
Chapter 1083

Chapter 1083
After sending the soul of the ancient monk Liu Jie in the magic soul bead into reincarnation, Yi Tian found that the trace of black dirt in it had disappeared.

This magic soul orb and that one are the treasures of the Qingfeng City in the Taiqing Pavilion, the calming orb. I heard Liu Jie mentioned before that this spirit treasure has special effects on ordinary monks. As long as it can be activated, the light emitted from it will shine on the monks. It can freeze the Nascent Soul of a person.

Presumably this effect is somewhat similar to the Haotian Mirror, the sect's secret treasure in the lower realm.But it's not that troublesome for him to activate, as long as he needs to be sacrificed.There is no mandatory requirement for the spiritual power to be mobilized, it must be the practice of the Lihuo Palace.

But if such a Lingbao is held in the hand like this, it will inevitably be missed by others if it is picked up.After thinking about it, Yi Tian immediately decided to put it away for the time being, and then searched through a lot of refining classics in Lihuo Palace, but found a way to store the Dingshen Bead to avoid being noticed by others, and to use it at any time .

It's just that if such a spiritual weapon is to be successfully refined, it needs several copies of treasure materials of the same level as Tianji.Now that I'm just a cultivator, it's not easy to get access to some earth-level treasures.If you want a heavenly treasure, you must have a great opportunity, and the sect will not open the authority of heavenly treasures to a cultivator like yourself.

After careful consideration, he had to ask his uncle Hua Yulin for help in this matter. If he couldn't handle it through the formal way, he had to find it secretly in the black market.I don't know much about it, but fortunately, he has been in it all year round.Now it is still there to disperse the flames on Tomen Road.

After thinking about it, he took out a communication jade talisman, wrote down his general request, and sent it out.Half a moment later, there was a sound outside the cave door. After the restriction was opened, the divine sense swept across it, and it was Hua Yulin's reply jade talisman.

Bring it in, hold it in your hand, and after lightly brushing it with your divine sense, a thoughtful expression appeared on your face.This jade slip is also written very straightforwardly, the underground black market in Qingfeng New City can at most be exchanged for some top-level precious materials at the prefecture level.

The heavenly treasures that I demanded so much were almost invisible, and even the auctions in the auction houses in Qingfeng New City required at least a distraction period to participate in the auctions that had heavenly treasures.

After watching the meeting, Yi Tian showed a look of disappointment on his face, and he still thought about it too simply.Instead, he glanced at the jade talisman and finally found that it said that if he really needed the heavenly treasures urgently, he might as well go to the other two main cities to try his luck.Hua Yulin was also polite and directly gave out the contact methods of the two underground black markets.

Yi Tian showed a hint of hesitation on his face after finishing the reading, thinking that the main city above the boundary of Lihuo Palace should be the largest cultivation town in this boundary.But I try my best to avoid Lihuo Palace on weekdays, so I don't want to send it to my door for this matter.

The next best thing is to go to the main city on the boundary of Scarlet Rain Sword Sect. After looking at the message on the jade talisman, Yi Tian showed a firm look in his eyes and said to himself: "Then let me see." Let's see how prosperous Scarlet Rain City looks like."

After a flash, the figure disappeared into the cave, and at the same time, Guagua, who was guarding outside the cave, seemed to have a feeling in his heart.The figure turned into a green aura and quietly flew out of the cave with the flagon.

After ten breaths, Yi Tian put away the imperial animal bag in the air and left a message amulet to Zhou Buer and the others so that they could farm with peace of mind.Then he called Shanghua Yuxin to go with him, since he was a concubine, the two of them haven't gotten along well, so this trip is a good opportunity to get to know each other better.

Moreover, Scarlet Rain City is also the main city of the spirit world, and taking the little girl to the main city can be regarded as a compensation for the previous one.

Since the target this time is the main city of Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, and the distance between the two places is millions of miles, I never thought of flying there with Hua Yuxin.It would take at least several months to fly all the way from Qingfeng City to Scarlet Rain City, during which time they would have to pass through the territory of some high-level monsters.

Ask yourself that you still don't have the strength to enter the depths of the spirit world alone.Therefore, using the ultra-long-distance teleportation array or taking the sky survey warship between the two cities is naturally the best choice.

Of course, the ultra-long-distance teleportation array is the fastest and safest method, but the cost is not low.A single trip back and forth cost 100 million high-grade spirit stones, which is not enough for ordinary sect Huashen cultivators, but it is enough.A full [-] merit points is equivalent to the sum of Hua Yulin's mission rewards in a hundred years.

Fortunately, now that I entrust him to disperse the Zhiyan Order secretly, the rewards are also very rich.Before leaving this time, Hua Yulin also left three storage bracelets, each containing 200 million spirit stones, a total of 600 million.

In this way, I don't need to worry about the travel expenses for the time being, and there is a half-price discount for the inner disciples of the Taiqing Pavilion, so it is not a loss for the two of them to go back and forth with a million spirit stones.

After arriving in Qingfeng New City on an assault boat, he first inquired about the exact location of the teleportation formation, and then hurried all the way to the reception point with Hua Yuxin.

After showing the identity jade card, Yi Tian paid a million spirit stones and got two long-distance teleportation symbols, which were regarded as round-trip tickets for this trip.

This is the first time for Hua Yuxin to go out with Yi Tian. Although she is a little worried, her face is full of excitement.This time, both of them were wearing the Zongmen costumes of the Taiqing Pavilion, so that those casual cultivators in Qingfeng City would automatically avoid them if they encountered them.

The little girl had a smug expression on her face, and she walked all the way with a high-spirited look.Instead, Yi Tian said in private: "Yu Xin, we can do this in Qingfeng City, but we have to restrain ourselves in Scarlet Rain City."

"Husband, I naturally know that this is our territory, so we can be more comfortable. When we go to Scarlet Rain City, it is the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect's territory, so we should avoid causing trouble, so as not to cause trouble to you," Hua Yuxin replied with a smile.

Seeing her reply to Yi Tian in this way felt very relieved, and the two walked all the way outside the main hall of the long-distance teleportation array in the city.After showing the teleportation jade talisman, he walked slowly into the hall according to the instructions.

Sitting inside was a sect cultivator at the distraction stage, and after checking the identities of Yi Tian and the two of them, he said earnestly: "When you go out, you must remember that the sect is the biggest reliance, and you can deal with any difficulties when you get there. Go directly to the Taiqing Pavilion in Scarlet Rain City. There are fellow monks there who may be able to help."

After hearing this, Yi Tian showed a hint of relief on his face, fortunately there is still such a station.These are the benefits of the big sects, but for those small and medium sects, they can only rely on themselves.

After listening, Yi Tian and Hua Yuxin walked into the teleportation array, and in a blink of an eye, there were eight people waiting.Immediately, I heard the head deacon just now say: "Ten people are full, each holds the teleportation talisman in his hand, and the teleportation array is about to open."

(End of this chapter)

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