
Chapter 1087

Chapter 1087
After entering the depths of the soul-suppressing lava cave, under the leadership of Yan Rujun, the three of them crossed the underground lava river and came to the deep red crystal mining area.

Walking down the path, Yi Tian found that many sporadic red crystals gradually appeared on the ground around him.Although the quality is not good, there are some shiny aphids attached to the spar.

Scanning carefully with divine sense, it turns out that these are crystal powder butterfly larvae that have not yet turned into cocoons.Fortunately, they don't have much attack power, but they are full of energy in their hearts.

Privately instructed Hua Yuxin to open the protective cover and help her whole body, fearing that there will be a fierce battle waiting for her in a while.

Walking straight down the road, the three of them came to an empty stone cave. Although there was no light and they couldn't see their fingers, there was no hindrance to the extension of the divine sense. Relying on the divine sense, they could see the situation inside the cave clearly.

This is an empty inner cave of hundreds of feet, and there is a passage on the opposite side of the road I came from. I don't know where it leads.In the middle of the cave, the red crystal mine derived from the ground has grown as high as a hill, and it is almost connected to the top of the cave.

And these red crystal ores shone with crystal clear light, and there seemed to be a red flame flickering inside.After carefully looking at it, the part that is naturally concentrated in a large pile of red crystal mother is the red crystal pith.

This thing almost condenses all the essence of the red crystal in this hole, or it is the red crystal mother who absorbs the underground aura to derive so many red crystal associated mines.

And the crystal powder butterfly attached to many crystal stones does this for a living.Now if I want to cut their roots, I will definitely be backlashed by the crystal powder butterfly.

Although it is still peaceful now, it will be a different situation after Yan Rujun digs out the red crystal essence.

He took out a few incense sticks and lit them, and then quietly scattered them around the red crystal pillar of the bucket in the middle. The smell of these incenses quickly drove away all the crystal pink butterflies nearby.

I saw that he took the opportunity to take out a five-inch shovel and then flew in the air and turned it into a five-foot-sized shovel. There was a sound of 'click', and the handle was chiseled into the center of the red crystal pillar, and after two or three strokes, it was almost shoveled to the core part of the inner core.

At this time, Ying suddenly felt a panic for no reason, and saw hundreds of weak spiritual power fluctuations suddenly gathered around him.After scanning with his divine sense, he found that Yan Rujun's actions had aroused them all.

He stretched out his hand to sacrifice the Taiyuan sword and shouted in a deep voice: "Fellow Taoist Yan, hurry up, I guess we only have less than ten breaths of time."

"Yi Daoyou, give me eight breaths, five breaths is enough," Yan Rujun said, after connecting the seals with both hands, he manipulated the shovel and shoveled off the red crystal stone pillar violently, taking a baby's head-sized The ore ball went around in circles and came back.

Suddenly, the crystal pink butterflies all around swarmed towards the three of them, and Yi Tian quickly raised his Taiyuan sword and turned it into thousands of sword threads to meet them.

Only Yan Rujun said in surprise: "Yao Linghuaqian, you are from the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, and you are the inspector." After he finished speaking, a look of horror appeared on his face.

Then he lit the burning incense coefficient in his hand, gathered into a ball of flames to protect his whole body, and then fled towards the long distance.

At this moment, Yi Tian's heart sank, and it was fine if his moves were recognized, but he didn't expect that the other party would run away in a panic like a frightened bird.

Originally, the strength of the three of them could still overwhelm these crystal pink butterflies, but now the situation is not good.

Yi Tian was also quick-witted, and when he turned his head, he grabbed Hua Yuxin's hand and prepared to escape the original way.But after the Divine Sense Institute passed, there was a trace of bitterness on his face, and most of the crystal powder butterflies who followed Yan Rujun just now poured into the passageway when they came.

If you are going in at this time, it is tantamount to throwing yourself into a trap, and the remaining hundreds around are rushing towards the area you are in.

The corner of his eyes glanced at the passage on the opposite side of the world, Yi Tian said in a deep voice: "Go to the opposite side", he took Hua Yuxin and the two of them teleported through the stone room to the entrance of another passage, and then let him go without saying a word. Hua Yuxin stepped inside.He once again used Lingyao Huaqian's sword silk to shoot down all the follow-up crystal powder butterflies.

After confirming that there is no crystal powder butterfly approaching behind him for the time being, Yi Tian also hurriedly got into the passage, joined Hua Yuxin and moved forward.

This place is so painful that I don't know where it leads, but Yi Tian believes that the two of them are constantly walking down by feeling.Shen Nian let go and looked back to find that those crystal pink butterflies hadn't followed.Under the secret joy in my heart, I gradually grew a little uneasy. Since the monster butterfly dared not enter, I was still safe for the time being, but I didn't know where the road below led.

Shen Sheng asked via voice transmission: "Yuxin, are you alright?"

"Husband, I'm fine, I just don't know how to go back," Hua Yuxin couldn't help showing a worried look on her face.

Naturally, her mood will not be affected by the environment after many battles, but it is the first time for Hua Yuxin to encounter such a situation, and it is inevitable that her mood will fluctuate.

At the moment, Haosheng comforted: "It's okay, let's continue to explore, I am here for everything."

Feeling that the hand holding Hua Yuxin was a little sweaty, Yi Tian turned around and picked up Hua Yuxin, then took big steps towards the depths of the passage.

Half a moment later, the spiritual sense found that the exit of the passage was twenty feet away. Although he didn't know the way ahead, he had to face it.

After quietly walking over and out of the passage, they found that the two had come to an underground cave, but there was a strong evil spirit around here.After thinking about it, it was only in the Kuisha Grotto that I felt this way.

Reaching out to take out the glazed Buddha bead, he handed it to Hua Yuxin and said, "Take it and sacrifice it to protect your whole body so that the evil spirit will not affect your sanity."

"Husband, you gave me the spirit weapon, so what should you do yourself?" Hua Yuxin said anxiously with a worried look on her face.

"It's okay, I have my own way," he said, taking out the Taiyuan sword to sacrifice the sword silk, and then weaving a sword net around his body for defense.

Then he took Hua Yuxin and walked slowly towards the interior of the grotto, reached out and took out the Ye Mingzhu and held it in his hand to illuminate the surroundings.Suddenly, Yi Tian found that there were a lot of golden seal characters engraved on the stone wall. After stepping up to look carefully, Yi Tian said with a shocked face: "We are in trouble. This is the Demon Refining Cave, where those powerful monks refined The place where the magic soldiers extract the magic energy."

"Then how to extract the magic energy?" Hua Yuxin asked puzzled.

"Isn't life sacrifice refining cruel?" Yi Tian turned his head back.

Hua Yuxin's face turned pale when she heard the word "life sacrifice" and said, "Does that mean that many demons died in it?"

"Not only demons, but also some familiar monsters. Moreover, the life sacrifice is only to extract the essence of flesh and blood, and the souls of those demons are still sealed in the depths of this cave. If we go down, we will definitely encounter them, but we have to find a way It is only necessary to ask them to be expelled, otherwise it will be difficult to walk back to the ground if they are not deluded," Yi Tian said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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