
Chapter 1072 Breeze Revival 9 Rescue

Chapter 1072
After returning to the Book Collection Temple, Yi Tian walked around the hall on the first floor and then stretched out his hand to sacrifice the true fire of life.Then he walked forward and pointed at the big burst of sky fire nodes on the ground.In an instant, one part of the pattern on the ground was activated, and the purple real fire slowly ignited all the pattern in the hall on this floor along the pattern.Afterwards, the formation pattern Unicom formation base slowly draws spiritual power from the ground veins, illuminating the hall on this floor.

Standing in the center of the hall, stretching out his hand to the formations around him, he made a few spells, and then slowly disappeared these formations. After a while, Yi Tiancai showed a smug expression, and now he has completely controlled the formations on this floor. .Although this is just a node under the main control formation of the Skyfire Great Formation, from this point on, he can gradually turn his attention to the depths of the upper channel.

My main purpose is to go to the library to activate the main control array. Only in this way can I truly activate the original real sky fire array.

After slowly stepping into the stairs leading to the second floor, I found that the surrounding magic marks had not been cleaned up. It seemed that Qing Lianyun was in a hurry and didn't have time to deal with it.

But if so, what is her purpose?I know very well in my heart that if I stay in an area flooded with magic marks for a long time, I must rely on a large number of protective barriers to resist the erosion of magic energy.

If he hadn't been in a hurry, I believe that Qing Lianyun would not have taken such a risk, staring at the erosion of evil energy, Yi Tianyi gritted his teeth, took out the bowl, urged it with spiritual power, and then protected his whole body.Then he walked up with big strides, and wherever the golden light went, it directly purified the evil spirits around him, and immediately pushed all the black spirits surging up from the surroundings away three feet away.

The stair passage is not long, only about twenty steps.After Yi Tian walked to the second floor, he looked back downstairs and found that the large skyfire formation node on the first floor seemed to have the effect of isolating the demonic evil energy. Several black demonic energy tried to rush downstairs, and finally entered the large formation on the first floor. The true flames of the large array were directly refined.And this node is also a bit interesting to refine the magic energy and absorb the remaining spiritual power to feed back to the formation itself.

So Yi Tian is so determined, no matter how bad he is, if he can't figure it out on the top, he can go back to the first floor for a long-term plan.Turning around and looking around, I found that the space on the second floor here is much smaller, and there are several black formations on the surrounding walls that shine brightly.Ten feet in front of him was the passage leading to the third floor, but at this time there was no trace of Qing Lianyun at all.

Going forward, he took a look at the stairway, and there seemed to be a broken banning talisman, which seemed to have been lifted just now.He bent down and took the talisman seal in his hand, and slightly sacrificed a ray of Buddha's light to dispel the black devil energy on it.His eyes stared at the talisman words on it, and he looked shocked immediately. This talisman was completely written with the high-level inscription 'Jin Zhuanwen', and he couldn't recognize several characters in it.

What party needs to use such talismans to seal, and with Qing Lianyun's knowledge, it is impossible not to recognize these golden writings.Even so, she rushed up without hesitation, which meant that the things on the third floor must be fatally attractive to her, or that she had to go up for some reason.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly felt a tingling pain at the end of his little finger. He raised his hand and glanced at it, and found that the soul-locking thread suddenly appeared.Looking in the direction of the red silk, the other end has already reached the third floor, and there is a faint black air coming from above the red silk.Yi Tian's complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly made seals with both hands to sacrifice the golden Buddha's light, and then poured it into the soul-locking pulling wire.

After three breaths, the black air above was slowly forced back by the golden light and the red thread returned to its original state, Yi Tian was relieved at that moment.With the connection of the soul-locking traction thread, I can use this as a guide to indirectly support Qing Lianyun.

Suddenly there was a loud noise from the third floor, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to put away the sealing talisman, and walked up the stairs without hesitation.Suddenly, a black whirlwind rushed down from the stairs facing him.Seeing this, he raised his mouth and raised his bowl to inject all the power of Prajna Kuzen into it, and then said to the whirlwind: "Take it."

A beam of golden light shot out from it, covered the whirlwind, and directly shone black air on it, and the main body of the whirlwind shrank and was finally put into the alms bowl.

Full of joy, he solved the crisis in front of him, Yi Tian looked down at his face but couldn't smile anymore.I saw that the golden Buddha's light on the bowl had become dim at this time, and the Buddha's light on the spiritual weapon was obviously exhausted after the whirlwind was purified.In this way, the alms bowl in his hand seems to need to be conceived with Prajna Kuzen for a period of time before it can be used again.

After putting away the alms bowl, Yi Tian took out the glazed Buddhist beads and tied them on his left finger, and then rushed straight up to the third floor in a flash.When I came upstairs, I saw that the surrounding space was less than half of the space below.

But in the very center of the floor, there is a huge black cocoon suspended in the center out of thin air by several black silk.And not far from the black silk cocoon was Qing Lianyun. At this time, she was bound by several strands of silk, and she barely supported herself with the protective cover open.

Seeing that she was trapped here, Yi Tian didn't dare to act rashly, but said to her via voice transmission: "Senior Sister Qing, are you okay? How did you get trapped here, and how can I help you?"

In fact, when Yi Tian rushed up to the third floor, Qing Lianyun noticed it, and at this moment, she had a look of guilt on her face.Then he replied through the same sound transmission: "Junior Brother Yi, you really shouldn't come here. This is a cocoon formed by the degeneration of the abyssal demons, and its strength is probably in the distraction stage."

"Isn't it amazing?" Yi Tian walked a few steps forward upon hearing the words, and suddenly several strands of silk flew out from the black cocoon and rolled towards him.

After the figure flashed diagonally, Yi Tian took out the Taiyuan sword and put it in his hand, and then gently swung several sword threads across it to repel the incoming black threads one by one.

Qing Lianyun naturally recognized these tricks after seeing it from the side, and there was an expression of shock on his face for a moment.After that, tens of thousands of sword threads flew out from Yi Tian's hands and repelled those black threads in the air. Not only that, more than half of the sword threads extended from the ground and wiped away all the many black silk threads that surrounded Qing Lianyun .

After getting out of trouble in an instant, Qing Lianyun hurriedly stepped back and dodged to the side, then Yun Gong opened his mouth to expel some of the devilish energy that hadn't been inhaled into his body.Yi Tian then flashed to her side to protect her, and moved the corner of his mouth to transmit the voice: "Use the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle to assist, that thing is the nemesis of evil spirit."

After hearing this, Qing Lianyun reached out and took out the spiritual weapon to introduce the golden light from it into her body. After a while, she saw a layer of black sweat oozing from her skin, and at the same time, she let out a few mouthfuls of foul air.Only then did Shaoqing get rid of the demonic evil spirit, and turned around to look at Yi Tian with a complicated expression on his face: "Why are you here?"

"I pulled something on the third floor, so I came back to pick it up, so don't bother you," Yi Tian pouted.

"I'm actually very interested in your identity. As a rising monk who has learned the unique knowledge of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect and also knows the Buddha Sect's skills, how many unknown things do you have?" Qing Lianyun asked.

"Everyone has their own secrets, isn't it Senior Sister Qing, but as long as I am still a disciple of Taiqing Pavilion, that's enough," Yi Tian said casually.

He pointed at the huge black silkworm chrysalis in front of him and said, "I believe Senior Sister Qing knows better than me what's inside."

 Thanks to the people of Wanbei Taoist, Haribat has a particularly large monthly ticket

(End of this chapter)

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