
Chapter 1080 Expelling Poison 2

Chapter 1080 Expelling Poison II

The process of detoxification must be painful, but Hua Yulin couldn't care less at such a moment of life and death. He gritted his teeth and let Yunmeng Toad absorb the toxins in his body.Fortunately, what was discovered this time did not allow the golden silkworm poison to travel all over the body. If the Nascent Soul gets a little bit of it when walking around the Niwan Palace, even if you lose this body, you will not be able to get rid of its influence.

At present, the understanding of this golden silkworm poison is only on the corrosion of spiritual power and Nascent Soul. I don't even know what other effects it has, but at present it seems that letting it stay in the body is not a solution.With the passage of time, Yunmeng Toad's appearance became bigger and bigger, obviously unable to fully digest after absorbing a lot of spiritual energy.

Seeing this, Yi Tian said, "Stop for a while, and see how much the golden silkworm poison in your body has been removed."

Yunmeng Toad also let go of his mouth at this time, and then slowly climbed onto the flagon car and began to rest with his eyes closed.At this time, Hua Yulin finally breathed a sigh of relief, and after regaining consciousness, he let go of his spiritual sense and looked inside.After three breaths, there was a gleam of joy on his face and he said: "The golden silkworm poison has obviously been sucked out more than half, and now the golden poison has returned to the wrist."

"Wait for Yunmeng Toad to rest, and we will try our best to remove all the Gu poison in your body. It will be troublesome to keep this thing for a moment," Yi Tian said: "In the future, you have to pay more attention to certain people. Many things are not as simple as you imagine."

Hua Yulin had no choice but to laugh a few times in response, this time it was because he did something wrong that he suffered disaster for others.On the other hand, Hua Yuxin interrupted, "That's how my brother is. He's joking and joking all day long. In the future, I really need to find a sister-in-law to take good care of you."

"That would only be done with the consent of Fuling girl, but I have spent a lot of thought over the years, why she is always lukewarm to me," Hua Yulin said helplessly.

Speaking of Cui Fuling, Yi Tian remembered what he saw in Cuiwei Residence.Immediately asked tentatively: "Do you know the relationship between Cui Fuling and Qing Lianyun?"

As soon as this remark came out, Hua Yulin pondered for a while before saying: "It seems that I heard that they have a good relationship. Before entering the sect, they belonged to the same family."

"Big Brother wants Sister Cui to be a Taoist companion. It seems that he can only seek help from Senior Sister Qing. I think Sister Cui's obedience to Senior Sister Qing must have a lot to do with it," Hua Yuxin said suddenly.

Nodding his head, Yi Tian smiled without saying a word, and looked at the two brothers and sisters carefully. It was obvious that Hua Yuxin was as meticulous as dust in observing others.From this point of view, in the future, he really has the ability to stay in Lihuo Palace and take charge of the affairs of the palace.And from this period of time, it seems that when she is not in Lingzhiyuan, she can also handle the logistical affairs in an orderly manner.

With a light cough, everyone's attention was attracted again, and Yi Tian said lightly: "As far as I know, Cui Fuling is Qing Lianyun's maid, if you need help, uncle, maybe I can help you later, But the key still depends on whether you can get Qing Lianyun's approval to betroth your personal maid to you."

After hearing this, Hua Yulin's face changed several times, then she stared at Yi Tian with a weird look, and after three breaths, she raised her head and laughed loudly: "My good brother-in-law, I really saw the right person, I didn't expect you to enter the inner sect However, so much secret information can be found in just a hundred years. It seems that my younger sister can only be a small one in the future, and her strength alone is no match for Senior Sister Qing."

After Hua Yuxin heard it, she understood the meaning instantly, with a cloudy look on her face, but said in her mouth: "Whatever big or small, as long as I can be by my husband's side, why should I care about my identity?"

There was a sour taste in these words, Yi Tian twitched the corners of his mouth a few times after hearing this, then reached out and patted Hua Yuxin's forehead lightly and said, "Why are you so unconfident in yourself? I don't think so. You just don't have too much confidence." Great opportunity, growing up in the clan from a young age lacks the opportunity to experience. But your advantage lies in being young, and there is no shortage of cultivation methods and resources now, as long as you have the opportunity to temper again, you will grow up soon. And I am I think you will have higher achievements in the future than Qing Lianyun, and besides, I never thought about finding a Taoist companion again."

"Your husband is serious?" Hua Yuxin showed a trace of shame on her face.

Later, I saw that Yunmeng Toad seemed to have completely digested its spiritual power, and then Yi Tian urged it to go up and continue to assist in pulling out the poison.This time, Hua Yulin stretched out his right hand and let it do what it did, removing most of the poison in his body.Although a lot of spiritual power is consumed along with it, it is easy for the brother-in-law who relies on the guardianship of Lingzhi Garden to make up for it. Presumably Hua Yuxin will also pay attention to preparing spiritual plant treasures for him in private.

As Yunmeng Toad continued to absorb the toxins in its spiritual power, its body became swollen again.After a while, it looked like the originally four-inch body was now nearly six inches in size.

It wasn't until Yunmeng Toad automatically retracted his mouth that he was no longer interested in the spiritual power in Hua Yulin's body, and Yi Tiancai realized that he had almost sucked out all the toxins in Hua Yulin's body.Immediately asked hurriedly: "You look inside again to see if you have completely removed the golden silkworm poison?"

Hua Yulin sat cross-legged in the cauldron, cast seals with both hands, and searched all the links in the meridians in his body, and sighed a little later: "It's completely removed, this time it's thanks to your brother-in-law." It's a pity that in this way, my cultivation base must stay in this realm for at least a hundred years, and I can only improve again after fully replenishing the lost spiritual power."

"Okay brother, you finally saved your life. If you lose your cultivation, you can practice it again, but you only have one life," Hua Yuxin said with tears in her eyes.

Seeing that his sister was worried, Hua Yulin hurriedly concealed the disappointment on his face, then stood up and jumped out of the altar tripod to clean up, and then put on a new Zongmen costume.

Seeing that he had a forced smile, Yi Tian curled his lips in disdain and said: "Okay, since when did our family let you suffer?" After speaking, he took out a storage bag and handed it over, "With these things to help you It will take half a year to make up for your cultivation, and maybe you can gain something."

Reaching out to take the storage bag, Hua Yulin stretched his divine sense in to check it out, and then said with ecstasy: "There are so many purification beads, and the energy contained in them is so pure, which sect's treasure house did you rob? .”

"Stop talking nonsense, if you don't want it, just leave it to Yuxin," Yi Tian waved his hand.

"You're right, I can't use up so much, let's leave [-]% for my sister. Then she can refine the Nascent Soul Peak as soon as possible and try to attack the gods," Hua Yulin echoed.

"Whatever you want," Yi Tian turned his head to put Yunmeng Toad into the beast-controlling bag, but suddenly found that this little thing seemed unwilling to go back.And he flew towards the entrance of the cave in the flagon car.

Seeing this, Yi Tian also realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly shouted: "My spiritual pet is about to advance, you all wait here first, let me go out to see the situation before we talk."

(End of this chapter)

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