
Chapter 1077 Ask

Chapter 1077 Ask
This time, Yi Tian's three-person team will directly activate the Skyfire Array there after completing the task of the Book Collection Temple in Qingfeng Old City.The chain reaction caused was to directly reveal many formation nodes in Qingfeng Old City.

After the activation of the central formation disk, the control formations on those other nodes were gradually activated, and with the activation of the skyfire formation, the speed of refining the magic marks in Qingfeng Old City suddenly accelerated.Those places that were originally touched by the big formation refined all the evil spirits around them to reveal the original formation disk.

This time, even the casual cultivators who had entered were moved, and they didn't know what happened to such a large-scale activation formation.

Fortunately, after the two of Yi Tian came out, Qing Lianyun directly reported to the sect gatekeeper and gave a general explanation of what happened in Neizhong.This time, the elders of the Zongmen Discipline Division gave the rewards for the task to the two of them on the spot after listening to the report, and not only that, they also credited them with the credit for activating the formation.

Although no merit points were handed out on the spot, but before leaving, they informed the two that this credit cannot be escaped, and the details depend on how the rewards are distributed after reporting to the suzerain.

It doesn't matter if Yi Tian is so, anyway, Qing Lianyun is covering for him, and when reporting to the sect, he also said that the two teamed up to defeat the demons and unintentionally activated the sky fire formation.If someone really suspects that Qing Lianyun will stand up, at least among the monks of the same level, there will be no one who dares to talk. As for the distracted monks, they will not pay attention to the two, they would rather focus on Qingfeng The progress of removing the magic marks in the old city.

After leaving the Disciplinary Department, Qing Lianyun suddenly mentioned: "Junior Brother Yi is thanks to your help in this mission. As a senior sister, I have nothing to repay, but I would like to invite you to Cuiweixuan for a briefing."

As the senior sister of Huashenqi, she personally invited her, and the brothers who passed by all stopped immediately, and then stared at Yi Tian with envious and envious eyes.

Feeling those fiery gazes around him, Yi Tian also felt a little flustered, he was able to get Qing Lianyun's favor and invite him personally.If he becomes the target of public criticism in this way, he is afraid that he will be famous in the inner sect of the Taiqing Pavilion in the future.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian just replied lightly: "Okay, I happen to have something to ask Miss Teacher, let's talk while walking."

Afterwards, the two set up Dunguang and left the Disciplinary Department under the jealous eyes of everyone around them.

In less than a moment, the two of them rode the clouds to the top of the beautiful and dangerous peaks, only to see Qing Lianyun stopped in the air, took out her token and took a picture of the mountain.A ripple appeared out of nowhere in front of the two of them, opening a small door just enough to accommodate one person in and out.

After following Qing Lianyun into the middle, Yi Tiancai found that the beautiful scenery here is no worse than the Huxin Pavilion in Murong Feixue's Drunken Immortal Pond.After falling to the foot of the mountain, led by Qing Lianyun, the two soon came to an open space in the col, where there was actually a manor.

Yi Tian looked up and glanced at the plaque hanging above the gate of the manor, which was written with the words Cuiweixuan.

Before the two entered, the door opened with a sound of 'ah', and it was Cui Fuling who walked out from the inside.Seeing Qing Lianyun, he hastily shouted respectfully: "Senior Sister is back, can this matter go smoothly?"

Halfway through the words, he turned his eyes to Yi Tian who was standing not far away, his expression changed drastically, and he looked at Qing Lianyun with incredible eyes.The two moved their lips for a while to communicate privately, during which time they looked at Yi Tian in surprise, and finally had no choice but to open the door to welcome the two of them in.

Seeing her deflated this time, Yi Tian felt proud but his expression remained calm.After entering the inner hall and sitting down with Qing Lianyun, Cui Fuling served tea like a servant, and then stood aside to serve.

When Yi Tian saw this, he frowned slightly and showed hesitation on his face, but he heard Qing Lianyun explain: "I brought Fu Ling's ability into the branch of the sect from the clan. Fortunately, she practiced hard enough, so she broke the rules 300 years ago. Promoted to the inner sect."

It turned out to be the servant girl who served the young lady. I didn't expect that she was still quite shy outside, but here she was completely different.If I tell my brother-in-law Hua Yulin the news, I'm afraid he will be surprised.

It's just that I really want to ask Qing Lianyun about something today, but it's not good for me to have a third party gossip outside when she hears it.

Qing Lianyun also saw the hesitation on Yi Tian's face and said directly: "Junior Brother Yi, there is no need to worry, Fu Ling's mouth is very strict, you can say whatever you want."

So Yi Tian nodded and asked: "I want to ask about Murong Feixue, Xiang Donghui and Ascension Cultivator Peng Li."

"Why did you think of asking about this?" Qing Lianyun frowned slightly: "Actually, they were all closely related. Xiang Donghui has been pursuing Murong Feixue. It's a pity that King Xiang wanted Goddess to be ruthless, and Murong Feixue The person who loves it is that Peng Li."

"There is such a thing," Yi Tian suddenly said.No wonder Xiang Donghui would mention that he thought he was resentful because love turned into hatred.

But the fact that Murong Feixue raised golden silkworm Gu poison should be very little known, but it is not known whether Qing Lianyun knows about it.After thinking about it, he said seriously: "Unknown Senior Sister, do you know that Murong Feixue has ever learned the art of witchcraft?"

"I've heard of this but never seen it. I don't know why Junior Brother Yi would ask this question. Could it be that you have seen Murong Feixue cultivate natal Gu in private," Qing Lianyun said with a surprised face.

Seeing that her face didn't look like she understood the specific situation, Yi Tian was determined at once, and then opened his mouth to tell how he broke Chuntao to buy poisonous insects to raise Gu.And how Murong Fisher used her name to write invitations for herself, and how she used her name to write invitations, and how she used her hands and feet to poison the invitations.

This made the two people present look terrified, and they couldn't hide the shock on their faces for a long time.The news I heard today was too shocking, I saw Qing Lianyun sinking into the water and said with a serious face: "Junior Brother Yi, since you said that Murong Feixue plotted against you many times, then there is real evidence. I can't just rely on you Her one-sided words condemned her."

Shaking his head, Yi Tian naturally couldn't produce any evidence now, after all Murong Feixue just poisoned himself alone.And that invitation was dealt with by him early in the morning, and now there is no witness or material evidence, it's just empty talk.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tiancai said: "I've exposed all her moves right now, and it's hard to find new evidence in a short time. But I know that Chuntao will go to Qingfeng City to buy poisonous insects to feed the Golden Silkworm Gu King every once in a while. .It’s better to start with this clue, and I guess Murong Feixue has plotted against me at least once.”

"You mean the key to the Temple of Book Collection, right?" Qing Lianyun thought of it in a blink of an eye.

"Exactly, fortunately, I have already refined a pair of cicada-winged gloves," Yi Tian reached out and took off a pair of transparent gloves from his hands, and gently put them into a storage bag and handed them over to Qing Lianyun said: "As long as Senior Sister Qing tries to test whether there is any residue of golden silkworm poison on the glove, it will be known."

(End of this chapter)

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