
Chapter 1076 Breeze Revival 3 Activated

Chapter 1076 Qingfeng Revival Thirteen Activation

The third floor of the entire book collection temple finally became quiet after the demon general was directly driven into reincarnation.The original surrounding demon marks have been cleaned up at this time, and the environment where Yi Tian and Qing Lianyun are now is really like the original appearance of the library temple before the disaster.

The shattered cocoon shells on the ground have been cleaned up, and the luminous pearls have been placed on the surrounding walls to illuminate the third-floor space as brightly as day.

Yi Tian looked at the Demon Soul Orb that fell on the ground, turned to Qing Lianyun and said, "This thing is a gift from the Demon Saint Prince, why don't you take it, Senior Sister."

Qing Lianyun shook his head with a smile and said: "Junior Brother Yi, I know what you have in mind. To be honest, I am very grateful that you can suddenly show up and help me this time. Now this demon has been put to death I can finally explain to my ancestors in the same clan, as for this devil soul orb being polluted by evil spirit energy, I think only you, Junior Brother Yi, have the ability to purify it, so you should accept it."

After hearing this, Yi Tian didn't make any fuss, and directly took out a storage bag and put the glazed Buddha beads and the entangled magic soul beads in it together.After putting away the Demon Soul Orb, Yi Tian was not in a hurry to leave, but went forward to search the patterns of the Heavenly Fire Formation on the ground.

Half a moment later, a look of relief appeared on his face. The sect seniors who had arranged the formation at the beginning were indeed extremely powerful and made this place extremely strong.Even the three-level fight between myself and the wretched shackle just now didn't have any impact on the opponent's pattern.

And after searching, I can be sure that this is a crucial node of the entire Skyfire formation.As long as this large formation node is activated, it is bound to be able to open the large formation indirectly.

Thinking of this, looking back, Qing Lianyun happened to meet her gaze, she blushed, then she missed her gaze and then looked away.It took a long time to see Qing Lianyun revived his demeanor and said: "You rude disciple," but the tone sounded weird, and Yi Tian could naturally feel something.

He coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment, and then he said again: "This must have been a formation set up by the ancestors of the sect, but it was not activated for some reason. Sister Qing, I want to try to activate the formation here, maybe I can get through the original formation." array defense."

"Junior brother is a master of formations, so he must have insight into this. I have no objection, I will help you protect the law later, you just let go and do it," Qing Lianyun replied without changing expression, but there was a flicker in his eyes I don't know what I'm thinking.

Slowly walked forward to take out the talisman pen to add a few strokes to the nodes of the formation disk of the sky fire formation, and then stretched out his hands to start quickly forming seals according to the activation method of the formation.After ten breaths, reach out to the node in the middle and point the Dao Yinfa directly into it, and in an instant, the array disk on the ground began to glow red light slowly.After hearing the sound of 'Ka Ka Ka' from the ground, the disk nodes began to rotate clockwise.

A red flame burst out along the pattern and activated all the nodes of the formation on the floor of this floor.Not only that, Shaoqing could see that the pattern was extending towards the second floor below along the existing trajectory.All of a sudden, there were several streams of black demonic energy coming out of the stairs below, and they were directly refined by the true flames in the sky fire formation when they could be seen by the naked eye.

Different from the purification power of the Buddhist sect, this sky fire formation can refine and collect the evil spirit energy into itself to enhance the power of the formation.I believe that at this time, the upper and lower formations in the entire book collection hall have been activated, and the formation disks in this node can slowly refine the surrounding magic marks one by one under the slow operation of the ground veins. .

After finishing all this, she turned around and glanced to find that Qing Lianyun, who was standing opposite, was staring at herself with incredible eyes, her eyes were full of surprise but also slightly puzzled.Suddenly Qing Lianyun opened his mouth to break the silence and said, "Junior Brother Yi, why do you know the Crimson Rain Sword Sect's technique, and you can also activate the Heavenly Fire Demon Refining Formation set up by the Lihuo Sect Master."

Yi Tian was startled for no reason, and secretly said: "I still haven't been fooled," but I can't make it clear now.It turns out that the grand formation here was laid down by Patriarch Wuye back then, and it was inseparable from the Lihuo Palace if he was able to open it himself.

After thinking about it, I had to try to talk nonsense again: "After I ascended to the spirit world, I read a lot of books. Although the formation in Qingfeng Old City came from the Lihuo Palace, it has been carved and recorded in thousands of years. I found it in Qingfeng New City, and it was just a coincidence that I searched it by accident. I happened to meet Lie Xin today, so I was happy to activate it according to the description on the jade slip, but I didn't expect it to work. "

Although these words are not very reasonable, but at this time Yi Tian doesn't care about it anyway, anyway, he can just get rid of his relationship with Lihuo Palace. As for whether Qing Lianyun believes it or not, that's another matter. The big deal is that he escaped from Taiqing directly Go to the depths of the spiritual world to practice alone.

After making the worst plan, I finally got the bottom line in my heart, and then I glanced at Qing Lianyun and saw her with a slight smile on her face: "Young brother is indeed a great talent, in fact, as you said, as long as you are a disciple of the Taiqing Pavilion Just do it."

"Senior sister, forgive me, I will definitely explain some things to you in the future," Yi Tian replied with a sigh of relief.

I saw Qing Lianyun slowly walked up to look at himself, and then smiled sweetly: "If no one in the world believes in you, at least I will stand by your side."

"Oh, why is that? Is it just because I helped you this time?" Yi Tian asked back.

"I only know that a friend in adversity sees the truth, and with your knowledge and cultivation, Junior Brother Yi will have limitless achievements in the future. It is a blessing to be with you," Qing Lianyun said inadvertently with a trace of embarrassment flashing across his face.

Hearing this, Yi Tian couldn't understand what was going on in his mind. He smiled bitterly and said, "I have a very powerful opponent in my destiny, and it is inevitable to fight him."

"Could it be Chi Wuji? Junior Brother Yi, it won't be difficult for your cultivation to catch up with him," Qing Lianyun asked.

Shaking his head, Yi Tian sighed and said, "I don't even think about Luo Ziyan, the princess of the Asura tribe, let alone Chi Wuji. It's just that my opponent's strength is far beyond the same level, but it's nothing to say now mean."

The shocked look on Qing Lianyun's face was fleeting, she had heard about Luo Ziyan for a long time, but she didn't expect Yi Tian to meet her face to face.And it can be said that the other party is the princess of the Ashura clan. It can be seen that she has experienced her skills before she can make such an assertion. After thinking about it, she realized that the person Yi Tian is about to face must be far beyond the rank of God Transformation of.

Later, Yi Tian changed the topic and said: "Senior Sister Qing, we also stayed here for a long time, why not leave for the time being and let these formations run automatically. I still have some questions to ask you."

"Since Junior Brother Yi opened his mouth, I naturally know everything, and this is not a place to talk. Let's discuss it in detail after returning to the sect." After speaking, Qing Lianyun turned and walked towards the downstairs of the library hall. Go, Yi Tian didn't say much and followed after a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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