
Chapter 1070 Breeze Revival 7 True Spirit

Chapter 1070
After Yi Tian broke into the utensil room of the Book Collection Temple, he lost with Qing Lianyun, but when he met again, he found that her demeanor had changed drastically.After probing, I found out that it was the magic of the guardian spirit here.

After fighting and suppressing it directly, it turned out to be a simple and unsophisticated Dan Ding.After putting it away, I found that the surrounding environment did not seem to have changed, and I immediately became suspicious.Isn't it impossible to maintain the operation after the injection of the spirit weapon that protects the formation, but seeing the current situation, it seems that he is still in the formation and cannot escape.

After thinking about it, I had to explore further. Now I raised the bowl with my left hand to protect my whole body, and held the alchemy tripod with my right hand to continue walking.

It didn't take a while for the alchemy furnace to respond, as if something in front of it was calling for it, not beeping.

Yi Tian was overjoyed that he was worried that he hadn't found a way to break the formation, and this was not an instruction sent directly to him.Walking forward slowly, he stretched out his hand and drew an aura to dispel the fog in front of him.Then I saw that I seemed to have come to a central node of the formation disk, and there were traces of flames oozing from the ground in front of me, but the color of the flames showed a dark light.

"Could it be that the eye of the big sky fire formation is here?" He secretly thought in his heart, but he shook his head after three breaths.Obviously, this place doesn't look like the eye of the formation. If it is really the location of the eye of the formation, when I invade it, it will definitely trigger the prohibition of the formation.Moreover, I have not found from the Zongmen classics that the Heavenly Fire Formation will have the effect of a phantom formation.

Suddenly, he heard a sound that seemed to be aroused by a spell not far behind him, Yi Tian frowned, knowing something was wrong, and quickly urged the pill furnace on his hand, and the buzzing sound from his body became more and more rapid.

And the voice of response in the mist also changed accordingly, with the guidance, it is not difficult to find the corresponding place.After a while, he walked forward and came to a stone platform. Wherever he looked, he found several array patterns on the platform.After searching according to the pictures and texts, he was relieved. This place should be the protective formation disk in the equipment room, and the alchemy furnace in his hand is the spiritual weapon to suppress the formation eye.

It's just that there seems to be a black magic covering it, covering the original aura.Yi Tian stretched out his hand and lightly placed the glazed Buddha beads on it, and then recited the mantra. After three breaths, he saw a large amount of black demonic energy emanating from the black mask defense on the stone platform.

Not long after, the entire formation disk returned to the shining golden aura, and the formation pattern on it was activated, and the shield opened to leave a groove.After placing the alchemy furnace in his hand, he slowly activated the formation to clear away all the evil energy in it.

It was as if the black demonic energy in the huge room had been evaporated and extracted, and the sound of magic spells gradually died down.Thinking about it, after he expelled all the demonic energy in the original protective formation, Qing Lianyun could easily break through the barrier immediately.

Shaoqing only saw a figure flashing and flying not far in front of him, and behind him was Qing Lianyun who came together.But at this time, her eyes seemed to be flickering, and she looked a little uncertain about herself.

Yi Tian stretched out his left hand and raised his little finger and said: "Senior Sister Qing is you, you must have met my phantom in the phantom formation."

After hearing this, Qing Lianyun blushed and stretched out her hand to reveal the mark on the little finger of her left hand, and then asked: "Did Junior Brother break this formation?"

Just as he was talking, the evil evil spirit rising in the air suddenly gathered and turned into a ball, and then turned into a one-foot-sized black ink jade unicorn from it.

Yi Tian's face changed drastically and he said: "We are in trouble. This was originally the guardian spirit. Its body was put away by me just now, but I didn't know how to let its true spirit slip away. It's a pity that it will attack indiscriminately after being polluted by evil spirits. people."

Qing Lianyun also had a solemn face and said: "Originally, you only need to show the Zongmen Token, the guardian spirit, to recognize and approve the release, and I remember that I have never seen such a situation when I came last time."

"Could it be that the erosion of the magic marks here has become more severe in the past hundred years," Yi Tian wondered.As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the guardian spirit and immediately moved his hands, and the black flames protruding from the sky ignited in the air.

Wherever he went, all the evil spirits in the surrounding magic marks were drawn out, and all the escape routes in the surrounding areas were blocked for a while.Yi Tian swept his eyes and found that he had become a turtle in the urn in an instant, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly and his figure dodged away.

Qing Lianyun also reacted immediately and turned around to avoid it, then raised the spirit sword in her hand and immediately fought back.After the sword light flashed by, it split the black magic flame, but it was completely ineffective when it flashed on the black jade unicorn like a mud cow falling into the sea.

With a deafening unicorn roar, the black jade unicorn in front of him seemed to have swallowed the sword light and completely absorbed and assimilated the spiritual power.Within ten breaths, the whole body swelled slightly, and it was bigger than before by visual inspection.

Seeing that it is not good to wake up, Yi Tian hurriedly shouted: "Senior Sister Qing, don't shoot at will, the other party seems to be able to devour spiritual energy and use it for himself."

Qing Lianyun also realized it, then stopped and just opened the protective cover to dodge left and right, his eyes were considering how to deal with it next.

In this way, the guardian Moyu Qilin, the true spirit, began to attack unscrupulously, and wherever the magic flame went, the spiritual power was directly evaporated in the air.After a while, Yi Tian felt that the spiritual energy that could be mobilized around him was getting less and less, and if this continued, he would be surrounded by it alive.

Glancing at the alms bowl in her hand, she gritted her teeth and said, "Senior Sister, use that diamond awl to deal with it. I know where its body is. Just force it to my side later."

"Alright, Junior Brother, be careful yourself," Qing Lianyun replied afterward.But then a trace of shyness flashed across her face, she realized when she would say something caring about others, her eyes paused on Yi Tian, ​​and then she took out the spiritual weapon and sacrificed it in her hand to avoid the magic flame from the right Detour.

Yi Tian didn't say much, and rushed towards the position where the array was just now.After coming to the stone table, he looked at the alchemy furnace in the array, and there was a gleam of light in his eyes.

He reached out and took out the formation-breaking awl, pointed it at the node protection on the formation plate, and stabbed it fiercely. With a 'click', a hole the size of a foot was opened on the protective cover of the stone table.Ranshou quickly stretched out his hand and went in, and took out the alchemy furnace that he had placed in the center.

In a blink of an eye, there was a roaring sound, and looking back, it was Qing Lianyun who was manipulating the diamond demon awl in his hand to force the black jade unicorn over.

It is obvious that the Buddha's light on the spiritual weapon is not afraid of the erosion of the magic flame, forcing the guardian of the true spirit to retreat steadily.When it almost landed not far from Yi Tian, ​​a golden soft light flashed above his head completely covering the Moyu Qilin.

Qing Lianyun looked up and saw that at some point Yi Tian had raised the bowl in his hand high, and the mouth was facing the guardian of the true spirit and shot a golden light to cover it.

Then I saw Yi Tian chanting the mantra, a suction force was born in the bowl, and the Moyu Qilin was directly pulled into it.After three breaths, a stream of black devilish energy emerged from the mouth of the alms bowl, followed by a tearing cry and Zila's purification sound.

 Thanks to Haribal for the extra large monthly pass
(End of this chapter)

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