
Chapter 1092 Retreat

Chapter 1092 Retreat
After another confrontation, Yan Rujun's body was beaten into a sieve, and the sword wire penetrated his body, leaving traces of Buddhist power in his body.In this way, the magic energy was purified again from the inside, and the magic energy was forced back into the Niwan Palace from bottom to top.

But the black mist that spread around swallowed the Nascent Soul of another disciple of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect and fed it back to Chao Yi.After receiving the supplement of spiritual power, I saw that black aura in Niwan Palace suddenly flourished.Then he forcibly swallowed up the little golden spiritual power left in the depths of his forehead and escaped directly from his body.

Yi Tian felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy. Although the opponent gave up his body, he didn't know what would happen next.Later, I saw that group of black Nascent Soul driving the black mist circled in place twice, and then flew back to the magic core just now.

Then he hid in front of the three of them again, and the magic core on the ground closed with a 'click' and protected the Nascent Soul inside.The shell fits perfectly without leaving any traces.

Yi Tian manipulated the Taiyuan sword and greeted it several times but failed to leave any sword marks. He was shocked and said: "Chao Yi's strength has improved, and the ordinary trick disaster has caused damage to him."

"Then what should we do?" Hua Yuxin hurriedly asked, "Should we just watch him hide like this?"

Before I finished speaking, the surrounding environment changed again. The corpses of the demon clan deposited in the pools on the ground and the large pieces of flesh and blood that originally buried the magic core were summoned again, and the magic core was firmly wrapped in it, forming a large monster with a size of one foot. The black ball, and blocked the two passages on the opposite side just now.

Yi Tian's complexion darkened, he turned around and took Hua Yuxin to the same road, he would definitely not be able to get there if he stayed here.The only way to survive is to return from a distance, although it will face a large number of crystal pink butterflies, it is better than fighting against the demons here.

After the two of them flashed into the passage in a few steps, Yi Tian hurriedly sacrificed several talismans to set up an ambush at the entrance of the passage behind.Although he and Ou Jinglong teamed up to deal with the demons in the stone room, he still knew about this person in his heart, and he would definitely track down his whereabouts after he escaped from the predicament.

Coupled with the fact that the greed in his eyes was undisguised when he looked at the Pearl of Concentration just now, it goes without saying that nothing good will happen.

Sure enough, after the two returned to the passage, Ou Jinglong would not be so stupid as to stay where he was and wait to die.This time, all the people he brought out died, and even if they went back, they would be reprimanded by the owner of Huayue Castle.

I'm really sorry for myself for not thinking of trying to get some oil and water at this time.Seeing the oil on the soles of Yi Tian's two people's feet, he did not want to be outdone, dodged a few times in the hole and came directly to the entrance of the passage, and drilled in without thinking.

At this time, Yi Tian and Hua Yuxin had walked a hundred feet away from the passage.Suddenly, there was a burst of cracking sound behind him, and then a lot of dust fell from the upper part of the passage.

"Keep going, don't worry about what's behind," Yi Tian said proudly, but he said in his mouth: "When you get to the crystal powder butterfly's cave, open the protective cover, and I will take you out as soon as possible."

"Well, I got it, husband, you should also be careful," Hua Yuxin's expression relaxed a little, and then she kept going straight ahead as instructed.

It didn't take long to arrive at the former Crystal Fendie Cave. When Hua Yuxin walked in, the surrounding light spots seemed to light up slightly, but they didn't attack.

But when Yi Tian entered, the light spots around them flew up and rushed towards the two of them.After Hua Yuxin opened the protective cover, there was a slight fragrance, and the crystal powder butterflies separated to avoid it on purpose.

Although he didn't know what happened, but Yi Tian was overjoyed, and hurriedly shouted: "I'll come into your protective cover." Immediately, Hua Yuxin saw a crack all over his body, and Yi Tian took the opportunity to get in.

In this way, under the protection of Hua Yuxin's protective cover, the two quickly walked towards the other end of the cave.Fortunately, along the way, those crystal pink butterflies retreated directly after dancing around the two of them for a while.

Walking out of the crystal powder butterfly area without any danger, Yi Tian suddenly found out that Ou Jinglong had also arrived at the entrance of the grotto when he stepped into the outward passage.At this time, when he saw the two of them, he shouted angrily: "Stop, you cunning brat is stealing my own special skills, I have to tell Master to tell you to extract your soul and refine your marrow."

"Go, ignore him, think of a way after you get out of trouble," Yi Tian said without looking back, then pulled Hua Yuxin and hurriedly walked towards the underground lava river outside.

I just walked this road half a day ago, so the route is naturally clear.It took the two of them less than half an hour to walk out of the cave ruins.

Back in the valley, Hua Yuxin hurriedly asked: "Husband, what should we do now, then Ou Jinglong is the direct descendant of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect. If he is allowed to return to the sect, he will definitely sue us. Even Qing Court can't keep us."

"Don't worry, he's only targeting me," Yi Tian waved his hand and replied, "And I'm not going to let him go back alive."

Let's talk, a stern look appeared on his face, he had suffered several secret losses in the hands of Ou Jinglong, this time he would always get it back when he found an opportunity.And he made it clear that he would not let him go, so it would be better to take this opportunity to make a deal.

After looking at the surrounding situation, he turned to Hua Yuxin and said, "Go back to Huayue Castle first, and wait for me there for three days. If I don't come back in time, you can go back to Scarlet Rain City."

A sparkle flashed in Hua Yuxin's eyes, sobbing: "I won't go, I will stay and fight against the enemy with my husband."

"No, I don't want to let Ou Jinglong run away because of taking care of you," Yi Tian said decisively: "Besides, you will give Ou Jinglong an opportunity, and I may not be able to do my best."

But at least Hua Yuxin is determined not to leave and promises to stay and help.There is nothing wrong with Yi Tian, ​​so he had to take out the formation plate and set up a large formation in a radius of hundreds of miles.He also handed over the array to Hua Yuxin to control, so that he could use the convenience of the array to deal with Ou Jinglong.

Presumably, his own strength is not weaker than him, but who knows what cards he will have.If you can't kill him in the first place, I'm afraid I can bear it when all his cards are exhausted.

After making arrangements, Yi Tian found an open space, took out the elixir, put it in his mouth and chewed it.Just now, it took a lot of spiritual power to mobilize the concentration beads in the ground, but now the design to deal with Ou Jinglong is an endless situation.Fortunately, I have the upper hand, and I can reply a little while there is still time before he comes out.

In less than an hour, Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting cross-legged near the entrance of the valley, opened his eyes and let out a long breath.I felt a faint wave of spiritual power rushing towards the exit at high speed.

Needless to say, Ou Jinglong should have arrived, but I don't know how he is now.After taking the elixir just now, he dissipated the power of the pill and stone, and he has replenished more than half of his spiritual power. Although he has not yet reached the state of the whole province, he has recovered a lot.

 Thanks to lmxy for the monthly pass

(End of this chapter)

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