
Chapter 1069 Breeze Revival 6 Breakthrough

Chapter 1069
In the passage leading to the utensil room on the first floor of the Book Collection Temple, Yi Tian frightened Qing Lianyun as soon as he made a move.But facing her problem is to directly take out the bowl in his hand as a shield, anyway, he will not admit that his skills are special.

After cleaning up the meeting, he stopped suddenly, turned around and said, "Actually, Senior Sister Qing, the Vajra Conquering Demon Awl in your hand is the Buddhist sect's sharp weapon. Naturally, it can play a certain role in killing demons and eliminating demons, but it can't be used to remove demon marks. It's nothing to worry about. If you can use it to cooperate with Tianyi Shenshui before, the effect will be even better."

After hearing this, Qing Lianyun took out the spirit weapon suspiciously and pointed at the demon mark on one side of the wall, only to see a soft golden light shining up to purify the evil spirit within one foot of that area.

Yi Tian said in a timely manner: "Let's make a move together, it is estimated that this way we can get to the node of the formation faster."

"That's right, but Junior Brother Yi has to ask you to break the sealing formation at the node of the formation," Qing Lianyun replied with a light smile.

"That's natural," Yi Tian replied and directly took out [-]% of Tianyi Shenshui from the Haina bottle, condensed into a ball in the air and handed it over gently.

Qing Lianyun saw that there was no abnormal expression on his face, but the shocking color in his eyes flashed instantly.After putting away the ball of clean water, the two began to work together to remove the magic marks in the passage one by one.

The two moved forward at the same time, and the speed of their progress was also accelerated a lot. The net spirit beads collected along the way amounted to hundreds of them.Yi Tian divided them into two parts and put them in storage bags, and then handed one of them to Qing Lian Yundao: "Among these pure spirit beads, the ones that keep out the cold are the pure spiritual power in the ground veins of Qingfeng Old City. Your one It is useful whether it is cultivation or planting spiritual plants."

Qing Lianyun reached out to the storage bag and took out one, looked at it carefully, and then put it in the palm of his hand to absorb the spiritual power in it.After taking three breaths, there was a gleam of joy on his face and he said: "We are so reckless, the usual pure spiritual power is wasted."

"How did you deal with it before?" Yi Tian asked curiously.

"The production of Tianyi Shenshui is not high enough to purify these evil spirit beads, so those evil spirit beads were poured directly into the Kuisha Cave in the end," Qing Lianyun said regretfully.

It's better to keep it for yourself, Yi Tian thought so in his heart, but he didn't dare to speak on his face, lest he be targeted by Qing Lianyun again.Then she reached out and took out a storage bracelet and gently handed it over: "Since Junior Brother Yi has a way to deal with these evil spirit beads, please accept them, anyway, I will go to Kuisha Grotto again to save money. "

Now that the other party made it clear and sent the sheep to the tiger's mouth, why would I not accept it?After reaching out to accept the storage bracelet, he replied: "Okay, then I'll try it with reluctance, but I can't guarantee that I can purify all the evil spirit beads inside."

Qing Lianyun just smiled and said nothing, she also felt that Yi Tian was deeply wary of him.Being able to do this now is beyond expectations.

Then the two teamed up again to speed up the advance, and it would take three hours to complete this long corridor with a distance of more than a hundred feet at normal speed.But it took less than two hours for Yi Tian to walk to the main entrance of the appliance room.

Looking across the door in front of him, he frowned slightly and said: "There is a formation restriction here, and the formation sequence has been disrupted after being eroded by the magic energy. We must be very careful."

After hearing this, Qing Lianyun's face became solemn and said: "How to break the formation?"

"We're going to go in together this time, but before that, I have to do something," he said, reaching out and taking out a slender red thread and two small bells.

Tie the red thread to the end of the little finger of his left hand, and give the other end to Qing Lianyun to indicate that she should also tie it on.

The latter showed a little shyness on his face when he saw it, and then he did it without saying a word, only to see that the red thread disappeared out of thin air after it was tied, leaving a red mark at the end of the little finger.Then Qing Lianyun asked: "What should we do next?"

Reaching out and handing the little bell to Qing Lianyun, he said, "Let's go in together, but you just have to pay attention to the things around you."

Yi Tian explained lightly: "This red thread is the soul-locking thread, even if you and I are thousands of miles apart, we can contact each other by this. The bell is a soul-shaking bell. If you feel that you are confused by the phantom array, you can gently shake it to remind yourself."

After speaking, he pushed open the door of the equipment room and walked in. Qing Lianyun behind him bit his lip with a determined look on his face, and then followed.

As soon as he entered the interior, Yi Tian found that there was a problem here. After walking a few steps, the evil energy around him surged up and instantly covered the road in front of him.Looking back at the shadow of Qing Lianyun, I saw myself standing alone in an open space surrounded by clouds and mist, and my spiritual sense could only detect the space within two feet.

Reaching out to take out the sundial Luo Geng Pan, he found that the middle needle on it seemed to have lost its direction just like himself, and it was spinning irregularly in the Tianchi of Luo Geng Pan.

After putting away Luo Geng's tray, he raised his little finger and gently pulled it, and found that the other end also responded, and he felt relieved at the moment.After sweeping his eyes, he began to think about how to solve the current predicament.

This place is obviously the defensive formation in the original Book Collection Temple. It seems to be just a phantom formation, but after being polluted by the evil spirit, it becomes quite different.

Holding the alms bowl in his hands to protect the whole body, he walked towards one direction, and after half a moment, Qing Lianyun's voice suddenly came from his ear: "Master, slow down, and wait for me."

Yi Tian turned his head and glanced at it, but replied indifferently: "Senior Sister, I will wait for you naturally if you are overwhelmed."

"Junior Brother's strange spiritual weapon has a faint suppressing effect on this place, can you lend me a look," Qing Lianyun said again in front of him.

"It's okay," Yi Tian stretched out his hand and sent the bowl over without saying a word, only to see Qing Lianyun's body trembling after seeing the bowl and shouting: "Why did you plot against me, junior brother? Ask yourself how I treated you along the way How many times has Bo helped you?"

"Nonsense," Yi Tian interrupted sharply: "A mere phantom spirit dares to come out to disturb my mind. If it is really Qinglianyun's unique skill, he will not say such words. But I am worried that there is no clue to solve the problem. Now, just in time for you to come to your door, I will not be polite."

After finishing speaking, he muttered something, and then a thunderous eight-tone recited, and the golden sound waves surrounded Qing Lianyun in front of him.From time to time, black evil spirits emerged from Shaoqingqi's body, and his originally delicate face suddenly became old.At the same time, a colorful auspicious light fell from the top of the head to trap it. It was the glazed Buddha beads refined earlier.

Qing Lianyun went down under the double attack, and later Yi Tian only saw that among the spiritual power beads on the ground, there was only a simple alchemy tripod with the word 'Qing Ming' engraved on it.

(End of this chapter)

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