"

This time it was Qing Lianyun who replied: "Actually, the setting of this formation is biased. There are two nodes in the equipment room. As for the library, there is only one. These three nodes need to be activated and cracked at the same time to connect to the second node." The restriction on the second-floor stairs has been lifted."

It turns out that there is still this problem, no wonder it takes three people to complete this task in a team.But Yitian couldn't help but feel suspicious. It stands to reason that the total control array nodes of the Tianhuo formation should all be even numbers.Now that the three places are opened at the same time, it is a bit puzzling, but facing the two women, I don't want to cause more troubles, so I might as well let them go, and try to make up for it if something goes wrong.

After thinking about it, she nodded in agreement without saying a word, and then Qing Lianyun and her team walked towards the passage indicated by the utensil room on the right, while Murong Feixue turned around and entered the passage over the library.

When he came to the inner side road and cleared the magic marks by himself, he lightly drew some Tianyi Shenshui as a sacrifice, and then bounced towards the magic marks in various places in the passage.I saw that those magic marks shrank directly after being stained with water, and were quickly cleared and purified.

After three breaths, a few pure spirit beads were left in the air, and Yi Tian walked up and put them into the storage ring without saying much.

On the other hand, Qing Lianyun, who was walking behind, showed a look of surprise on his face, and after watching it for a while, he tentatively asked: "Junior Brother Yi, it seems that your kung fu has a natural restraint effect on these demonic energy, no wonder it can be so fast Remove the magic marks."

Anticipating that she would ask this question, he took out the bowl in his hand and said: "This is a Buddhist spiritual tool that has a miraculous effect on purifying evil spirits. I also rely on it to speed up my speed."

(End of this chapter)

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