
Chapter 1088

Chapter 1088
Continuing to walk down the stone room, Yi Tian accidentally had a strange look in his eyes, and there was a bright light flashing in the dark not far in front of him.He raised the Ye Mingzhu and looked over there, his face immediately revealed a look of horror: "It's some defective sky crystal, it doesn't look like a mineral that came out here, but more like it was brought in by someone. Like that."

"Could this be the second floor of the soul-suppressing cave? Didn't Yan Rujun mention that there is a sky crystal essence deep in the cave?" Hua Yuxin said softly.

Yi Tian curled his lips and said disdainfully: "It is estimated that that guy just accidentally saw it after he went to the bottom of the cave. It is expected that he would not dare to go deeper with that guy's courage. And I have a hunch that the bottom here should belong to the ancient cultivator. There will not be too many things left in the cave, but the evil spirit is so strong that it is estimated that the accumulated resentment is not small."

"Then husband, let's go back first, the darkness down here feels a bit gloomy, why don't we find another passage," Hua Yuxin said worriedly.

Sighing lightly, Yi Tian shook his head and replied, "I also want to get out of this soul-suppressing cave as soon as possible, but now I have to face those irritated crystal pink butterflies. And I have to go through them to live in the cave. Easy."

After staring at the passage of the cave ahead, he continued: "I feel like there is more than one way out here. If you continue to explore, there may be unexpected discoveries."

Seeing that Yi Tian couldn't resist, Hua Yuxin had no choice but to nod her head and said: "Well, anyway, I'll just follow my husband."

The two of them slowly descended along the spiral corridor of the cave, and after a while they passed through this area to the depths below.It's just that Yi Tian noticed that the evil spirit around him was getting stronger and stronger, and the scene in front of him suddenly flashed and became brighter as he walked.Then there seemed to be three figures walking towards him, and when he looked closely, they were all his family members in the lower realm.

With a cold snort in his nose, he secretly became alert in his heart, and at the same time, his mouth was not idle, and he quickly chanted the mantra and revealed the secret method of the eight sounds of thunder.Waves of golden light scattered from his mouth and swept across the illusion in front of him, instantly crushing it.

The road in front of her returned to its original state again, and she turned around to look at Hua Yuxin, only to see that her face was rosy at this time, and her breathing was a little short, obviously she had not recovered from the road.

He reached out his hand and tapped his forehead, and a spiritual light injected into his forehead to help him stabilize his emotions.Later, I saw Hua Yuxin's blushing cheeks looking at her with a little twinkle in her eyes.

A cold snort woke her up, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and pinched Hua Yuxin's nose lightly, jokingly said: "What are you thinking about? Have any spring dreams to do when you go home, and don't divide yourself when you are in adversity now." Heart."

After hearing this, Hua Yuxin stuck out her tongue lightly and made a face at herself.

Yi Tian just shook his head helplessly, just as he was about to give a few lectures, he suddenly noticed a strange fluctuation of spiritual power not far in front of him.

Immediately, his face turned sullen, he stretched out his hand and made a hissing gesture, and then stepped forward at a faster speed.Just now I felt that there was a problem with this road, and the phantom array appeared for no reason, obviously to hinder myself from continuing to explore.

Half a moment later, the two quickly walked through the passage to the cave below, and saw that the ground here was full of potholes and ponds.And the rock wall on the top of the cave above the head is obviously mixed with the smell of dried blood. It seems that this place should be deep in the ground.

Hua Yuxin's face was full of horror, and she covered her nose with her hands and whispered: "It smells like adult rotting corpses, is this really a place for life sacrifices?"

After nodding his head, Yi Tian didn't answer directly, but just spread his spiritual thoughts and searched inside.This is more than one passage in the cave, obviously this is just one of them.

There are still two ways to go out in the surrounding area, and I immediately feel relieved.Since there is a way, there is no need to go back to face the group of crystal pink butterflies.In the middle of the stone room, there seemed to be a black stone with a radius of one zhang. After Yi Tian scanned it with his divine sense, he found that he couldn't see through it.After searching carefully, he frowned. It turned out that this was not a stone, but a pile of weathered and dried flesh.

As for the flesh and blood that was cut from the demons sacrificed here, I really don't know what the caster wants to do in such a situation.

After scanning with his spiritual sense, he found that there was a jade box on the ground not far in front of the flesh and blood, and a jade slip was quietly placed in it.Carefully inspecting the gold seal script on it that says 'Qiong Tong Bao Lu', I wondered in my heart that this is obviously a spiritual practice, how could it fall here.

Immediately, he stretched out his hand and collected the jade slip and the jade box, and put it near the imperial beast pouch for Guagua to sense.As soon as his spiritual thoughts moved, he realized that his spiritual pet had no interest in this jade slip, so he immediately felt relieved.

Then he stretched out his hand and sacrificed a gentle Buddhist power to purify the blood evil spirit attached to the jade slip before he dared to hold it in his hand and read it.

Shaoqing Yitian's expression was not good, and his eyes glanced at the pile of flesh and blood on the hill not far in front of him from time to time, and at the same time, some crystals ooze from his forehead.Seeing this, Hua Yuxin knew something was wrong and hurriedly asked via voice transmission: "What happened to my husband, what is in front of us?"

"Spiritual species, not demonic species, but the method of sacrificial refining refers to the method of spiritual cultivation. It is estimated that the things in it are immature, so we can only use formations to hinder us. This is not easy. Maybe we Everyone is in trouble, get ready for the challenge," Yi Tian replied with a serious face.

Putting away the jade slips in his hands, he took out the Taiyuan sword and sacrificed it in his hands, and walked around the side of the stone room with the flower jade core.In fact, I really don't want to do it from the bottom of my heart. If I stay here for a long time, I will change. It's better to find an exit and get out of trouble first.

Before he took a few steps, he suddenly reached out his hand to signal Hua Yuxin to stop, and turned his head to look at the opposite passage, and there seemed to be some movement coming from it.After ten breaths, there was a rustling sound in the passage corridor, and then a figure flashed out. It was Yan Rujun who had escaped before the two of them were ignored.

It's just that his complexion is not very good at this time, it seems that he has suffered some dark losses.Seeing Yi Tian and the two of them, they were stunned for a moment, then hurried forward as if they had found a savior, and said, "It's a blessing to have found the two of you."

Yi Tian just snorted coldly and didn't answer, because in his divine sense, he found that there was movement in another passage.It didn't take long to see three figures rushing out of it into the cave.

After seeing the visitor's heart sank, it seemed that his luck was a bit low, unexpectedly meeting his old acquaintance Ou Jinglong in such a place.

I only heard the other party also said: "Why are you kid, it seems that you have some ability to escape from that female dragon back then."

"It's just each other," Yi Tian replied angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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