
Chapter 1074 Breeze Revival 1 Counterattack

Chapter 1074
Yi Tian and Qing Lianyun didn't dare to be careless when they saw the vile fetters attacking, they hurriedly moved aside.At the same time, the spell that has already been sacrificed will be cast.

The space on the third floor of the book collection temple is only a hundred feet square, so even if you dodge attacks, you can't cover everything.There are always some unavoidable spells that need to be confronted by two people.

Fortunately, Yi Tian had already taken out the dragon scale shield in his hand and stood in front of him. Although the magic light in Xiao Shao's hand was strong, it didn't leave the slightest trace on the dragon scale shield in one blow.

At the same time, the Taiyuan sword in Yi Tian's hand turned into tens of thousands of filaments and flew in the air towards the opponent.It's just that the primary target is not the shackles, but the black cocoon behind him.

After the chaotic sound of 'ping ping pong pong' sounded, the magic cocoon was directly smashed into a sieve, and the debris splashed from above floated all over the room.Just when the shackles were stunned, suddenly the string of glazed Buddhist beads on the bottom burst into dazzling light again, and after ten breaths, all the debris of the magic cocoon flying in the air and the surrounding magic marks were removed.

I only heard the wretched laugh and said: "You are wasting your energy, junior. As long as my real body is immortal, I can re-sacrifice the magic cocoon and use the art of rejuvenation anytime and anywhere."

Yi Tian just curled his lips and didn't answer, then winked with Qing Lianyun.After the latter knew it, he raised the talisman in his hand and immediately emitted two auras of light, and at the same time a majestic aura emerged from Qing Lianyun's body.To be precise, it was the fluctuation of spiritual pressure coming from the talisman in her hand.

Seeing this, the wretched shackles screamed, "Why is the Golden Que Seal in your hands?"

"You know you're afraid, you were lucky enough to escape back then, but today you don't want to succeed again," Qing Lianyun raised her brows and shouted sharply.

"You brazen little girl, you really think you can deal with me with the Golden Tower Seal in your hand. I would be a little bit afraid of this thing in the hands of your master, but you may not even be able to activate the magic talisman." Yes," Youlian said with real anger on his face, then he abandoned Yi Tian, ​​turned around and opened his mouth to spit out several clusters of red lightning bolts to attack in the direction of Qing Lianyun.

Although Yi Tian used the Dragon Scale Shield just now to block the attack of the shackles, he also had a rough judgment of his strength in his heart.This Liao obviously hasn't recovered from his injuries, but in terms of strength, he is three points stronger than himself and Qing Lianyun working together.But after all, he hasn't reached the category of distraction, and it's not insurmountable in front of him.

And it seems that he has a good location, but after cutting off the connection of the magic mark, he can't mobilize the evil spirit around him to strengthen the spell he casts.It's just that those red flashes seem to be quite powerful now, and with Qing Lianyun's current state of fully stimulating the Jinque seal, it must be unstoppable.

After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and poured spiritual power into the dragon scale shield, and said: "Long," the shield that was originally about one foot shivered a few times and instantly became five feet in size.Then he teleported with force under his feet and directly blocked Qing Lianyun.

'Bang, bang, bang' After several bewildering bangs, the red flashes were blocked out, but the impact was too strong and Yi Tianlian and his shield pushed him back ten feet before he stabilized his figure.Scanning behind her with her spiritual thoughts, she found that Qing Lianyun also had a solemn expression at this time, and she was still pouring spiritual power into the two golden seals in her hands.

But this time, Qing Lianyun obviously underestimated the power of the talisman, and it took half a quarter of the spiritual power to activate the power of the talisman by [-]%.Suddenly her face changed and she said: "Junior Brother Yi, be careful," it turned out that the shackles could not succeed in a single blow, and they directly stepped forward to attack, two blood-colored demon thunders gathered on both hands, and they merged into one and covered the two of them head-on.

Seeing that Qing Lianyun couldn't help him for the time being, Yi Tian made up his mind, and he sacrificed the Taiyuan Sword, turning it into thousands of sword threads and turning it into a solid sword light, and went towards the shackles.

Two halos, one blue and one black, collided fiercely in the air and made roaring sounds.Then the air waves of the two spells were stimulated and formed a whirlwind in the air, which pushed Yi Tianzhen back three steps.

On the other hand, the condition of the shackles on the opposite side is a little better than his own, but there is a look of anxiety on his face.Obviously, if this drags on until Qing Lianyun fully activates the Jinque Seal Talisman, then he will have no choice but to escape.

With a look of unwillingness on his face, he opened his mouth this time and spit out a three-inch black bead, then held it in his hand and injected the devilish energy into it crazily.

At this time, Yi Tian's face was not good-looking, obviously this thing should be the Demon Soul Orb mentioned by Qing Lianyun, this is a heavenly treasure bestowed by the Demon Saint Prince himself, which must have extraordinary power.After thinking about it in his heart, Yi Tian didn't dare to insist on the next trick, but obviously the other party would not let him go, and Qing Lianyun behind him hadn't fully activated the magic talisman yet.

A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he reached out to take out the Qingming Cauldron he had obtained when he was caring about the level.Immediately after activating both hands, he blocked it in front of him, and then took out the dragon scale shield to inject spiritual power into it with all his strength.Facing the heavenly spirit weapon, he didn't dare to push it too hard. At this moment, he was only planning in his heart that the longer it was to delay, the better it would be for him.

Obviously, Xiao Shao also guessed Yi Tian's plan, and immediately activated the magic soul orb in his hand with all his strength, turning it into a black magic light and flying straight towards the two of them.

The halo on the spirit weapon dimmed within three breaths after the Qingming Cauldron came into contact with the black magic light.Seeing that such a spiritual weapon can only resist three breaths, Yi Tian's heart trembled.Now that the arrow is on the string, he has no choice but to shoot, and then he bites the bullet and erects the dragon scale shield in his hand to meet the direction where the magic soul orb is attacking.

Immediately there was a sound of bewilderment, and the Dragon Scale Shield withstood the opponent's attack with one blow, but Miss was forced back step by step.Suddenly a vast wave of spiritual pressure came from behind, and looking back, it was Qing Lianyun who activated the two golden seals in his hand.She stood up, held a talisman in each hand, pointed at the shackles and said: "Go."

After the golden light shone, it directly penetrated the magic light condensed by the magic soul beads, and then flew straight to the body of the wretch, one after the other, and stuck to it.

Immediately, his unshakable aura collapsed, and the magic attack in his hand could no longer maintain the control of the magic soul orb.Yi Tian saw that the dragon scale shield in front of him was gradually able to stabilize, and then the black magic halo on the magic soul bead faded and then slowly stopped the momentum, and then flew towards the wretched shackle.

It was obvious that the Golden Tower Seal had played a role, but it seemed that Xiao Shao was still determined to take back the Demon Soul Orb and wanted to use the same trick to escape with the help of the Lingbao.But this time, the two golden seals tightly locked the devilish energy in his body, no matter how he cast spells, he couldn't get rid of the blockade of the talisman.

In the end, I saw a resolute look on the face of the wretch, stretched out his hand to pat the sky spirit cover, and directly escaped a jet-black spirit body and flew towards the Demon Soul Orb.After three breaths, he abandoned his physical body, Nascent Soul, and spirit body, and hid directly in the spirit weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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