
Chapter 1090 Dilemma

Chapter 1090 Dilemma
After the weird scene appeared on the scene, Yi Tian and the others immediately turned ashen-faced as if they were facing a formidable enemy. They looked at each other with Ou Jinglong and the others and saw the horror in each other's eyes.

Facing the monks in the distraction period in such a small space, only with all their strength can they have a chance to fight for a chance.

In this way, Yi Tian sacrificed the Taiyuan Sword to quickly inject spiritual power into it, and at the same time told Hua Yuxin behind him to do his best to protect himself.In front of the monks of the distraction stage, the tricks of the monks of the Nascent Soul stage are almost useless.And this time Hua Yuxin didn't bring the guardian spirit pet Vajra Demon Ape with her, so now she can only hide behind her and defend passively.

Ou Jinglong's face was also livid when he saw Yi Tian's gesture of casting spells and seals just now, he was slightly taken aback, and at the same time stretched out his hand to perform the same trick.

After the two sword lights streaked across the air, they respectively split and dispersed into thin sword wires that hit the place where Yan Rujun was standing.

The two disciples of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect beside Ou Jinglong also bit the bullet and sacrificed the spiritual weapons in their hands at this time, and followed closely behind.Under the interlacing of countless sword lights, they hit the target without omission.

It's just that Yi Tian couldn't be happy at this time, he saw a black halo flickering to block all the attacks.

After all, the forces in the distraction stage are there, even if they just finished seizing the house, they can cast defensive spells to catch all the tricks of the four people.

After three breaths, only the sound of 'Zi Zi' was heard, and it turned out that some sword wires tore open the protective cover and slowly invaded it.Taking a closer look, it is the sword light from Yi Tian's hand, which contains a faint soft golden light.As a result, the sword silk with the blessing of light hit the black protective cover, purifying the black air on it, and then penetrated inch by inch.

At this time, the blackened Yan Rujun was as if he was facing a formidable enemy, and he shouted anxiously: "Buddhist practice, I didn't expect such monks to exist in the spiritual world, it's really careless."

Before the words were finished, a phantom escaped from the protective cover and retreated straight to the depths of the cave, and after regathering the devilish energy, it stared at Yi Tian for a while.After spitting, he yelled: "I didn't expect that I really underestimated you. If you have reached the stage of distraction or the perfection of transformation, maybe I will still be afraid of it. It's a pity that you can't help me now."

As soon as this remark came out, the eyes of the three on Ou Jinglong's side lit up, and then they all flashed around Yi Tian and confronted each other.Obviously, under the restraint of skills, even lack of strength can make up for a lot of gaps.

I saw Yi Tian paused and looked at the three people around him with a look of disdain on his face.Then he asked, "What demon monk are you, why are you here?"

"Hmph, the Demon Saint Crown Prince sits down with Chao Yi, the banner officer. If you spiritual practitioners hadn't sneaked up on me behind my back, I wouldn't have used the demon seed to hide in this dark place for 8000 years."

It turned out to be the demon clan who leaked back then. I didn't expect the news from him to be so different from what I found in the literature.Yi Tian immediately stared at Chao Yi for a while, and then said privately: "Ou Jinglong, it seems that we are going to join forces to fight against the enemy this time. I feel that this person's spirit is unstable, and he probably forcibly suppressed Yan Rujun's spirit. Said Maybe this is our chance of escape."

Slightly nodding his head, Ou Jinglong quietly replied: "You attack first, and we will assist from the side." After speaking, he signaled to the two people behind him to sacrifice the spiritual weapons in their hands and prepare to go.

Seeing such Yi Tian, ​​of course he knew what Ou Jinglong was up to, he turned around and told Hua Yuxin quietly, telling her not to intervene and just guard against it.Then with a stern look on his face, he stretched out his hand and opened his mouth to recite the mantra, and waves of golden light spit out from his mouth and covered Chao Yi in front of him.Obviously, this demon soul just seized the house and didn't even introduce the demon energy into the body.And even though he now occupies Yan Rujun's body, the shape of the whole person has not changed.It shows that he has only temporarily gained control of the body, and has not yet fully controlled it.

It is estimated that there are too many people to face here, and he will waste a lot of time inducing demonic energy, so the two evils are the lesser of two evils, and the crisis in front of him can be solved first.

This is also a rare opportunity for everyone present, as long as they deal with it properly, they may really be able to escape from death.

Seeing that Yi Tian made a move, Ou Jinglong didn't fall behind, and the two behind him communicated easily, and the spiritual weapon turned into several sword threads and flew towards Chao Yi to cut off his back.A black mist gathered to cover Chao Yi's whole body, and the golden light wave hit the mist and made a 'zila' sound.It's a pity that the successive mist filled the gap that had been purified before, and the filling speed was not slow at all.

As for the spells of Ou Jinglong and others, they hit the black mist like mud cows into the sea, and they didn't see any effect at all.But at least Ou Jinglong's sword thread hit the black mist and obviously caused several ripples, quickly consuming the inner devil energy.

The siege war turned into a protracted war. At this time, Yi Tian's mind swept over several people around him, and found that except for himself and Ou Jinglong, the other two seemed to be slightly weaker.The effect of the spell in hand cannot maintain a stable effect under continuous casting.

Suddenly there was a howling sound, and the fog around Chao Yi suddenly started to move and divided into four waves, attacking everyone present.

Pulling back and standing in front of Hua Yuxin's body, he kept chanting the Heavenly Thunder Eight-tone Mantra, several golden light waves spread out and covered the incoming black mist.After a burst of "Zla" hurriedly sounded, the incoming black mist was directly resolved into the invisible.

Ke Yitian's face darkened, and he shouted loudly: "Be careful that the real body is hidden in the black mist."

As soon as the words fell, Ou Jinglong's expression on the side also changed drastically, and the spell in his hand was once again strengthened by three points.The golden sword light smashed the black mist in front of him, and he said a little later: "Not here, two junior brothers be careful."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a person covered in black mist, and then heard a scream from within, and after three breaths, a black figure was thrown out of the black mist.When everyone checked carefully, it turned out to be a corpse that had been drained of blood, and even the heavenly spirit cover had been hollowed out.Apparently Yuan Ying was hit by a blow before he could escape in the future.

Ou Jinglong's expression changed drastically and he gritted his teeth and said, "Chao Yi, you kill my disciple of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, and you will be hunted down endlessly in the future."

After the black mist dissipated for a while, Chao Yi's true face was revealed. At this moment, the corners of his mouth were covered with blood, and he seemed to be chewing something.After swallowing lightly, he said with a smile: "The essence of your spiritual cultivation is in the Nascent Soul Spirit Body, and it still tastes so delicious. Boy, you are not ashamed to speak, but it's a pity that it's just for the benefit of your tongue."

After finishing speaking, his eyes narrowed to look at the four of them, but in the end they stayed on Hua Yuxin.

(End of this chapter)

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