
Chapter 1079 Expelling Poison 1

Chapter 1079
After the three of them returned to the cave, Yi Tian ordered, "Yuxin, please empty the storage room quickly, and then go to the Lingtian to fetch three Chijing ginseng."

"Husband, don't worry, I'll do it right away," Hua Yuxin said, then hurriedly went to the depths of the cave and began to tidy it up.

Then Yi Tian looked at Hua Yulin and said: "When did you get this jade box, and when did you open the jade box to check the medicine inside?"

Seeing Yi Tian's solemn face, Hua Yulin didn't seem to be joking, and it seemed that he really caused some trouble with such a big fanfare.After realizing something was wrong, she said directly: "Yesterday at noon, Murong Feixue's maid Chuntao sent the jade box to say that she had fulfilled her promise to refine the secluded Lei Dan. I also made it up on a temporary basis, so I quietly opened it to have a look after she left. Come on, won't you just be tricked like this?"

Yi Tian sighed and replied: "It seems that your bad luck was plotted against by others, or that I escaped the catastrophe. Don't exercise your skills now, look inside your meridians with your spiritual thoughts and look at the aura Is there a faint golden spiritual power? Don’t exercise vigorously, if the golden silkworm poison enters your Niwan Palace and walks around the Yuanying spirit body, it will be even more troublesome.”

I didn't say these words casually, since I discovered Murong Feixue's Golden Silkworm Gu last time, I specially researched this poison.

Golden Silkworm Gu Poison is a highly poisonous substance extracted from the excrement of the Golden Silkworm Gu King. Because it is colorless and odorless, it is the best choice to use it to assassinate opponents.But once the toxin enters the monk's body, it will attach to the meridians and travel through the whole body with the circulation of spiritual power. Fortunately, after mixing with the spiritual energy, the golden silkworm poison will appear faint yellow.

But if you play around in the Niwan Palace for a while, the toxin will be absorbed in it, and then even yourself will not be able to completely eradicate it.

After hearing this, Hua Yulin hurriedly searched for instructions, stretched out his spiritual sense, and looked at the direction of the meridians in his body. After ten breaths, cold sweat broke out on his head, and he said in a trembling voice: "I found that the yellow poisonous gas has reached the right wrist, and the meridians of both hands are directly connected. The heart, after the heart, it will go straight up to the head to the Niwan Palace. Brother-in-law, you have to save me, this time I will save you from a disaster, you don't want Yuxin to lose your big brother, do you?"

Seeing his snot and tears, Yi Tian snorted coldly: "Look at you, you still dare to mess with my things in the future, you must know that although I don't have much time to enter the inner door of the Taiqing Pavilion, there are so many enemies in secret indivual."

"I won't do it in the future, and brother-in-law, you are so powerful that you will not be able to trouble you. This time I will entrust my life to you, and let your toad come out to help detoxify," Hua Yulin said in a crying tone at this time Said.

"Don't worry, you are my brother-in-law. If something happens, I won't cover you up." Yi Tian supported Hua Yulin and said, "It's just that after detoxification, you have to rest for a while."

After speaking, he walked directly, and later came to the storage room deep in the cave.At this time, Hua Yuxin had cleaned up the room thoroughly, leaving only a ten-foot-square space in the room empty.

Seeing this, Yi Tian went forward and sat cross-legged at one end of the room, took out the Qingming Cauldron and put it on his left hand to play with.This thing was found in the Book Collection Temple in Qingfeng Old City. Although the spiritual power contained in it has been greatly reduced after being used to resist the attack of the Demon Soul Orb, it is still more than enough to cure diseases and save people.

After stretching out his right hand to seal and cast a spell, he cast a formula at Qingming Ding, and then threw the Ding Ding to the center of the room under his control.Reach out and point to the Lingquan eye on the ground to draw a stream of clear spring water into it, and stop until the water is eight-tenths full.

Turning around, he said: "Take off your shirt and jump into the cauldron, then sit down cross-legged and exercise slowly, paying attention to controlling the speed and rhythm of the spiritual energy. If the golden silkworm Gu poison reaches the elbow, please notify me."

Hua Yulin is also in a mess now, but fortunately, Yi Tian is there to help.

I don't know if he was helpless or resigned to his fate. After hearing this, his face showed a little calmness.

Then he turned around and ordered Hua Yuxin to take off his shirt as he asked, and flew into the Lingquan water in Qingming Cauldron, and sat down slowly cross-legged.And according to Yi Tian's request just now, he began to slowly practice his skills.

Only to hear Hua Yuxin weeping on the side: "Husband must try to save elder brother, I will definitely obey my words in the future."

"Okay, okay, go and get the Chi Jing ginseng. I'm going to be busy later, so don't be idle for a while and help me protect the law," Yi Tian waved his hand.

"Follow my husband," Hua Yuxin gently wiped away the tears on her face, and then hurried out of the cave to find Lingnong's class. The first week, Buer went to ask for Lingzhi.

And Yi Tian reached out and took out the Duan Lingmu branch and placed it under the Danding, and then a fireball ignited it and began to heat the Danding from below.

At the same time, he took out several antidotes purchased before and threw them directly into the water.Finally, Yunmeng Toad was also summoned and put aside for later use.

After finishing all this, stretch out your hand to seal the seal and play the great magic formula against the flame under the alchemy furnace to control the temperature within a constant range.

Then he slowly sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and began to wait, and said: "I added a potion that can suppress the poison of the golden silkworm to the pool water, although it can't remove it, it can control the poison. You sit down first, Let me know when the golden silkworm poison in the body is no longer active, so that I can proceed to the next step of removing the poison."

Hua Yulin nodded vigorously when she heard the words, and then turned her head to look in the direction of Yunmeng Toad with a flattering expression on her face.He also knew that the final removal of the poison would depend on this master, so seeing it at this time was really kind.

Half an hour later, after the cave door was opened, Hua Yuxin hurried back, with a storage bag in her hand.After walking to the storage room, he bowed to himself and said, "I have collected all the spiritual plants that my husband asked for," and then reached out and handed over the storage bag.

After reaching out to take the storage bag, Yi Tianshen glanced and found three high-quality Chijing ginseng lying quietly in it.

He took out one and put it in his hand and roasted it with the flames raised by the sacrifice, then took it up and handed it to Hua Yulin, and at the same time took out a bottle of Baihua honey and a wine glass, poured out half of the bottle and put it in the wine glass.Then he said with a smile: "Don't you have a special liking for Baihuanectar? This time, you can follow your wish. Eat it and quickly dissipate the inner spiritual power. After a while, I will cut open the meridian of your wrist and start to pull out the poison. I will endure any pain."

Hua Yulin had no choice but to show a dismal smile on his face and said, "Do I have any other choice?" Then he took Lingzhi and stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it randomly for a few times, then swallowed it, and then took the bottle with The wine cup of Baihuami was drunk in one gulp.

Shaoqing saw that Yi Tian pulled Hua Yulin's right arm, gently cut a very thin wound on the wrist, and summoned Yunmeng toad to let it start to suck the golden silkworm poison along the wound .

At first, Hua Yulin could bear it, but as time passed, his forehead was covered with cold sweat.Fortunately, he took two kinds of elixir just now to replenish the spiritual power in his body, but even so, he could still feel the spiritual power passing away. Fortunately, the golden silkworm poison also slowly flowed out of the body along the wound and the spiritual power.

(End of this chapter)

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