
Chapter 1071 Breeze Revival 8 Splitting Lanes

Chapter 1071
After putting the Moyu Qilin's true spirit guardian into the alms bowl, Yi Tian chanted the mantra without saying a word and purified it.Genuine thinks that such a true spirit must have a spiritual weapon as its body, and it is only possible to get to this point with the alchemy furnace found before.

And just now it turned into the appearance of Qing Lianyun to confuse myself, it was a bit strange, as for after being beaten away by myself, it must be to confuse Qing Lianyun again.Presumably the method used is the same, no wonder seeing Qing Lianyun looks a little weird now, probably nothing good happened just now.

Not long after putting away the golden light in the alms bowl, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to control the release of the true spirit inside, a fiery red spiritual light flashed, and a half-foot fire unicorn appeared, hovering over the alchemy furnace for a few laps He fell headlong into the inscription on the furnace cover.

But Yi Tian took a closer look at the guardian of the true spirit, who was extremely weak after being purified from evil spirits, and was sluggish all over.On the other hand, after taking back the spirit of the alchemy, the alchemy furnace only showed the appearance of the elementary level of the earth level.

Going forward to put away the alchemy furnace, Yi Tian turned around and took out half of the Tianyi Shenshui in the Haina bottle, and then manipulated it to remove the magic marks in the surrounding area one by one.

There is no trace of evil spirit left in Shaoqing's place, which can be regarded as completely opening up the road.After walking to the main entrance of the utensil room, he pushed open the door to let the evil spirit inside dissipate, and Qing Lianyun also came up to remove the evil marks inside.

Later, he pointed to the wall behind the equipment room and said: "The switch is there, and the three of us need to activate it at the same time to open the passage to the second floor."

Following the direction of her finger, Yi Tian saw two candlesticks, and there were two holes for spiritual power valves on the candlesticks, but there were no keys on them.

I saw Qing Lianyun reached out and took out two five-inch stone discs, and handed one over and said: "This is the key, you take one and wait for Junior Sister Murong to settle it, and the three of us will open it together."

Yi Tian reached out and took one, played with it in his hand, and said in his mouth: "Just wait for her situation," he said, but his eyes swept away the inscription on the key disc in front of him After a while, my heart became restless.

This is obviously the key to unlock the periphery of the Skyfire Great Formation Node Formation. If this is the case, there must be a real control array of the Skyfire Great Formation above the library.To be honest, the curiosity in my heart was aroused, I really wanted to go up and see how the senior masters of Lihuo Palace arranged this phalanx.

As pointed out by the clues seen in Moyun Pavilion, if the Heavenly Fire Formation is really inscribed completely but has not been activated, then I don't mind helping the leader.

There are too many unsolved mysteries waiting to be explored here, since it is about the relationship between Patriarch Wuye and Prince Mo Sheng, I am also very interested.

The two of them waited here for an hour before they received the message from Murong Feixue. Qing Lianyun said with great joy on his face, "You have reached the end of the library when you become Junior Sister Murong, now we only need the three of us to take action at the same time." The channel can be opened."

"It's not too late, let's do it quickly," Yi Tian took the key and placed it on the node with Qing Lianyun without hesitation.

Then after the summoning with Murong Feixue, the three of them worked together to inject spiritual power into the key plate, only to hear a dull sound coming from upstairs, and the whole floor trembled for it.

It wasn't until after hearing a series of "clicks" that Qing Lianyun's nervous face relaxed, and then said: "It's done, let's go, go to the lobby on the first floor."

After Yi Tian turned his head and responded, he used his escape technique and hurried back with He Qi who was behind Qing Lianyun.Not long after returning to the hall, I happened to meet Murong Feixue who had rushed back from the library.

The three of them made up their minds and cleaned up all the magic marks around here, then Qing Lianyun was going to go to the passage on the second floor.Murong Feixue couldn't prevent her from shouting: "Senior Sister, our task of clearing the library hall has been completed, the second floor is not where we should go, forgive me, I can't accompany you."

Yi Tian was stunned for a moment, turned around and saw that Qing Lianyun didn't seem to mind. Instead, he took the photo beads to record the situation in the hall on this floor, and then took out the task jade slip and drew a seal on it at the end sign.

After finishing these, I handed two things to Murong Feixue and said: "This time, thanks to my help, I will try to remove the supernatural powers and secrets when I go up, so you don't have to go with me. This task jade slip I have already signed and signed the deposit, and I can submit the task when I get it in the sect."

Apparently Qing Lianyun had issued an order to chase away the guests, and he didn't want the two of them to follow him as he watched the road ahead.Murong Feixue felt relieved, took the jade slip and photo beads and stored them in the storage ring.Turning around, he said to Yi Tian: "Let's go, the next thing will be handled by Sister Qing."

"Alright, I'm just going to explore the illusory realm in Qingfeng Old City, so I won't bother you," Yi Tian immediately replied, "I'm sorry, Senior Sister Murong, I'm going to the Zongmen to hand in the task, wait for me later When I go back, I will go to the Disciplinary Department to get the mission reward. Take care, both of you."

After finishing speaking, he ignored their answers, turned around and returned to the original road, now is a good time to ask Murong Feixue to pester him.He also didn't want to leave her any chance to be alone so that he would have another chance to poison him.

Apparently the two women didn't expect Yi Tian to react like this, and the extreme illusion is not a good place to go, and there are many crises inside.

But since Yi Tian said he wanted to go there, he didn't want to go with Murong Feixue, or he made it clear that he wanted to avoid it.

In this way, the two also looked at each other speechlessly, and then they said goodbye and went their separate ways. After Murong Feixue returned to the area of ​​Moyun Pavilion, they took a rest later.In her spiritual thoughts, she found that Yi Tian was really heading towards the extreme illusion, and Yi Tian disappeared after a while.

She raised her sword eyebrows and said helplessly to herself: "You're such a cautious guy, but at least you won't be able to leave once you've been poisoned by the golden silkworm poison, and sooner or later I'll pay for everything back."

After finishing speaking, she hurriedly used the escape technique and flew towards the exit. She is not a war repairer who needs to search for opportunities in the ruins of Qingfeng Old City.

Two hours later, another faint golden light flashed in the gray sky, and when he got close, his real body appeared, which was Yi Tian who had gone and returned.

It's just that at this time, his face stared at the library temple and showed an expression of endless thought. It was obvious that there was a big flaw in Qing Lianyun's talk about going to the third floor to go to the secret magic power.

After pondering, she secretly said: "She definitely didn't go to get any secret technique, and she also knew that there was something in that upstairs early in the morning."

In fact, I'm not worried about what she's going to do, but I want to go to the high-level to find the real disk nodes of the big fire formation that day. If I can, I don't mind opening the big formation directly.

 Thanks suns34 for the monthly pass

(End of this chapter)

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