
Chapter 1078

Chapter 1078
After coming out of Cuiweixuan, Yi Tian had two more bottles of Ziyun honey in his pocket, which was regarded as an extra gift from Qing Lianyun.On the contrary, Cui Fuling, who was watching from the side, was full of jealousy, but because of the face of her young lady, she didn't dare to do anything wrong.

This can be regarded as allowing her to see the situation in front of her clearly, and Yi Tian secretly rejoiced that she would know how to deal with herself when she met Cui Fuling again after walking in the sect.

After leaving Cuiwei Residence, Yi Tian flew straight towards Xishan Lingzhi Garden, and met many monks of the same rank through the hinterland of the sect along the way.I saw that they all moved out of the way one after another when they saw him, and many of them showed awe-inspiring expressions on their faces.Yi Tian naturally knew that the matter of Qing Lianyun's invitation to him must have spread in the sect.

In this way, after getting a little light, the monks of the same level have to weigh it if they want to find fault with themselves.

After returning to Dao Lingzhi Garden, he opened the restraining formation and flew in. Before he could fly to his guard mansion, he heard a hearty voice from it: "Brother-in-law, you are finally back, I have been waiting here for a long time. .”

Frowning lightly, Yi Tian shook his head helplessly, guessing that Hua Yulin came to Xingshi to inquire about the crime.I didn't expect him to be so well-informed. It seems that this has both advantages and disadvantages.

Slowly descending the cloud head and walking into the city lord's mansion, I saw Hua Yulin sitting on his main seat with his legs crossed, looking at him playfully.And Hua Yuxin was sitting on the side looking at her brother helplessly, seeing herself coming in, she hurriedly stood up, bent over and said with blessings: "My husband is back, will the characters go well this time?"

"It's okay, anyway, there are gains and losses, but fortunately, I was lucky enough to finish everything," Yi Tian replied lightly.

Unexpectedly, Hua Yulin teased: "Sister, don't worry, I think the eldest brother-in-law is lucky, you should pay more attention to your own status. Maybe when you come into the main house, you, a concubine, will have a hard time .”

"Brother, what are you talking about?" Hua Yuxin hastily argued, but there was a look of uneasiness on her face, and her eyes flickered when looking at herself.

He secretly thought that something was wrong, Hua Yulin's big mouth would cause bad things, but this time it was so self-defeating that he didn't even know how to explain it.

After three breaths, he came to his senses and walked to a chair beside him, sat down and said, "I was invited into Cuiwei Residence once, what's the fuss, besides, Qing Lianyun and I have nothing to do, he is devoted to Taoism." I don’t think about so many things like you do.”

As soon as the words were finished, Hua Yulin jumped up from the chair suddenly and shouted with an unbelievable look on his face: "Why have you been to Cuiweiju, brother-in-law, I really admire you. You did it in Taiqing Pavilion It’s something that the cultivators of Transforming Spirits dream of, remember to take me with you next time you go, so that I can enjoy the scenery there.”

"Why haven't you been there yet?" Yi Tian asked in puzzlement, seeing that he didn't seem to be lying, he was shocked and wondered in his heart, could it be that the two of them were not talking about this matter.

At this time, Hua Yulin also showed envy on his face, and the excitement in his eyes was even more obvious, and he opened his mouth and shouted: "Do you know that Cuiweiju is the residence of Qing Lianyun and Cui Fuling, and there are very few people coming in and out on weekdays. You are the first male cultivator I know who can be invited in. This time you have a good face, but you will provoke Xiang Donghui's hostility. I think he has been chasing Senior Sister Qing for so long. looking for trouble for you."

After hearing this, Yi Tian waved his hands inadvertently and said calmly: "You don't have to worry, Xiang Donghui never had a crush on Qing Lianyun. I only found out about this matter after insinuating. He turned out to be pursuing Murong Feixue's. It's just that Peng Li appeared many years ago and got involved to attract Murong Feixue's attention."

"Why is Murong Feixue involved again? I thought she was interested in you, brother-in-law. Didn't she send someone to deliver the pill yesterday?" Hua Yulin was surprised.

The relationship is because this guy makes the relationship complicated, but when Yi Tian heard that the elixir was sent, he sneered in his heart, it seems that Murong Feixue still made a move.It is estimated that there must have been tampering with the pill this time, and suddenly he stared at Hua Yulin and asked, "Where is the thing she sent?"

"Did I know you were nervous about Lei Dan? It would be useful for you to get through the thunder tribulation. I put it away and take it with me, and here it is for you," Hua Yulin also took out a jade box to put it in with a look of disdain. on the table.

Looking over the jade box, it seems that it has been opened. I believe that Hua Yulin opened it directly to inspect the goods without knowing the situation.With a cold snort on his face, he stretched out his hand and opened a soundproof barrier, covering all three of them inside.

Then he stretched out his hand and patted the beast sac on his waist to summon Yunmeng Toad. When Hua Yulin and his wife saw the Yunmeng Toad covered in green patterns, their expressions changed immediately and they shouted: "What are you doing with your spiritual pet? Take it back if it's so disgusting."

"You feel sick, don't kneel down and beg for it when it refuses to save your life," Yi Tian joked.

As soon as this remark came out, Hua Yulin's face changed drastically, and seeing that Yi Tian didn't seem to be talking nonsense, he couldn't hang on his face and said tremblingly: "What's wrong with me, could it be that I was plotted against?"

Hua Yuxin, who was on the side, had a sudden change in his face, a sparkle flashed in his eyes, stepped forward, held Yi Tian's hand tightly, and sobbed, "What's wrong with my brother, husband, you can tell me clearly."

Yi Tian just looked at Yunmeng Toad with a reassuring look, and said, "Go and see if the things in the jade box have been poisoned."

Yunmeng Toad croaked twice, then crawled to the side of the jade box with four legs, suddenly fixed his eyes on the jade box, and his croaking sound became rapid.After stretching out his hand and playing Dao Fa Jue to open the healing, only a longan-sized elixir was placed in it, and there was nothing else.

Obviously, this elixir has a fatal attraction to Yunmeng Toad, which made it stare at it, and even opened its mouth to drool on the table.It's just that he didn't dare to go forward without his own order, only to see Yunmeng Toad turned his head and looked at it with expectant eyes.

Yi Tian waved his hands and said: "I've given you something, and I'll leave you if I need it later."

After speaking, Yunmeng Toad opened his mouth happily and yelled a few times, then jumped forward and opened his mouth to thrust the Secluded Thunder Pill into his belly.After finishing the work, he gave a full blow and cried happily.

Hua Yuxin, who was on the side, was puzzled and worried, and said, "Husband has just wasted the elixir, so what do you do?"

"The Secluded Lightning Pill was originally used to deceive people. I don't need external assistance at all to cross the Thunder Tribulation." Yi Tian said calmly, turned his head to look at Hua Yulin who was beside him, shook his head and said, "Since you have opened the box, you must The colorless and odorless golden silkworm poison in the body, if you want to save your life, please listen to me and don't talk or move around, let alone use your true energy to prevent the poisonous energy from attacking your heart."

After hearing this, Hua Yulin's face was full of aggrieved, and after taking three breaths, he hurriedly replied: "Brother-in-law, you must save me, you don't want to welcome my sister without my brother-in-law, right?"

"Come with me, go to the cave to help you detoxify, and you, Yuxin, will help you too," Yi Tian said, stretching out his hand and pointing at Yunmeng Toad to put it back into the beast-controlling bag, then he got up and walked towards the cave. They all hurriedly followed.

(End of this chapter)

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