
Chapter 1073 Breeze Revival Magic Cocoon

Chapter 1073 Breeze Revival Ten Demon Cocoons
Finally, following the clues left by Qing Lianyun, they reached the third floor of the Book Collection Temple, but here they found a huge black silkworm cocoon hanging in mid-air by relying on several black silks.

After finding Qing Lianyun and relieved her, the two got together and began to carefully examine the silkworm cocoon in front of them.

Later, I heard Qing Lianyun say: "Thanks to Junior Brother Yi for your help this time, but I guess we can't solve this problem even with the combined efforts of you and me."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his finger to the black cocoon in front of him and said: "Hidden in it is a low-level demon general named You Shao. Because of his special skills, he hid here as early as 8000 years ago when the demons were defeated. Yes. The ancestors of the Zongmen came here before and set up a barrier around them to isolate them. But I didn't expect that he could manage to pass through the barrier and stretch out his tentacles to absorb the evil spirit in the magic mark. Reply to yourself."

When Yi Tian first came in, he also saw the surrounding situation in his eyes. To be honest, this black silk cocoon is really troublesome.It just happened to be on the node of the Tianhuo big array disk.

Now I went up to the third floor and wanted to activate the big array, so I had to clear it first before continuing with the next thing.

After thinking about it, he asked in a deep voice: "Presumably your ancestors or masters were the ones who sealed this beast back then, so you were also ordered to come here to deal with it. It's a pity that time has passed and the demon you are facing has passed through more than 8000 years. Rehabilitation has returned to the point where it cannot be done."

After hearing this, Qing Lianyun nodded helplessly and said: "Junior Brother Yi really knows people's details, and he really can't hide anything from you. To be honest, this person's cultivation base was at the top of the distraction stage back then. After a big battle, his strength was greatly damaged. According to the jade slips left by his ancestors, when he performed the magic egg rebirth technique, he was only at the peak of the Nascent Soul. It is a pity that he has a magic weapon bestowed by the magic prince to protect him. In the end, I had to watch helplessly as he finished casting the spell and hid in."

It turned out to be like this, Yi Tian nodded and asked after hearing the words: "Then did your ancestors mention what kind of magic weapon it is?"

"It seems to be a demon soul bead, that thing should be a heavenly treasure," Qing Lianyun thought for a while before replying.

"Treasure of Heaven Rank," Yi Tian murmured a few words to himself, with a gleam of light in his eyes, this thing is amazing, it is extraordinary to be able to help each other for thousands of years.

Looking at the huge silkworm cocoon in front of him, Yi Tian said decisively: "Senior Sister Qing, let's catch up with this ticket. It seems that the demon general has not fully recovered from his serious injury. We will join hands to deal with him while he is sick and killing him." He is better than taking him out of the cocoon and making trouble in the ruins of the old city."

"I originally had this intention, but now I find that his strength has almost returned to the state of the early stage of distraction, I really don't know what to do," Qing Lianyun said sadly.

Yi Tian quickly walked around the periphery of Jianjian, and then said with a smile: "I don't think so, if he really recovers so quickly, I'm afraid you and I won't have time to chat here today. Do you have any seals to restrict this?" Let me know what Liao's means are."

"That's it," Qing Lianyun reached out and took out two talismans, "This is the talisman that my ancestors used to seal the shackles, but it's a pity that it can't be used since he hid in the magic cocoon. Just wait After he breaks out of the cocoon, activate the talisman to seal it permanently."

"It's easy to force him out, but I'm afraid you won't be able to trap this beast by then," Yi Tian replied.

Qing Lianyun looked at Yi Tian as if he was thinking about gains and losses, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses, and his resolute eyes seemed to have made up his mind.Then he said softly: "Give it a try, maybe with your assistance, Junior Brother Yi, I can really accomplish this. In this way, I can fulfill my ancestor's will and understand this thousand-year-old entanglement with my own hands."

Now that Jian Qinglianyun had made up his mind, Yi Tian didn't say much, and the two of them figured out how to do it.Later, I saw Yi Tian took out a talisman pen and Daluo talisman paper, and quickly wrote the eight-character motto of the Buddha Sect's Tianlei Eight Sounds on it.

After the preparations were done, he picked up hundreds of talismans and activated them at the same time, waving his hands repeatedly to sacrifice all the activated talismans.Half of these talismans turned into golden characters and flew towards the magic cocoon.

Under Yi Tian's control, it was glued to the black silk connecting around the magic cocoon accurately, cutting off the channels extending around it to absorb the evil spirit.Just hearing a 'bang', the whole floor shook, and the magic cocoon lost its center of gravity and fell from midair to the ground.

Then Yi Tian once again manipulated the remaining half of the talismans and nailed them directly to the cocoon.

Immediately, streaks of black evil spirits were drawn out along the positions on the talisman nails, and there was a burst of 'Zla' ​​sound.

Suddenly the magic cocoon in front of him shook violently, and a muffled roar came from it: "He Fang Xiaodao dares to disturb this seat's rest."

Before he finished speaking, he saw that Yi Tian also sacrificed the glazed Buddha beads in his hand, and after turning around in the air, it became several times bigger, and then put it on according to the magic cocoon.

In an instant, the colorful spiritual light appeared, quickly extracting the evil spirit from the magic cocoon and purifying it directly.In this way, the angry roar came again: "You juniors dare to find Buddhist artifacts to plot against me. Only when I go out and crush your bones to ashes will I be relieved of the hatred in my heart."

After speaking, the magic cocoon started to move violently again, and suddenly there was a cracking sound from the middle.A soaring demonic energy overflowed and enveloped the entire three floors in the demonic energy.

Suddenly a golden light flashed across the room and saw that Qing Lianyun also made a move at this time, holding the Vajra Demon Conquering Awl tightly in his right hand and slashing head-on at the place where the evil spirit gathered.

The golden blade light easily broke the situation shrouded in tacit understanding.At the same time, a black shadow sprang out from the forbidden area and flew to the space ten feet away in front of the two of them. After the black evil spirit faded away, a three-year-old child appeared.It's just that this child's whole body is filled with a strong demonic energy, and what is disproportionate to his body is that his face is completely adult.

Qing Lianyun's face tightened and said: "It's really you. I didn't expect you to use the magic rejuvenation technique and you didn't fully recover your strength. This time, no matter what you say, you won't let you slip away again."

"Big words," said wretchedly, "I don't even think your ancestors could ban me, let alone you, an innocent little girl. But the helper you found seems a bit weird, but it's a pity that you will die in front of me in the end." Hand." After speaking, as soon as he stretched out his hand across the void, five magic lights flew over, flying across the space on the third floor, distorting the space.

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(End of this chapter)

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