
Chapter 1093 Showdown

Chapter 1093 Showdown
As the monk Ou Jinglong who ranked first on the earth evil list, he naturally had absolute confidence in his own strength.Although this time he was in danger at the bottom of the soul-suppressing cave and lost two followers, but after coming out, he was still full of confidence in going one-on-one with Yi Tian.

What worries him most at the moment is that the person has run away, and it will take a lot of effort to chase after him.But when he rushed out of the crypt, he found that Yi Tian didn't leave, but was waiting near the entrance of the cave.

As a result, Ou Jinglong's face was overjoyed, but he couldn't smile in an instant.Obviously this posture was prepared, and his chances of winning in the current one-on-two situation may not be very high.

After flying out of the cave, he spun around in mid-air and released his divine sense to check the surrounding environment. After ten breaths, he slowly landed on the ground.Yi Tian stared at the front of his eyes and said: "I didn't expect you to be waiting here, are you going to catch it without a fight?"

"Who do you think among us can get out of this area alive?" Yi Tian slowly stood up and glanced at him, then replied lightly.

"Isn't that nonsense? Fighting me with your strength is like hitting a stone with an egg. Don't think that you can do whatever you want after you enter the Taiqing Pavilion and become an inner disciple," Ou Jinglong said angrily, "You should know how to steal my Scarlet Rain sword If Zongmen's town-style stunt is caught by the law enforcement elders of the Zongmen, he will surely die."

"No, I will definitely not be caught by the elders of your sect," Yi Tian teased leisurely.

"Are you so confident that you can escape the hunt?" Ou Jinglong asked with a face of disbelief.

After slowly pulling out the Taiyuan Sword, he lightly sacrificed it in his hand, and the spiritual power on his body circulated rapidly, raising his aura to the peak of the middle stage of transformation.

Then, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he looked at the opponent in front of him and said, "There are three reasons why I stay here waiting for you. As far as your character is concerned, if you can eat alone, you won't be in the same sect again. You have seen the heaven-level treasure in my hand. So you won't tell Zongmen."

Ou Jinglong also took out the spirit sword, opened his consciousness and searched around, then said solemnly: "You are right, I am very interested in the treasure in your hand. In the soul cave, it is impossible to explain when you go back, and the things in your hands can offset part of the guilt."

"That's true. Second, you are very self-reliant and you will never pretend to be someone else. I knew you a little bit when I stole the female dragon egg," Yi Tian continued.

"Sure enough, the one who knows me best is the potential enemy. I believe you should have seen my head mission in the black market of Scarlet Rain City. I posted it myself," Ou Jinglong said proudly: "If there is no absolute I will not be so high-profile in my confidence."

"So that's how it is," Yi Tian said with a sneer, "The reward for the bounty should be on you, right? I don't bother you. It seems that I am really lucky today."

"Hmph, if you want to take my head, you have to see if you have enough weight. Your girlfriend is probably already hiding on the side and waiting for an opportunity to attack me. Don't worry, you can deal with her after I take care of her. I guarantee that she will You may not be able to find the opportunity to make a move," Ou Jinglong Zhizai said slowly.

With a cold snort, Yi Tian shook his head and said, "I also think that Yu Xin doesn't even have a chance to make a move. It's enough to deal with you and me alone."

"Is that so?" Ou Jinglong let out a howl, and the spiritual power in his body suddenly surged, and his figure flashed past.

Thousands of untraceable sword threads appeared in the air in an instant, attacking Yi Tian's position.This time Ou Jinglong also shot with all his strength and did not hold back at all. The conversation just now allowed him to buy half a moment of breathing time. Now that he has regained his breath, he rushed forward.

"Well done, I want to see how much stronger your strength is compared to Wei Shichong back then." After speaking, he pointed lightly at the Taiyuan Sword that had already been sacrificially in his hand.Immediately, a condensed sword light flew out of it, disintegrating into tens of thousands of filaments in the air, and then under the control of the divine sense, they interweaved around to form a sword net for defense.

After a crisp sound of 'ping ping pong pong', the surrounding ground of the sword net's defense was split and sunk, leaving only the inner protection part still alive.

After putting away his defense, Yi Tian coldly looked at Ou Jinglong who was in mid-air and sighed: "Your sword skills are only so-so, and your sword moves are fast and inaccurate. The impetuousness of the sword did not incorporate the sword intent at all, I am really too tall I count on you."

"Nonsense, I don't believe that you can be stronger than me because you have become a monk and practiced my sect's unique skills," Ou Jinglong said angrily.

As soon as he finished speaking, Yi Tian reached out and shook the Taiyuan Sword in his hand, and then a trace of majestic and majestic sword momentum emerged spontaneously.At the same time, the sword light transformed by the Taiyuan Sword in his hand flashed across the void and instantly responded to the opponent in the same way.

It's just that his own tricks look simple and unpretentious, not as grand as Ou Jinglong's just now.But in terms of the solidity of the sword thread alone, it is more than three points stronger.

This time it was Ou Jinglong's turn to change his complexion, and he could feel the sword intent contained in the pounced sword thread in an instant.That unpretentious aura completely concealed the killing intent inside, compared to his sword moves, no matter in terms of momentum, power or solidity, he was completely at a disadvantage.

Seeing Yi Tian with a tired face, Ou Jinglong felt extremely regretful at this moment.I thought it was a soft persimmon, but I didn't expect to mention the iron plate this time.But the attacking sword silk could not tolerate deceit, opened the protective cover and took out a shield in front of him.

A beam of light from the soaring sword slammed into Ou Jinglong who was in mid-air from bottom to top, pushing him ten feet away under the attack before he stabilized his figure a little.

Yi Tian slowly flew up into the air and confronted the opponent. After his divine sense passed by, he found that there was a sword thread that broke into Ou Jinglong's defense and pierced through his arm.At the same time, a wound as thin as a needle's eye was left on his arm, and a trace of blood slowly flowed out from the wound.

I saw that the other party covered the wound, exerted spiritual power and tapped a few times to stop the bleeding in an instant, and then there was a little unconfident look on his face.After the beam of light from the sword thread disappeared, Ou Jinglong looked at Yi Tian below with an incredulous face, and shouted urgently: "Why, your cultivation base is not as high as mine, but your swordsmanship is superior to mine. Is it the hole card you rely on?"

"My hole card is not only like this, but you are different. If there is no last move, I believe we should decide the winner after the next move," Yi Tian replied lightly.

"Stop looking down on people," Ou Jinglong said grimly.After speaking, he took out the wooden sword talisman that he had just taken out from the underground grotto, and poured all the spiritual power in his hands into it.In his mouth, he shouted wildly: "Didn't you say that my swordsmanship is not as good as yours, then come and try my Scarlet Rain Sword Sect's real swordsmanship."

In an instant, a spiritual pressure burst out from him, and Yi Tian took a closer look at the source of the spiritual pressure, which turned out to be the wooden sword amulet, and its strength had exceeded the scope of the transformation stage.Obviously this thing is a talisman left for him by Master Ou Jinglong or his family, and it contains the full blow of the distracted cultivator.

(End of this chapter)

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