
Chapter 1084 Opportunity

Chapter 1084 Opportunity
Crimson Rain City, one of the three main cities in the spirit world, is also comparable in size to Qingfeng New City. It is said that the spiritual veins underneath are almost the same as Qingfeng Old City where the devil is in front.

In the city, it is mainly the sect forces of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect that maintain the operation of the city.Many sects also set up contact points and sub-helms again, which are usually used to maintain contact between sects.At the same time, when Zongmen disciples visit, they can also quickly handle trivial matters through these institutions.

In the southeast corner of Crimson Rain City, there is a huge palace standing in a group of buildings with different levels.The flow of people coming and going here on weekdays is not too much, but most of them are elites from various sects.

The outside world is surrounded by monks of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect who have set up defenses, and no one dares to approach it.

At that time, ten people came out of it, and the last pair of Taoist couples were Yi Tian and Hua Yulin who came from Qingfeng City.

After the ultra-long-distance teleportation just now, both of them felt extremely uncomfortable. Even with the protective cover on the teleportation talisman covering the whole body, they could feel the discomfort caused by the teleportation array tearing the space.

It is said that even the most distracted monks can't adapt to such a tearing force. Only when the cultivation base reaches the fusion stage will the teleportation amulet no longer be needed.

After walking out of the teleportation hall, Yi Tian asked the guards at the door to find out the location of the Taiqing Pavilion, and then took Hua Yuxin on the road.After leaving the meeting, Hua Yuxin said privately: "Husband, did we go the wrong way? The sect's base is in the south city, but our current direction is heading north."

After pulling Hua Yuxin into the small alley beside the main road, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and put up a protective cover to cover the two of them, then took out a set of ordinary loose clothes and handed it to Hua Yuxin, saying: "I know, but this time I The destination is to go to the black market here to buy precious materials. Let’s change clothes first, the identity of the Zongmen monk is too obvious, and it is easy to be traced to the end, so it is not suitable to go to the black market.”

Hua Yuxin went to the clothes and rolled her eyes and said: "You men are just good at making troubles, so turn around and don't peek."

After hearing this, Yi Tian was taken aback, then smiled helplessly, turned around and took off his coat and put on ordinary clothes.

Half a moment later, when the two walked onto the street again, they looked like monks and monks, and all the identification marks that could prove their identity were put away.

Walking all the way to the Beicheng business district, under the guidance of Yi Tian, ​​the two turned left and right and shuttled among the stalls of various shops.It didn't take long to come to the back door of a large house, and looked up to see the words 'Café de Coral' written on the plaque above the door.

Hua Yuxin looked doubtful and said: "Why would someone hang a plaque on the back door of the house, this family is so rich."

"That's right, it's here," Yi Tian said with a smile on his face, "It's all thanks to your brother's help to find the black market joint."

Immediately, he went forward and lightly knocked the lock ring on the door. It didn't take long to see that the door was opened slightly, and a man dressed as a nursing home walked out of it, looked at the two of them and asked, "You two have found the wrong one." This is the place, this is a private courtyard that does not accept outsiders”

Seeing that his cultivation was only that of the mid-Yuanying stage, he should be a receptionist in the black market, he reached out and took out a jade token and handed it over, Yi Tian said flatly: "Let's see his identity first."

The man took the jade plate and inspected it, and the doubts in his eyes disappeared, then he respectfully sent it over and saluted politely: "It turned out to be a big buyer introduced by Second Master Hua, sorry, my lord, please come with me. "

Yi Tian was fine, but Hua Yuxin behind him said in private: "My brother has many crooked connections. It seems that you have been influenced by him after staying with him for a long time."

"It's okay, he can't affect me." Yi Tian said in his mouth, but he secretly said in his heart: "Your brother is just making trouble, unlike me copying the flame order, this is what really disrupts the situation in the spirit world action."

The three of them walked through the courtyard at the back door and came to a wing room. The monk took out two sets of masks and cloaks and handed them over: "Please put them on before going in. After shopping, please return from the same way. Next Fan Neng is the guide here, if you two come back later, if you meet someone else, just report my name."

Yi Tian nodded and then put on the mask and cloak, and Hua Yuxin behind him waited aside after she was dressed neatly without saying a word.

Fan Neng took out a token and held it up, pointed it at a blank wall and shone it.Wherever the light beam went, a formation pattern appeared, and when it was opened, a dark corridor that could only be passed by a single person appeared.

"I wish you both a happy shopping, and I won't give away the small ones," Na Faneng said respectfully again.

Yi Tian nodded his head and said lightly: "Let's go," turned around, took Hua Yuxin's hand and walked into the corridor.

After the two walked for a while, the passage in front of them suddenly opened up, and they came to an underground square.Looking around, there is a space of about a hundred feet, and there are densely packed shops all over the place.There are also quite a few merchants sitting in the city, and Yi Tian Shennian scanned lightly and found that the grades of shops are clearly divided.

From the Jindan period to the transformation period, Yi Tian walked through the gods along the way and kept scanning the nearby shops, and found that most of the things sold in them were human-level treasures and spiritual plants, even earth-level treasures. Materials are rarely seen.

I came here this time for heaven-level treasures, so naturally I don't like most of these things.On the contrary, Hua Yuxin stopped from time to time to inquire about prices after seeing many shops along the way.

Fortunately, this mask can change the tone of a person's voice, so the two of them can naturally not be afraid of being watched.

After leaving the meeting, Yi Tian glanced and found that there were a lot of information displayed on the Lingshi crystal screen in the front, so he pulled Hua Yuxin and hurried forward to check it.

Not far from the bottom of the crystal screen, Yi Tian opened his mind and began to retrieve information on it.Not only are the quests for treasure materials released here, but there are also cooperative quests such as hijacking, assassination, helping duels, and joint expeditions.Of course, the reward for completing the task is also very amazing.

Yi Tian looked at it and found that there was a task marked near the top that required the assistance of a high-level refiner to repair a spiritual weapon.

The reward is the spirit of Lilong, a top-level treasure material at the prefecture level.After Yi Tian looked at it, he found that this was the easiest job among the top figures, and he didn't need to fight or stay away from Scarlet Rain City.

It's just that the salary is much lower than what I imagined, and it's really not easy to find the treasures that are willing to be able to pick up this day.After thinking for a while, he sighed, turned around and said to Hua Yuxin via voice transmission: "Let's go, let's find out if there are other channels to obtain treasure materials.

Before I turned around and took a few steps, I heard a voice transmission in my ear: "This fellow Taoist seems to be indifferent to the tasks posted on the black market crystal screen. Does he need any other special services?"

Yi Tian turned around and glanced at him, only to see a cultivator who was also wearing a cloak three feet away, looking towards him.Presumably the sound transmission just now also came from this person.He replied in a deep voice: "Does this fellow Taoist know of other channels in the black market? Please enlighten me."

"I don't dare to teach you. I have a task in hand and urgently need to find someone to cooperate. I have been waiting here for several days but have not found a suitable person to negotiate with, so I took the liberty to make a detour," the man replied. .

"What is the task? What is the reward?"

"Explore a ruin and bring out a red pulp crystal."

(End of this chapter)

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