
Chapter 1089 Danger

Chapter 1089 Danger
I didn't expect to meet two waves of people at the bottom of the soul-suppressing cave, which really caught me off guard.On the other hand, it seems that the other party did not expect to meet so many people again.

At this time, it was obvious that Yan Rujun was at an absolute disadvantage among the six people, facing the three disciples of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect and the two teammates who had been abandoned by him at this time, he couldn't hold back anyway.

Fortunately, looking at the situation, it seems that although the two waves of people know each other, they don't seem to be going the same way.At the moment, he still moved quietly towards Yi Tian and the two.

Although he was a little bit out of the way just now, but at this time, instead of facing the three deity cultivators alone, it is better to unite the other two to have a better chance of winning.

Yi Tian naturally saw his plan, and with a slight smile, he took Hua Yuxin back to the entrance of the passage.If Yan Rujun wants to exit from the road behind him, he must cross the area where the two are.

In this way, it can be regarded as cutting off his escape route again, so that he can only face the three of Ou Jinglong.

On the other hand, under the command of Ou Jinglong, the three members of Scarlet Rain Sword Sect slowly dispersed and cut off their retreat for two days.Then the three formed a fan-shaped encirclement and gradually bullied them, obviously trying to close the door and beat the dog.

Yi Tian frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: "I advise you guys not to act rashly, this is a place for cultivating demons and living sacrifices. Any spells you use will be affected by coincidence. Once you break the prohibition, maybe we six People get stuck in it and cannot extricate themselves.”

As soon as the words came out, the two attendants obviously paused, and then opened their spiritual sense and searched around.After three breaths, his expression became more and more solemn, obviously what he said just now really shocked them.After the two of them stopped, they took out their spiritual weapons to defend themselves. Only Ou Jinglong, who was leading the way, showed a look of disdain and said, "Even the place where the demons practiced and sacrificed has been abandoned for thousands of years, not to mention that we have explored all the way. I found something the same. But Fellow Daoist Yi is a bit harsh."

"Then what is the purpose of Fellow Daoist Ou's trip? It's a coincidence that we met underground. If you don't believe me, you can let us go first. At least I don't want to stay here any longer," Yi Tian curled his lips. road.

"Fellow Daoist can leave freely if he wants to, and I won't stop him well," Ou Jinglong said, but others didn't show any intention of letting go.Obviously, it is not difficult to see that the two roads behind him are the way to survive, while the road behind him is a dangerous road.

At this time, Yan Rujun said inappropriately: "Since you both know each other well, I won't bother you, and I will retire."

As he said that, he wanted to find a gap to escape, but on the other hand, the passages on both sides were blocked, and he had to use force to leave.In this way, one party will definitely be offended, and at the same time, he can feel that both parties have locked their spiritual thoughts on him, and a slight movement will definitely usher in a thunderous blow.

The cave became extremely quiet for a while, but the six people held their breaths and held the spiritual weapon in their hands, ready to go.

Suddenly, a loud laugh came from the pair of black stones in the middle: "It has been 8000 years, and someone has finally come here again. Today just happened to give me a full meal."

In an instant, a black light wrinkled and covered the entire cave with a radius of hundreds of feet.Simultaneously, strings of golden seal characters appeared on the mask, sealing off all three exits.

"Who is it?" Ou Jinglong's face changed drastically, he didn't notice the voice so close, and immediately he stretched out his hand and split the black stone in the middle with a golden light.

For a while, a thick bloody smell mixed with the stench of rotting corpses filled the air.Later, a half-foot-sized hard core appeared in the center, and it was from here that the voice that spoke just now came from.

Yi Tian couldn't see through this black hard core with a flash of light in his eyes, and the others didn't know anything about it.But everyone's faces obviously changed slightly, and their tone seemed to be far superior to everyone's strength, and they seemed to be distracted.

Afterwards, several flashes of spiritual light greeted the hard core.There was only a 'bang bang' sound, and everyone's spells hit the hard core and were bounced away one after another.Only the sword light of Yi Tian and Ou Jinglong left three-point marks on it.

Looking at each other, everyone put down their prejudices and formed a united front for the time being.I saw that the surrounding light suddenly rotated rapidly, and the black hard core in the middle also rapidly rotated itself.

Needless to say, we should face up to this thing and manipulate the formation prohibition here. Suddenly, a black mist dispersed and directly filled the stone room space.Yi Tian only felt that the divine sense was blocked and cut off by the black mist, and when it extended outward, it could only detect a space within a radius of one zhang.

Said in a deep voice: "Everyone, be careful not to be attacked by someone." As soon as he finished speaking, he couldn't see the movement of the people around him.

Steady his heart and looked around for a way out. After ten breaths, when he was trying to get out of the predicament, Hua Yuxin's voice suddenly came out of his ear, "Wait for me,"

Following the direction from which the sound came out, I saw a hazy figure appearing in the black mist and approaching me.But before walking within a ten-foot range, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and slashed a thin invisible sword thread, and rolled towards the figure.

With the sound of 'Zla', the figure was scattered directly after the sword light passed by.Yi Tian immediately snorted coldly and said: "If you want to play tricks, let's save money."

Then one-handed seals urged Mifacha to search for the location of Hua Yuxin.Fortunately, they had practiced the induction secret technique together before, and now it just came in handy.

Soon, Hua Yuxin's position was determined by induction, and then the figure under his feet flashed and rushed towards the place with the strongest induction.

A few sword lights flashed from the hands of the figure in the black mist in front of him, Yi Tian waved his sword to set him aside, and then dodged over, hugging Hua Yuxin who was making a move, and bowed his head to transmit the sound Said: "It's me, don't make a sound."

At this time, the horror on Hua Yuxin's face faded instantly and was replaced by an ecstatic face.After hearing Yi Tian's words, he hurriedly put away the spirit sword, and then waited aside.

At this time, there were a few more screams in the black mist, obviously someone had been tricked.Suddenly there was no wind and waves all around, and the black mist rushed towards one direction rapidly.

After ten breaths, the black mist in the entire stone room dissipated, revealing the six people above the scene and a cracked magic core on the ground.

Yi Tian raised his head and looked at the four people in front of him, then he looked shocked and said: "The devil soul seizes the house."

Everyone present was shocked when they saw that Yan Rujun was surrounded by black air, his eyes were red and he looked at everyone with a strange smile on his face.Then he laughed loudly and said, "It's been 8000 years, and I finally have a new body. This long-lost feeling has returned."

After speaking, the aura on his body condensed and his cultivation level exploded immediately, breaking through to the stage of distraction in an instant.

 Thank you for the monthly pass at Zhonggukou
(End of this chapter)

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